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676 results found.
68 pages of results. 31. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... Back | Main Contents | Volume Contents | Forward The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume III Bible Times and Characters from the Exodus to the Death of Moses Balaam's Ass Balaam Runs into His Own Destruction Balaam with Balak Balaam's Sacrifices Refused Balaam Extols Israel Balaam's Hopes Disappointed Curses Turned into Blessings Balaam's Wicked Counsel Phinehas, Zealous for God Twelve Miracles Phinehas Rewarded The Daughters of Zelophehad The Appointment of Joshua BALAAM'S ASS Balaam could hardly await the morning, rejoicing no less than Balak's messengers at God's consent to his journey to Balak, and still hoping that he might succeed in bringing disaster upon Israel. In his haste to set out, he himself saddled his ass although he did ...
32. Darkness Over Sinai (Where was Moses when the light went out?) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 2 (Jan 1993) Home | Issue Contents Darkness Over Sinai (Where was Moses when the light went out?)By David A. Slade In Jewish tradition the Israelites did not see the face of the Sun during the wandering in the desert because of clouds. They were also unable to orientate themselves on their march. No cause is given for these overcast conditions. This forty year-long obscuration is considered by Velikovsky as being due to multiple prolonged volcanic eruptions and the gaseous tail of a great cinder-trailing comet [1 ]. The degree of darkness' is not known, but it is common knowledge that cloud cover during ...
... Back | Main Contents | Volume Contents | Forward The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Translated from the German Manuscript by Paul Radin III Bible Times and Characters from the Exodus to the Death of Moses 1911 To My Mother On The Occasion Of Her Seventieth Birthday PREFACE MOSES IN THE WILDERNESS The Long Route - Pharaoh Pursues the Hebrews - The Sea Divided - The Passage through the Red Sea - The Destruction of the Egyptians - The Song of the Sea - The Awful Desert - The Heavenly Food - The Gathering of the Manna - Miriam's Well - Amalek's War against Israel Amalek Defeated - Jethro - Installation of Elders - Jethro Rewarded - The Time is at Hand - The Gentiles ...
34. A Critical Re-appraisal of the Book of Genesis, Part Two [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1987 No 2 (Jan 1988) Home | Issue Contents A Critical Re-appraisal of the Book of Genesis, Part Two by Damien Mackey, Frank Calneggia and Paul Money Part Two: Moses as Compiler of the Book of Genesis In Part One we looked at the structure of the Book of Genesis, and found that the key to the structure of the first book of Scripture was to be found in the repetitious phrase, "These are the generations ( 'Toledoth') of..." Now, in Part Two, we shall be examining Genesis from the linguistic point of view. It will be shown that Egyptian exerted considerable ...
... IDEA only but can account of what really came to pass in the Earth, and the true explication of Noah's Flood. An examination of Tehom-Rabbah or the Great Abyss, and that by it the sea cannot be understood, nor the subterraneous waters as they are at present. What the true notion and form of it was, collected from Moses and other Sacred writers. observations on Deucalion's Deluge. CHAPTER. VIII. The particular history of Noah's Flood is explained in all t he material parts and Circumstances of it, according to the preceding theory. Any seeming difficulties remov'd and the whole section concluded with a place how far the Deluge may be look'd upon is' the effect ...
36. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, "Freud's Moses" [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon III:4 (Dec 1993) Home | Issue Contents BOOK REVIEW: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, Freud's Moses (Yale University Press: New Haven),199l. Reviewed by Ev Cochrane (C ) 1993 by Author The past few years have seen the appearance of a spate of books devoted to the life and theories of Sigmund Freud. Much like Moses himself, there seems to be no limit to scholars' fascination with this pivotal figure of twentieth century thought. In addition to Freud's seminal influence upon intellectual life in general, there is also the more specific question of his influence upon Velikovsky. Not only did Velikovsky make psychoanalysis his chosen profession, his ...
37. A Tale of Two Mountains: Ararat and Sinai [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1998:2 (Mar 1998) Home | Issue Contents A Tale of Two Mountains: Ararat and Sinai by Damien F. Mackey Moses wrote the Exodus account in terms of a miniature Flood story', portraying himself as the new Noah. This article illustrates the Flood-Exodus parallelisms and ultimately draws the conclusion that the reason why Mount Sinai was revered as the mountain of God', even prior to the Exodus (cf. 3:1 ), was because it was the mountain upon which Noah's Ark had landed. A: Comparisons Between Genesis and Exodus Moses, who compiled Genesis from the series of family histories (Toledoth) of ...
... made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raameses. ' This period of slavery must have lasted more than 80 years for Moses was born in this background and was 80 years old at the time of the Exodus. [Footnote: Cf. Deut. 34:7 ; Ex. 16:35, and Josh. 5:6 .] As the story goes, Moses, born of Hebrew parents, was taken into the king's palace to be brought ...
39. The Ark in Action [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the Seven Planets, showing a probable Cause of their keeping their due Distances from each other, and the Sun in the Center...[1 ] Until the 17th century, "experiment (what little of it there was) belonged to natural magic, '. .. "[ 2 ] Then, three thousand years after Moses, the European-American world rediscovered electricity through experiment, that is, "natural magic." We see clearly now why the tradition that Moses was a great magician, no matter how often "rebutted" by his admirers and "advanced" theologians, persisted. He who was an experimenter was thought to be a magician. He who ...
40. The Shrine of Baal-Zephon [Journals] [Aeon]
... : Aeon IV:6 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents The Shrine of Baal-Zephon Dwardu Cardona * See note below. Two items concerning the route of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt have bothered me ever since I was a young man. It is told in the Book of Exodus that, after leaving Egypt, the Israelites, under Moses, traveled a certain distance toward the wilderness, stopped, and then turned back toward Egypt to a place called Pi-ha-hiroth which is described as having been "before Baal-zephon." If the Israelites were really trying to escape from Egypt, why did they turn back? When the Israelites traveled that "certain distance," they did not ...
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