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1767 results found.
177 pages of results. 401. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... therefore be affected by periods of intense electrical activity in the atmosphere. Earthquake shocks New Scientist 1.3 .97, pp. 34-37 A team of Greek scientists have been getting positive results in detecting electrical currents in the earth shortly before earthquakes but much of the scientific establishment still doesn't want to know because they cannot explain them. GEOLOGY Moon heat New Scientist 11.1 .97, p. 15 Average temperatures near the poles are distinctly higher at the time of full Moon than new Moon. The greater tidal pull of the Moon could be changing wind patterns every month. Earth wobbles and ice surges New Scientist 4.1 .97, p. 14 Sediment evidence ...
402. Numerical Analysis of Planetary Distances in a Polar Model [Journals] [Aeon]
... of the visible planets, including Earth, possibly along circular orbits, with the exception of Mars. Note that synchronous circular orbits are a feature of gravitational systems with strong tidal coupling. The fixed position of Saturn is best explained if it is assumed that Earth revolved around the Sun while keeping the same face towards the Sun (as the Moon does with respect to Earth and as is expected in gravitational systems with strong tidal coupling). Earth's axes of revolution and of rotation would have coincided and would have been orthogonal to the ecliptic plane. Earth's "day" would have been equal to its year. The invisibility of the Sun can be explained by assuming that the terrestrial ...
403. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as assumed because its outer layers may have been preferentially enriched by heavy elements from a vastly greater influx of comets and asteroids than previously anticipated. .. .. New Scientist 7.9 .96, p. 48, 15.6 .96, p. 16 and 7.12.96, p. 15 The next Moon probe will look for water. It is thought that water brought by impacting comets may remain in the form of ice in shaded areas of craters near the south pole. The daily tidal effects of the Moon upon Earth, in addition to the obvious effects upon the oceans, cause crustal motion generating twice the power of all Britain's power ...
404. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... their funding for calculating the chances of collision. The only one to be forecast as a danger at the moment is asteroid 1950DA which has a 1 in 300 chance of hitting Earth in 2800! On the other hand, on the 18th March, an asteroid gave Earth a near-miss when it passed within one tenth of the distance to the Moon. The large number of short-period comets present a mystery as they cannot, apparently, come from the Oort Cloud at the far fringes of the solar system, and a recent survey of the nearer Kuiper Belt region has found only 4% of the number of objects there should be if the comets originate from there. Are some large ...
405. Time, Electricity and Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... history coincides with a succession of ages of destruction and renewal that may tentatively be numbered at seven. These are carried in Table 6. 2. Human nature originated abruptly with a complex culture in the first age of binary instability, precipitated by electrical and hormonal changes, and displaying anxious self-awareness and a grasping for self-control. 3. The Moon was ejected from the ancient southern hemisphere (the modern Pacific Basin) later in the same period in an electrical encounter with a piece of planetary debris originating from an explosion of a star that we call Super Uranus. 4. The planets have assumed their present order in the past few thousand years, responding to a principle of mutual ...
406. The Descent Into Barbarism (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... of a time when there were `not as yet all the stars that wheel in the heavens, nor yet was known aught of the race of the Danay, nor was the Pelasgian land yet ruled by the sons of Deucalion. Then, as the traditions tell, only the Apidanean Arcadians lived, in the uplands, before yet the moon appeared, feeding on acorns. 65 About a century before Apollonius Rhodius, no less an authority than Aristotle had considered the same myth of sufficient importance to quote it in his political treatise, The Constitution of the Tegeans.66 He tells us that the barbarous Pelasgian autochthons, or aborigines, who inhabited Arcadia before the coming of the ...
407. Experiment Explains Charged Dust Space [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... by Apollo astronauts has been a puzzle to some planetary scientists. But a University of Colorado (CU) at Boulder research team is on the verge of explaining the odd dust phenomenon, which also may occur on asteroids, the rings of planets and even around spacecraft. The new results can help explain dust transport on the surface of the moon, said CU-Boulder doctoral student and experiment team member Amanda Sickafoose. The research also may help scientists mitigate problems related to the contamination of spacecraft, scientific instruments and space suits by dust as NASA contemplates future missions to the moon and Mars. Researchers have assumed the lunar dust levitation is caused by ultraviolet photons from the sun ejecting electrons from ...
408. Myths of the Great Flood (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 12 Myths of the Great Flood There are more than five hundred deluge myths, told by about two hundred and fifty different peoples or tribe's. All of them are remarkably similar; many of them have, on the other hand, individual traits. Their similarity has been taken as an indication that they are derived from the same original source; while their dissimilar passages are regarded as fanciful private additions to fanciful tales. But the mythological deductions from Hoerbiger's Cosmological Theory reveal the deluge myths in a different light. The deluge myths have not a common source, but ...
409. The Electric Universe: Part I: Electrical Scarring [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... in Hawaii and Australia, is that they are dissimilar. One type of electrical discharge arcing is "cathode scarring" which typically jumps around the strike zone resulting in there being smaller circular craters. The Moon's Hyginus Rille features such on-channel scarring. One of the "Smoking Guns" of the Electric Universe theory, is the activity on Jupiter's moon Io [eg see www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/moons/io.html]. Other moons show examples of fretting, circular scalloped craters, furrows as on the moon Europa [eg see www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/moons/europa.html], which do not appear to ...
410. Planetary Observations of the T'ang [Articles]
... : Of 78 T'ang observations made between June 24, 618 and March 16 and 17, 904, as judged by retrocalculation, 45 may be said to be within the correct hsiu; two may be said to be certainly correct, that is, they were observed to have either occluded a fixed star or to have been occluded by the Moon; 4 may be classified as uncertain (i .e . possible anomalies may be explained by copying errors or garbled information); 1 may be considered as positionally correct but behaviorally anomalous (thus, on the morning of March 18, 904, Venus was observed near the Pleiades blazing like fire. The next morning, to observers ...
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