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... referred to only rarely. In the following, all quotations without a reference are from Cosmos without Gravitation 1407]. "The fundamental theory . . . is: Gravitation is an electromagnetic phenomenon. . . . Electric attraction, repulsion, and electromagnetic circumduction govern . . . [the] movements [of planets and satellites]. The moon does not fall, ' attracted to the earth . . . nor is the phenomenon of objects falling in the terrestrial atmosphere comparable with the falling effect' in the movement of the moon, a conjecture which is the basic element of the Newtonian theory of gravitation." What exactly is the Newtonian theory of gravitation? Newton's name is ...
412. Pleiongaea: A Myth for all Seasons [Journals] [Aeon]
... perhaps privately enjoy a game of associating random ideas that have little to do with the subject under discussion. Anyway, there was a conference in October of 1984 on the big isle of Hawaii, through which I would have liked to have dozed. It purportedly was convened to re-examine the burning topic on everyone's mind: The origin of the Moon. But, alas, as with most such colloquia which have a tendency to reinvent the wheel, no real consensus came out of this one, save a jockeying for position. There are perhaps four major hypotheses that attempt to explain the presence of our lunar neighbor: Fission, capture, condensation, and impact. The fission hypothesis ...
... - India, China, Babylonia, Egypt- they had eventually such a girdle round the heavens, called by different names in different countries, and the use of this girdle of stars, which sometimes consisted of twenty-eight stations, sometimes of twenty-seven, and sometimes of less, was to enable them to define the place of the sun, moon, or of any of the planets in relation to any of these stars. Not very many years ago, when the literature of China and India was as a sealed book, and the hieroglyphics of -Egypt and the wedges of Babylonia were still unread, we had to depend for the earliest traces of astronomical observation upon the literatures of ...
414. The Discovery Of Fossil Meteoritic Craters [Books]
... ranges (and it will be shown later that huge meteoritic impacts provide the forces necessary to build mountains), it is reasonable to believe that the Earth must have experienced cosmic bombardments at least as intense as those that occurred on our satellite. Our planet, nevertheless, does not present a landscape so intensely disturbed and pitted as does the Moon. On the assumption that one giant meteorite has fallen about every 10,000 years, R. Dietz estimates that some 50,000 such missiles may have struck our planet during the past 300 million years.27 If we refer to the data given by astronomy, the cosmic bodies indicated by Dietz may roughly be evaluated at 10 ...
415. Ladder to Heaven [Journals] [Aeon]
... which occurs very often in America." [7 ] An oral tradition collected from the Tlingit Indians of British Columbia relates that, once upon a time, the son of a great chief absentmindedly set about shooting arrows upon the sudden disappearance of his friend: "He thought, Now I am going to shoot that star next to the moon. ' In that spot was a large and very bright one. He shot an arrow at this star and sat down to watch, when, sure enough, the star darkened. Now he began shooting at that star from the big pile of arrows he and his chum had made, and he was encouraged by seeing that the ...
416. SIS Internet Digest 1999 Number 2 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 20 8905 1879. Email: ian@knowledge.co.uk World Wide Web site: http://www.knowledge.co.uk/sis/ © October 1999 The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies 1999 Number 2 Trojan Spindle-Whorls. From The Swastika, The Earliest known Symbol, and its Migrations by Thomas Wilson. See The Moon Maker & The Swastika Online , page 15. Contents About the SIS; How to Join Editorial .. 1 World Wide Web focus .. 2 Thomas Townsend Brown .. 2 Atlantis Rising .. 3 Biblical Archaeologist .. 3 Holoscience .. 3 Discovering Archaeology .. 4 Julian Jaynes Society .. 4 Pole Shift Forum . ...
417. Galileo's sharp new pictures of Io [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of Io detail amazing volcanism, by Lori Stiles. For images, go to the Planetary Imaging Research Laboratory - Galileo web page: PIRL/Galileo, http://pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu/~turtle/Releases/Releases.19_May_2000.html) When the Galileo spacecraft flew close by Jupiter's moon, Io, late last year and early this year, it took sharpest-ever pictures of the best volcanic show in the solar system. Galileo took more than 100 high-resolution images during Io flybys on Oct. 11, Nov. 26 and Feb. 22. Results include pictures of an active lava flow as long as the Grand Canyon, ...
418. Settled Sky and Unsettled Mind [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Settled Sky and Unsettled Mind Great myths are the stories of human tragedy on a grand scale. If mankind no longer exists in an age of myth, it is not because of a new intelligence or style but because of the lack of terrible stimulus. Even so, the ages of myth-making have left a legacy of serious problems. One does relive the ancient terrors; they have left deep tracks in minds and glands, regularly revived by a horde of customs and rememorized. Furthermore, man is a myth-maker and he will always find sufficient personal and social crises ...
419. Confessions of a Cenoist [Journals] [Aeon]
... regard for the old woman's disdain of carbon-14 dating. The old woman's predicament is very much like my own. I doubt that the Solar System has been stable and benign throughout historic times, and so I face a dilemma: Do I go along with scientific authority, or do I believe my eyes? For example, I see that moons and planets are scarred with marks that appear fresh but astronomers insist these features are old, likely millions of years old. They claim dating measurements furnish incontrovertible proof. Scientists have developed hundreds of techniques that confirm the hoary age of whatever the scientific mainstream alleges is stable or ancient. They firmly date the development of the Solar System, ...
420. The Solar System and Electro-Gravitic Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... centimeters per year. (16) As its lattice is deformed by the growing temperature, the electromagnetic repulsion between Io and Jupiter is being reduced, and we maintain that this is the cause of its orbital decay. Thomas A. Van Flandern of the U. S. Naval Observatory has measured the recession (spiraling away) of the Moon from Earth. Based on the tidal theory the Moon should spiral away from the gravitational pull of the Earth by about 3 centimeters a year. However, very careful measurements of the actual recession distance shows an additional 4 centimeters of recession per year that cannot be accounted for by tidal theory. (17) Since the Moon was heated ...
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