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177 pages of results. 71. The Origin Of The Planetary System, Prologue Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... and the celestial mechanics of Newton. The sun attracts the planets, and if it were not for a second urge, they would fall into the sun; but each planet is impelled by its momentum to proceed in a direction away from the sun, and as a result, an orbit is formed. Similarly, a satellite or a moon is subject to an urge that drives it away from its primary, but the attraction of the primary bends the path on which the satellite would have proceeded if there had been no attraction between the bodies, and out of these urges a satellite orbit is traced. The inertia or persistence of motion implanted in planets and satellites was postulated ...
72. Disarranged Months, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... days. These were the value s at the beginning and at the end of the century of "the battle of the gods." As a result of the perturbations of this century, there were intermediary values of the year and the month. The length of the year probably ranged between 360 and 365 ¼ days, bu t the moon, being a smaller (or weaker) body than the earth, suffered greater perturbations from the contacting body, and the intermediate values of the month could have been subjected to greater changes. Plutarch declares that in the time of Romulus the people were "irrational and irregular in their fixing of the months," and reckoned some months ...
73. H. H. Hess and My Memoranda [Journals] [Pensee]
... is a relative term and liquid helium is hot in relation to liquid hydrogen. As to my claim concerning the magnetosphere, Menzel argued that since I claimed that the magnetosphere reaches as far as the lunar orbit, I made a wrong prediction. The magnetosphere, he said, does not reach more than a few terrestrial radii, whereas the moon is 60 terrestrial radii distant. Hess was adversely impressed by the attitude of the scientific community toward me and my work; still subscribing to the accepted uniformitarian doctrine, he had sympathy for my independent stand. He wrote a letter that was intended for public record and which Doubleday incorporated in its "Report on the Velikovsky Controversy," ...
74. A Hypothetical Ancient Telescope [Journals] [Horus]
... , and brought them together to form an optical system in which the 1000 ml flask was the objective and the 25 mI flask served as the eyepiece. The system focused parallel rays of light when the globes were held nine centimeters apart. The hypothetical ancient telescope as assembled and used Initial observations were made April 11, 1978, and the Moon appeared wondrous in the telescope. Words simply fail in describing the beauty of a nearly full Moon magnified by water! The craters Tycho, Copernicus, Plato and the Alps were easily visible. I repeated these observations November 4, 1984. It is apparent that any ancient astronomer viewing the moon under such circumstances would not fail to recognize ...
75. The Celestial Harmony, Prologue Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Celestial Harmony The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The day consists of twenty-four hours. The year consists of 365 days, 5 hours, and 49 minutes. The moon circles around the earth, changing its phases- crescent, full, decrescent. The terrestrial axis points in the direction of the polar star. After winter comes spring, then summer and fall. These are common facts. Are they invariable laws? Must it be so forever? Was it so always? The sun has nine planets. Mercury has no satellites; Venus has no ...
76. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... for one of the (, quarterlies, that it occurred to him that the common origin of the religious myths and symbols is to be found in the impression made on the mind of every race in every clime, by thê phenomena of the revolution of the earth, and its relation, real or apparent, to the sun, the moon and the stars. The phenomena being universally observed by primitive man in the same stage of development, and under very similar conditions' gave rise to similar, if not to identical, interpretations. This general principle, applied to the symbols and myths of races and climes so diverse as those of the Aryan races of Europe and India ...
77. William H. Stiebing, Jr., and Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . Nevertheless, scientists do suggest that these events occurred. The same astronomical community also believes that other extraordinarily improbable capture-collision events occurred in the inner solar system. Presently, it is proposed that a Mars-sized body collided with the Earth to send a part of the Earth's crust into space, and this condensed into a ring, which formed the Moon. Thomas A. Hockey tells us that this requires invoking a stochastic event [an event based on probability analysis,...so tenuous that the outcome is never known with certainty] governed by the rules of chance. Still, most of modern physics is based on the laws of probability. One thing is certain: The ...
78. Pompous Asimov [Books]
... the evidence. Does the AAAS, the largest scientific organization in the world, represent merely "A few astronomers"? Does Carl Sagan, whose books sell in the hundreds of thousands, have "no particular following"? Or Asimov himself? One wonders what on earth Asimov is talking about. Has he confused Velikovsky with the Reverend Moon and himself and his ilk with the lone sheriff courageously battling a large gang of vicious outlaws? Does he see himself as the boy who puts his tiny finger in the huge dike and saves his society? I suspect that something like this type of self-serving myth provides the melodramatic pattern for his argument. He has falsely taken a well-known ...
79. Antiquated Textbooks: Redesigning the Solar System [Journals] [Aeon]
... retained the same identity it once enjoyed as, one by one, the discoveries of the Space Age altered what had been believed to be the well-known characteristics of each. Mercury Mercury, for instance, had been well-known to move in such a way that its period of rotation equaled its period of revolution. This meant that, like the Moon in relation to Earth, Mercury always turned the same face toward the Sun. From this, astronomers could deduce that a little less than half the planet's surface was an infernal boiling caldron due to its perpetual orientation toward, and proximity to, the Sun. Meanwhile, the other less-than-half surface, because the Sun's heat never reached it ...
80. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... solar eclipse, the time and location of which, astronomers claim they can pinpoint backward through several millennia. In these pages, it will be argued that Astronomy's confidence in celestial stability is not backed by the solar eclipse record. Using the work of the astronomer Robert R. Newton [Ancient Astronomical Observations and The Acceleration of The Earth and Moon, Ancient Planetary Observations and The Validity of Ephemeris Time, Medieval Chronicals and The Rotation of The Earth, The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, and The Moon's Acceleration and Its Physical Origins As Deduced from Solar Eclipses], the record of solar eclipses that range in date from the 7th Century A. D. will be examined. Not ...
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