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68 pages of results. 221. A Chart to Illustrate the Conquest of Canaan [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the sites of Arad and Hormah. As the chart indicates, both these sites reveal MBA cities, but little or nothing from the LBA. Discussing this fact, Aharoni makes the following significant remarks: "We therefore arrive at a most startling conclusion: the biblical traditions associated with the Negeb battles cannot represent historical sources from the days of Moses and Joshua, since nowhere in the Negeb are there any remains of the Late Bronze Age. However, the reality described in the Bible corresponds exactly to the situation during the Middle Bronze Age, when two tels, and two tels only, defended the eastern Negeb against the desert marauders, and the evidence points towards the identification of ...
222. Jupiter -- God of Abraham (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... Dimont also made the erroneous statement that Abram "met" the Lord God Jehovah' for the first time" in Haran(39) and that Jehovah (or Yahweh) became the god of Abraham.(40) This is not so. The Book of Exodus, for instance, is very specific: "And God spoke unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord: "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of El Shaddai [translated as God Almighty' in the King James version], but by my name Jehovah [ 'Adonai' in the Douay] was I not known to them ...
223. Chaldean Account of Genesis [Books]
... before they were committed to writing, and some of these traditions, as embodied in the various works, exhibit great difference in details, showing that they had passed through many changes. Taking the period of literary development in Babylonia as extending from BC 2000 to 1550, we may say, it roughly synchronizes with the period from Abraham to Moses, according to the ordinary chronology of our Bibles, and during this period it appears that traditions of the creation of the universe, and human history down to the time of Nimrod, existed parallel to, and in some points identical with, those given in the Book of Genesis. Many of the documents embodying these traditions have been ...
224. SIS Study Group 17th June 2000 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to be fatal and in recent times foreigners had received 100 strokes for alcohol-related offences in Saudi Arabia and survived. Perhaps here, too, the meaning was not literal, the Judge being required to set a fair number of stripes according to the crime, and no more. JC said in the Koran 40' was used, as with Moses, to define some periods in the life of Mohammed, so was regarded among Muslims as a holy number. There seemed to be an element of this in the OT references. The 40-year eras were mostly those which might be regarded as ordained by God, or under his overall stewardship. The fact that such usage applies only to ...
225. De Grazian Discography (Reviewed) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as Velikovsky proposed, against a background of meteoritic showers and significantly enhanced electrical charge on the atmosphere, then many supposedly supernatural events in the biblical account are susceptible to a scientific explanation. De Grazia takes Velikovsky's scenario considerably further, particularly with regard to electrical phenomena, then goes on - drawing on his background in political science - to analyse Moses' leadership qualities and the group dynamics which may have operated throughout that eventful sojourn. Having reviewed Cosmic Heretics in SISR (Vol.VII, Part A), I need say no more here except that it remains the only available comprehensive account of the character of Velikovsky, his disciples and detractors and the Affair', written by ...
226. The Life of Flavius Josephus - Autobiography [Books]
... , to his due punishment; and it was Jesus, the son of Sapphias, who principally set them on. He was ruler in Tiberias, a wicked man, and naturally disposed to make disturbances in matters of consequence; a seditious person he was indeed, and an innovator beyond every body else. He then took the laws of Moses into his hands, and came into the midst of the people, and said," O my fellow citizens! if you are not disposed to hate Josephus on your own account, have regard, however, to these laws of your country, which your commander-in-chief is going to betray; hate him therefore on both these accounts, ...
227. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and his relationship with the warrior-poet David acquire new, intriguing and immensely tragic overtones. Salkeld explained that in the Exodus and Conquest eras power was exercised by prophets, priests and judges. The prophets revealed God's commands to men. The priests mediated between men and God, and Judges mediated between man and man. This system was established by Moses, who was both Great Prophet and Chief Justice, while his brother was High Priest. With such nepotism it is no wonder there were murmurings against Moses in the desert, Salkeld observed. He went on to the biblical account of Samuel. The areas discussed were, in summary, Samuel as a youth under his mother Hannah's influence ...
228. Resurrecting Genesis: Displacing the Failed Theory of Naturalistic Evolution, by John R. Hadd (Book Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... shred of evidence from Hebrew history to support Graf-Wellhausen's [documentary] hypothesis. ' Hadd says that if the Pentateuchal text is considered in its entirety: the impression is all but irresistible that Mosaic authorship is the one theory which best accords with the facts. ' On that, he and I fully agree. But chapter 5qualifies Mosaic authorshipthus: Moses was given sufficient insight to record a reliable general description of the creation process. I believe that Moses recorded faithfully to the extent that he was informed. His was a true, though not exhaustive, revelation from God. ' It adds: The contention of a substantive disparity between chapters 1 and 2 is entirely mistaken. Genesis presents ...
229. Rohl's theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the same basis as the folk tales told in the Pentateuch and first assigned to writing rather less contemporaneously than, say, were Charles Kingsley's Victorian inventions about Hereward the Wake. "Let us admit at the outset", he said, early on, "that the archaeologists have found not one shred of evidence for the historical reality of Moses or of the Israelite exile in Egypt." Then he seemed conveniently to forget this point, and went on "We are standing here in the Nile delta, on the site of a city built by Israelite slave labour." His thesis seems bound into twisting the historical story to fit with his reading of the mythological one. ...
230. German Conference: from Gunnar Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... ,100 I had none of this expertise. Of high interest to me was a talk on Chinese chronology which- according to the Russian scholar Morozow- was built in the 17/18th century by Jesuite missioners. Chinese -1400 as the starting point of high civilization there, thus, indirectly is also Bible, i.e ., Moses bound. The poor Chinese (or better: Jeuites), I add, could not know that it would not be before 1900 that high civilization in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Palestine would be pushed back to -3000 and Moses be discarded as a historical figure of -1400. Though they are trying hard these days also to stretch back to ...
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