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217 pages of results. 121. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have been seen by ancient man in the skies. Peratt's research was inspired by Dave Talbott, author the Saturn Myth, and Wal Thornhill whose articles on The Electric Universe have appeared in SIS publications. Their forthcoming book, Thunderbolts ... When referred to natural phenomena on earth the images could not be more preposterous. Yet the divine thunderbolt of world mythology and symbolism finds its parallels in electrical discharge structures seen in plasma laboratory experiments. One outstanding example (featured on ... , illuminated by Juergens' proposal, suggested a possibility that had never been considered before. Many cultures recall a mythical warrior or giant struck down by a thunderbolt and scarred by the deep gash or wound it left on his forehead ...
122. Thoth Vol I, No. 3: February 18, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... in the heavens. THE END What an outrageous claim to make- to suggest that there are no domains of ancient myth that can be isolated from this singular story! But I am not just arguing by proclamation here. I am ... , at our first critical juncture. An acid test. Can a mere seven categories actually encompass all of world mythology? While there are numerous complexities and ambiguities to slow us down periodically, the vast majority of well-documented regional figures ... though Jungian archetypes may indeed come into the equation in the bigger picture. For now, I mean the common mythical, symbolic and ritual themes of widely separate cultures. Another way of putting it might be, "Points of ...
123. He Who Shines by Day [Books] [de Grazia books]
... portrayed on the pediment the birth of Pallas Athena [3 ]. In the manner of legend, an alternative myth is offered. "Some Hellenes say that Athena had a father named Pallas, a winged goatish giant, who ... again in his patients' dreams. He is cometary Venus who struck by Jupiter's lightning fell from heaven. Many mythological narratives recount the event of Lucifer's, Phaeton's, and Typhon's (the Egyptian devil's) fall. It is comprehensible ... the onlookers wished that the forbidding figure should lose its tail - conceived as male attribute - with which it threatened to annihilate the whole population of the earth." Again, Dr. Rix calls my attention to the deity, ...
124. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Polar Myths. The North 4. THE NORTH. Out of the North cometh golden splendour Eloah hath upon him terrible Majesty ... think he will say that all the much derided "absurdities" about them at once become the most orthodox cosmic mythology. The divine progeny of Boreas, the Boreades, naturally had the supreme care of this temple. (Claudius ... Aelianus (2nd century A.D .) stated that the three sons of Boreas and Chionc were the priests of Apollo there, and that they were of the height of 6 cubits. But Diodorus said that all the HyperBoreans ...
... The Chronicler's Tale 12 II. The Figure in Finland 26 III. The Iranian Parallel 36 IV. History, Myth and Reality 43 Intermezzo: A Guide for the Perplexed 56 V. The Unfolding in India 76 VI. Amlodhi's ... Wheeler, The Sacred Scriptures of the Japanese (1952), p. vi.]. Most of Hebrew mythology wears the hempen homespun of peasants and patriarchs from Palestine. Japanese myth bears the mark of an already refined perverse ... world. back of which there is the baroque elegance and fantasy of late Chinese culture. With this premise, here is the story of the Japanese Samson, Susanowo, whose name means Brave-Swift- Impetuous-Male. No better set of ...
126. The Uses of Language [Books] [de Grazia books]
... is perennially successful. Such "success through failure" is achieved not only in the Love Affair but in all myth. It is granted to few minds to comprehend the mechanism. Even philosophers build defenses against its comprehension. Some ... of the same root, means "shining, the shining one, radiant" and was the name of the mythical son of Helios who, paralyzed by fright, let the chariot of the Sun scorch the Earth and plunged to ... of the Heroes" sung to Odysseus before he hears of the Love Affair. It is as if our primeval myth-maker knew the crude principle of stardom in Hollywood. "If they can't remember the story, they'll remember who starred ...
... The Chronicler's Tale 12 II. The Figure in Finland 26 III. The Iranian Parallel 36 IV. History, Myth and Reality 43 Intermezzo: A Guide for the Perplexed 56 V. The Unfolding in India 76 VI. Amlodhi's ... our Lord and Saint Willehad, in getting safely on board their ships. [n4 V. Rydberg, Teutonic Mythology (1907), p. 320.] The Latin text (Rydberg, p. 422) uses the ... familiar name of Euripus. The Euripus, which has already come up in the Phaedo, was really a channel between Euboea and the mainland, in which the conflict of tides reverses the current as much as seven times a day ...
128. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... and sumerian records. The session on mythologies and religions presents new paradigms that explain the remarkably complex structure of ancient myths and religions, where common and recurrent elements are present. Two alternative proposals for the Atlantis legend are discussed and ... of planet Earth and consequently in the ancient history of Homo Sapiens, where the roots are to be found in mythological and religious heritage. Among the important new findings in astronomy are the discovery of the chaoticity of the planetary orbits ... has quite special features. It is not based upon a scientific foundation but is a "sapiential" reflection using mythical language. The best definition is metahistorical ethiology, i.e . the reaching of the heart of being, ...
129. Thoth Vol II, No. 11: June 30, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... three primary components, each entirely dependent upon the comparative method: (1 ) the demonstration of parallels between the myths and mythical characters of different cultures; (2 ) the identification of various mythical characters with the respective planetary bodies ... civilization. Amy Acheson thoth@whidbey.com- NOTES ON THE COMPARATIVE METHOD By Ev Cochrane The science of mythology, as I've come to practice it, has three primary components, each entirely dependent upon the comparative method: ... effort to explain the celestial order as he saw it in terms of the "divine perfect circles" of his mythical/religious heritage. Copernicus' new viewpoint was based on the same assumption that there is something sacred about " ...
130. The Olympian Rulers [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Jupiter's thunderbolts racked the universe. The Earth was violently convulsed. Seth, then, must somehow supply in Egyptian myth and in the sky the material for the four great battles of Zeus or Jupiter. We therefore make Seth an ... that represent catastrophes [7 ]. (See the Golspie stone of Figure 28.) The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology [8 ] carries this description of Seth : "Set is represented as having the features of a fantastic beast ... then, that the cloud bands and belts of Jupiter were well-known in the earliest times. THE LIGHTNING GOD The mythical aegis of Zeus, which was occasionally lent to Pallas Athene (planet Venus), and which is depicted in ...
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