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676 results found.
68 pages of results. 171. The Jewish Science of Immanuel Velikovsky [Articles]
... ; it is conceivable that he edited the books of Kings and Chronicles and it is also assumed that he had his hand in composing the books that go under the names of Nehemiah and Ezra. He was guided by the vision of the past, the misty time of the patriarchs, the days and years when the nation, led by Moses, went through its most sublime period. He also carried with him from exile the vision of the future role of Israel. He introduced the reading of the Torah (Pentateuch) in public; he instituted the feast of Tabernacles (Succoth). More than any other prophet, priest, or scribe, he carries the responsibility for ...
172. Jerusalem -- City of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... - a light with cosmic implications since it was frequently likened to that of the sun. [* * Cf. Revelation 22:16- "I , Jesus . . . am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star. "] The personal splendor of Christ may also be likened unto that which issued from Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the Law. "The skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. And when Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him."(155) ...
173. The Lord Of Light [Journals] [Aeon]
... A star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a comet shall rise out of Israel." (46) Astral Parallels The sighting of the Star in the East on the part of the Magi, their meeting with King Herod, and the latter's reactionary "massacre of the innocents" finds its parallel in the births of Abraham and Moses. In the case of Abraham, "a late Midrash recounts that, on the day he was born, astrologers (or Magi') notified King Nimrod that he should seize the child, for an evil omen had foretold his birth: they had seen a star rising in the heavens and devouring four other stars." ( ...
174. Royal Incest [Books] [de Grazia books]
... it succeeds in making a single person out of two of the most famous heroes of antiquity. Nor are they of the so numerous type of military heroes. They are the active substances of the raging intellect, flourishing amongst squirmy snakes of psychology and religion. Should the temporal sequence be right, then the book would be valid, that Moses preceded Akhnaton and Akhnaton came before Oedipus. The legendary, historical, psychological and archaeological evidence marched in brilliant composition and concordance on behalf of V. s thesis. That Moses had come first follows from V. s book, Ages in Chaos, already a decade old, which was to be read and to convince Deg in a ...
175. Philologos | The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV [Books]
... at Jerusalem was completed; Kislew and Tebet were the months during which Sihon and Og were conquered by the Israelites, and in Shebat occurred the sanguinary campaign of the eleven tribes against the godless children of Benjamin. Not alone was Adar a month without favorable significance in Jewish history, but actually a month of misfortune, the month in which Moses died. What Haman did not know was, that Adar was the month in which occurred also the birth of Moses. (108) Then Haman investigated the twelve signs of the zodiac in relation to Israel, and again it appeared that Adar was the most unfavorable month for the Jews. The first constellation, the Ram, said ...
176. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of most types of natural catastrophe the book has some value, enhanced, I feel, by the author not being a disciple of NATURE. Despite the mainly orthodox approach, some less orthodox thoughts may be suggested to the reader. Acknowledgement: to Birgit Liesching, who drew my attention to this book. Jill Abery ADVERTISEMENT GOD'S FIRE: MOSES AND THE MANAGEMENT OF EXODUS by Alfred de Grazia "A scientific adventure into a peak historical crisis involving Moses, Pharaoh, the great God Yahweh, their desperate peoples, the fall of civilisations, and the birth of a new age. The depredations of a great comet provoke an electrified age and electrical inventions. A unique psychiatric analysis ...
177. The Chronology of the Late Kings of Egypt [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... in the Delta to meet the various times the king was in the area of the enslaved Israelites. It would seem these kings must have done a lot of moving. He was there for an extended time in the time of Joseph; he was there at the time of the migration of Jacob; he was there at the birth of Moses; he was there as Moses grew up; he was there when Moses fled; be was there all during the time of the plagues; and he was there at the exodus and he accompanied his army in pursuit of the Israelites. These facts as stated hardly allow the concept of a periodic visit.20 As has been noted ...
178. Velikovsky and Historical Anti-Naturism [Journals] [Kronos]
... research in order to refute Freud's approach to both history and religion. He had already tentatively identified the pharaoh Akhnaton as the prototype of the Oedipus legend, apparently on the basis of a 1912 article in Imago by Freud's own protege, Karl Abraham.(15) In search of "something of interest"(16) to use for Moses, Freud's other "hero", he found a piece in a 1923 British geographical journal that purported to show that the Dead Sea was not one million years old as supposed, but was as little as 50,000 or even less than 4,000 years old (based on the amount of magnesium or sodium found in the ...
179. The Dating of Hammurabi [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Benjaminites and Dawidum come to prominence in Middle East history? The tribe of Benjamin was not found in Palestine until the Israelites invaded Canaan (c . 1450 B.C .) . Early in the time of the Judges a civil war decimated the tribe of Benjamin (Judges 20-21). Phinehas, grandson of Aaron, the brother of Moses, was a priest in Israel at that time (20:28). Since the young Phinehas was alive at the time Israel was waiting in the land of Shittim to invade Canaan (Numbers 25), the decimation of Benjamin occurred no later than 100 years thereafter, or 1350 B.C . About 1096 Saul told Samuel ...
180. Index of Authors
... Of Venus- "A Newborn Babe" Charles Ginenthal, The Youthful Atmosphere Of Venus Charles Ginenthal, William H. Stiebing, Jr., and Immanuel Velikovsky Charles H. Hapgood, The Punctuation Marks of Geological History Charles H. Seitz, The Sacred Mountain Charles McDowell, Solomon's Temple: An Astronomical Observatory Charles McDowell, The Egyptian Prince Moses Charles Raspil, Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity Charles Raspil, Observations of Venus by James I Charles Raspil, Snapshots of the Gods? Charles Raspil, Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record Charles Raspil, Spatters And Planetary Iconography Charles Raspil, The Ching Hsing Charles Raspil, Trisms and Planetary Iconography (1 )" Charles W ...
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