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177 pages of results. 391. Lunar Rocks and Velikovsky's Claims [Journals] [Pensee]
... 4.5 billion years ago and that the earth formed essentially at the same time. When the Apollo XI astronauts returned to earth in 1969, the lunar samples were immediately examined for the readings on their uranium-lead, potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium clocks. The potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium results were in essential agreement that the rocks analyzed were last molten on the moon approximately 3.6 billion years ago. Because of the low concentrations of uranium and lead found, the uranium-lead technique was less definitive, but it also agreed that the rocks were formed somewhere between three billion and five billion years ago. Succeeding missions have yielded fairly similar results. The Apollo XII rocks were last molten about 3. ...
392. Additional Examples of Correct Prognosis [Books] [de Grazia books]
... The consequences of the theory affected almost all natural sciences and many social disciplines. Especially objectionable was the assertion that events of such magnitude took place in historical times. Worlds in Collision describes two (last) series of cataclysmic events that occurred 34 and 27 centuries ago. Not only the Earth, but also Venus, Mars, and the Moon were involved in near encounters, when the Morning Star, then on a stretched elliptical orbit following its eruption from the giant planet Jupiter, caused turmoil among the members of the solar system before settling on its present orbit. The description was derived from literary references in the writings of ancient peoples of the world. The archaeological, geological ...
393. Generalists, Specialists, "Pereset", and Ancient Astronomical Awareness [Journals] [Kronos]
... modern transcribers in his treatment of the dentals, having th for t- tch'- , [t under dot] for d and t' for d- dj'.) This might well put a different complexion on MacKenzie's comment (quoted in Griffard, KRONOS II:4 , 33) that "An ancient name of the moon was Aa, Â, or Ai, which recalls the Egyptian Aah or Ah." The currently approved transcription of is í c h (aleph/yod, ayin, emphatic h); Gardiner (Gramm., p. 37) suggests the vocalisation yaeh', where both vowels follow the conventions: he could equally well ...
394. A Life's Work? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and light is external rather than internal, originating in the vast flow of cosmic rays which bombards it from space. Although he does not analyse the Earth's magnetism in detail, he observes on p. 79: "Ion and electron belts' above the earth's atmosphere and the general flow of GCR and solar wind relative to the earth and moon, as well as their rotations, augmented by the ferromagnetic materials in the earth and moon, are likely the main, if not the entire source of terrestrial and moon magnetism via the dynamo effect. There is actually no experimental evidence that the earth's magnetic field is the result of currents of flow inside the earth. It is much ...
395. Changes in the Times and the Seasons, Part 1 Venus Ch.5 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... ," we read in the Texts of Taoism.(3 ) In the historical memoirs of Se-Ma Ts'ien, as in the annals of the Shu King which we have already quoted, it is said that Emperor Yahou sent astronomers to the Valley of Obscurity and to the Sombre Residence to observe the new movements of the sun and of the moon and the syzygies or the orbital points of the conjunctions, also "to investigate and to inform the people of the order of the seasons."(4 ) It is also said that Yahou introduced a calendar reform: he brought the seasons into accord with the observations; he did the same with the months; and he " ...
396. Thoth Vol V, No 3: Feb 28, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... going back to low orbit despite the rough ride that the irregular gravity field of Eros will give us. The craters on Eros provide several examples of mysteries that we are working on. Craters are the records of impacts that have largely shaped the surface of Eros, of other asteroids we have seen, and of objects from Mercury to the moons of Neptune. From the beginning of the mission, we saw two large concavities on Eros, for which we have proposed the names Himeros and Psyche. In the early images Himeros appeared saddle-shaped, and we could not be sure if it was indeed an impact crater, but Psyche displayed from the start the classical bowl shape of an ...
397. Thoth Vol II, No. 18: Nov 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... with a few magnetic anomalies that still need to be explained (new worries: where are those missing neutrinos?) The Electric Universe is no different. We're taking a concept that's become familiar (the behavior of electrical forces in a plasma lab) and testing how well they apply to those tiny specks of light in the sky, the moon, planets, stars, galaxies and beyond. This paradigm is exciting. It holds the promise of explaining hot coronas and missing neutrinos, craters and rilles, human mythology, and maybe even galactic redshift. It's worth exploring, even if its not the final answer but only another step along the way to understanding the universe. In ...
398. Chiron: Giant Comet, Agent of Catastrophe? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... - the largest known. Confirmation that Chiron was, indeed, a large comet came in the years 1987-1989 with increased brightness of the object and the development of a fuzzy coma of at least 40,000 kilometres length. Ken Croswell, writing for New Scientist, compares Chiron with its distant cousins' the comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 and Saturn's outermost moon, Phoebe. Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, with a diameter of 80 kilometres, has a stable slightly elongated orbit outside that of Jupiter and undergoes periodic brightening. Phoebe is dark, like Chiron, and of comparable size. It circles in the opposite direction to most of Saturn's other moons, suggesting that it was captured by the gas giant rather ...
399. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 3:1 , p.18. The Eocene, an era when Earth's climate seems to have been quite warm, ended abruptly 34 million years ago when winters suddenly became cold, causing the demise of thousands of terrestrial and marine species. J. A. O'Keefe theorised that this Eocene Period ended because a volcano had erupted on the Moon, leading to the formation of a (Saturnian-type) ring around the Earth. A cloud of lava pellets, the source of tektites, hurtled earthward. Some formed, in a matter of a few days into a thin, flat disc above the equator. This ring cooled winters in the northern hemisphere by throwing a faint shadow on ...
400. The Myth of the Goddess, Evolution of an image by Anne Baring and Jules Cashford [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... which start to demand further explanation: nets, four balls, a round head with seven layers, emphasis on a pillar-like structure, crescents, spirals and serpents. Yet, following the theories of Joseph Campbell, the only concession to a cosmic influence is the suggestion that these people made a connection between human fecundity and the waxing and waning Moon. For the Neolithic period the authors espouse the theories of Marija Gimbutas who investigated the symbolic imagery of the peoples of south east Europe, Old Europe'. The goddess now presides over birth, death, regeneration and harvest and the breadth of her imagery increases but as there are no written records from this period we have to rely ...
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