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... Has tradition any reminiscence of such? The strange doctrine of Anaxagoras Chaldean and Egvptian traditions A natural explanation. The myth of Phaethon . Length of day at the Pole Irania and Aztec Tradition The tradition of the Northmen Result CHAPTER II ... the book has interest, and, it is hoped, value as a contribution to the infant science of Comparative Mythology. By the application of the author's " True Key to Ancient Cosmology and Mythical Geography," it has been ... OF " ANFANGSGRUNDE DER LOGIK," " EINLEITUNG INDIE SYSTHMATISCHE THEOLOGIE," "THE TRUE KEY TO ANCIENTCOSMOLOGY AND MYTHICAL GEOGRAPHY. ' ETC., ETC. LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIMINGTON CROWN BUILDINGS, 188 ...
... long-standing problem in Egyptian cosmology 104 Its solution 107 CHAPTER X POINTS AND PROBLEMS FOR FUTURE STUDT The prehistoric world-concept 109 Myths as beginnings of a philosophy of nature 110 Why hard to understand 112 Their seeming lack of harmony often unreal 112 ... the Dead 157 III. Homer s Abode of the Living 178 IV. The Gates of Sunrise in the Oldest Mythologies 192 V. The Homeland of the Gandharvas 197 VI. The World-Tree of the Teutons 200 VII. Problems Still ... in Indo-Aryan Cosmology 205 Index of Authors 217 IX. Index of Subjects 221 . ILLUSTRATIONS Universe of the Ancient Babylonians FRONTISPIECE PAGE The Hebrew Universe, drawn by Whitehouse 20 The Hebrew Universe, drawn by Schiaparelli 27 The Egyptian Universe aa ...
3. Aster and Disaster: Toward a Catastrophist Mode of Mythological Interpretation [Journals] [Kronos]
... terminated that blissful era, and disguised recapitulations of paradisial and lapsarian situations in subsequent human thought and behavior. DEFINING MYTH To ascertain the meaning of the term "myth", a number of procedures are helpful. Of these, ... IX No. 1 (Fall 1983) Home | Issue Contents Aster and Disaster: Toward a Catastrophist Mode of Mythological Interpretation Roger W. Wescott Copyright (c ) 1983 by Roger W. Wescott Editor's Note. This paper is ... relatively non-committal appellation.) The first article in the series, which appears below, deals with the nature of mythic tradition and its relation to other forms of oral and written literature Later articles will deal with the tradition of the ...
4. The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers [Journals] [Aeon]
... (Dec 1994) Home | Issue Contents The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers David Talbott Author of The Saturn Myth INTRODUCTION Why should we care about myth? I think there's a very good reason to care about myth, even ... work puts a new emphasis on the unusual celestial events reflected in the myths. When you first dive into world mythology, all of your prior training will tell you to dismiss the myth-makers as fabricators or victims of hallucination. But ... another way to see the myths. Ancient man experienced extraordinary events, then strove to remember and to reenact them through every means available. The result was not only a global mythology, but entirely new forms of human expression. ...
5. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... ' if not less arduous kind, to devote years of labour to the study of the origin of cosmopolitan religious myths and symbols' and embody the results in a work of so profound and varied a character. Gifted with intellectual ... The Night of the Gods Vol II An Inquiry into Cosmic and Cosmogenic Mythology and Symbolism John O'Neill On dentandoit ti Solon s'it avoit estably les rneilleures laix qu'il avoit pert aux Athdniens. " 'Otiy bien," respondit-il, ... ; name cannot possibly be drawn from the Sun. It is here impossible to avoid the repetition of the central mythic cosmic fact that `ET.iK7 means a turn or a tower, a round turn' a volution ; ...
6. On Models and Scenarios [Journals] [Aeon]
... the catastrophic transformation of the configuration into the "world tree" of seven bands, and the idea that many myths which had long been understood in terrestrial terms- such as, most importantly, the creation and the deluge- ... have stated the thesis of the polar configuration as a unified theory of myth, it must be tested against the mythologies of all peoples. Conversely, I have urged others seeking to develop a particular interpretation not to limit their investigation ... presented in this issue. Since the researchers involved have suggested varying interpretations of the polar configuration concept or of the mythical data behind it, I wish to briefly state the thesis for which I claim originality. In 1972 I employed ...
... The Chronicler's Tale 12 II. The Figure in Finland 26 III. The Iranian Parallel 36 IV. History, Myth and Reality 43 Intermezzo: A Guide for the Perplexed 56 V. The Unfolding in India 76 VI. Amlodhi's ... who are bound by oaths to serve the gods. Their chief is Egil, the most famous archer in the mythology. As such he is also called Orvendel (the one busy with the arrow)." [n15 V ... Rydberg, Teutonic Mythology (1907), pp. 424ff., 968ff.]. We had better stop getting diffuse concerning Sirius the Arrow and his role as guardian and as "measurer of the depth of the sea" ...
8. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... and Settings 120 XIII. The Egyptian Heavens- the Zodiacs of Denderah 132 XIV. The Circumpolar Constellations: the Myth of Horus 144 XV. Temples Directed to the Stars 155 XVI. Further Inquiries with Regard to the Stellar Temples ... The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians The Dawn of Astronomy A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians J. Norman Lockyer CONTENTS Title Page Chapter Page Preface vii ... typifying old age. The hours of the day were also personified, the twelve changes during the twelve hours being mythically connected with the sun's daily movement across the sky. file:///C |/ CAT/books ...
9. Night of the Gods: Disputatio Circularis [Books]
... case or explain the origin of the word `heaven' or get to the Ding an Sich of the Atlas myth on any other than the Axis theory favoured in this Inquiry. It is hard luck that a book like this ... to deal. Thus, too, is here posited as it were a division of Cycletic or Helissal or Kinetic Mythology, a mythology of motion which may disclose to us even archaic glimmerings in China of palpitating nebula, and in ... with the Amenomi Naka Nushi of archaic Japan. This is attempted in the chapters concerned with the Polestar and the mythic sacredness of the North; where also the Eye of Heaven and the Omphalos myths find their local habitation. There ...
10. Mother Goddess and Warrior-Hero (Part One) [Journals] [Aeon]
... the prior discussion of the polar configuration has perhaps created a false impression that must now be corrected. Because the myths present Saturn as the "first father"- the central sun and creator who originally stood "alone" in ... goddess and warrior hero, this series can only adumbrate a subject whose full illumination will require volumes. Taking world mythology and folklore as a whole, the two most active and frequently-occurring figures are (as illuminated by the archetypes of ... Venus. And both Mars and Venus are so closely tied to the personality of the central sun as to serve mythically as the god's externalized "attributes," contributing independently to the god's life, death and re-birth. If this ...
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