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177 pages of results. 381. On The Other Side of the Ocean, Part 1 Venus Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... In the early morning he fell upon his enemies unawares at Gibeon, and "chased them along the way that goes up to Beth-horon." As they fled, great stones were cast from the sky. That same day (" in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites") the sun stood still over Gibeon and the moon over the valley of Ajalon. It has been noted that this description of the position of the luminaries implies that the sun was in the forenoon position.(1 ) The Book of Joshua says that the luminaries stood in the midst of the sky. Allowing for the difference in longitude, it must have been early morning or night ...
... ages the portion nearest the earth slowly overcanopied the heavens, and owing to the lack of centrifugal force began its decent at the poles. This theory explains certain phenomena better than any other yet advanced by scientists. It accounts for the uplift of mountains ; the deposit of coal and other minerals ; the glacial age ; the retardation of the moon, and it alone explains much contained in the first eight chapters of Genesis. Prof. Vail has published a volume of about 400 pages on this subject, which for clearness of statement and logical conclusions has seldom been equaled by previous writers on scientific subjects. He deals in convincing facts which are destined to overturn many pre-conceived theories in ...
383. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... more informal manner with little feeling of embarrassment, and once they had been developed, could well make an article for Workshop or the Review. As an example, Mr Livingstone offers the question of the asteroids - remnants of a destroyed planet? Members wishing to join in a discussion by correspondence on this subject or on the origin of the Moon are asked to write directly to: David Livingstone, "Ferndale ", Somerton Hill, LANGPORT. Somerset, England. "Super Lightning on Saturn"source: Daily Telegraph 1.9 .81 Voyager Two scientists have announced the discovery of immensely powerful bolts of lightning emanating from Saturn's "B " ring. The energy pulses in ...
384. Tunguska-Type Impacts Over the Pacific Basin Around the Year 1178 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... head of Mathematics at University of Bergamo. He has done research in several institutions, including Stanford University and Hatfield Polytechnic. Since the mid eighties he has developed an interest in catastrophism in recent history. Summary Canterbury annals record an unusual event in 1178, which has been interpreted as a cometary or meteoritic impact on the hidden face of the Moon. This paper collects evidence of climatic changes and tsunamis due to possible impacts of cometary-meteoric bodies over the Pacific Ocean and their effects on civilisations on the Pacific coasts of Mexico and Peru, the emergence of the Incas in the high Andes and the migration of the Mongols to central Asia and China. Introduction As related by Clube and Napier ...
385. Planetary Observations of the T'ang Dynasty [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . Solar and lunar eclipse observations are omitted (to be covered some other time). In comparing observations with retrocalculated astronomical positions, computer software EZ Cosmos Version 3.0 , 1990 & 1991, Astrosoft Inc. was used. The Hsius and their Western equivalents There are 28 hsius, each corresponding roughly to the apparent position of the Moon as seen against the background of stars each month. Table 1 compares the hsius with the zodiac. Please note that the hsius' number increases as one travels from east to west. Hsiu number and name Equivalent constellation 1 Horn Stars in the east central part of Virgo including Spica 2 Neck Narrow belt that includes Arcturus and eastern extremities ...
386. "Following The Precedent Of One Galileo". File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... , as he had suggested to me through Kallen four years earlier in 1946. Three hundred and forty years earlier, on the night of January 7, 1610, Galileo directed his telescope toward Jupiter and saw three stars around it; the next night he found that they had moved; on the thirteenth of the month he saw the fourth moon of Jupiter. Since these bodies revolved around Jupiter, an illustration of the Copernican concept of the planetary system was discovered; Galileo saw in the motions of the Jovian moons proof of the correctness of the Copernican theory. Astronomers and philosophers declared that these moons were a fraud. Clavius, the celebrated Jesuit mathematician of the Roman College, ...
387. Pensée [Journals] [SIS Review]
... energy (reprinted from the N. Y. Post, 1948). IS VENUS' HEAT DECREASING - An article written in 1966 outlining Velikovsky's expectation that repeated measurements of infrared radiation from the cloud surface of Venus will reveal a detectable fall in temperature. THE ORIENTATION OF THE PYRAMIDS (reprinted from the Yale Scientific Magazine) EARTH WITHOUT A MOON OTHER MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS Dr R. W. Bass. DID WORLDS COLLIDES / "PROOFS" OF THE STABILITY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM - Two articles of major significance by a specialist in celestial mechanics dispose of one of the main objections to Velikovsky's astronomical theories and offer further support. Dr M. M. Nieto / Dr C. J ...
388. Thoth Vol II, No. 4: February 28, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... of electricity in organizing the physical world, from the molecular, to the global, to the intergalactic. 3. Astronomy took a wrong turn when scientists came to believe that planets have moved on their present courses for billions of years. This idea was possible because the theorists assumed that only gravity and inertia controlled the behavior of planets and moons. 4. A few thousand years ago, the Earth itself moved in a close congregation of planets. At times, these planets appeared as familiar, charitable, and kind sources of comfort. But at other times, these huge bodies loomed erratic and terrifying above ancient skyworshippers. 5. During episodes of instability, as planets moved ...
389. The Mars-Earth Wars Theory: A Critical Analysis [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... averaged 40,000 miles with a range of 15,000 to 60,000 miles. During this time Earth had a 360-day year and a 30-day month. Mars had a 720-day orbit, coplanar with Earth so that Earth and Mars were in a 2:1 resonance with their lines of apsides parallel. The flybys occurred at full moon so that the Moon was removed from Mars' disturbing influence. The First 169 flybys occurred with Mars passing between the Sun and Earth and were therefore supposedly stable. The last flyby in 701 B.C . occurred with Mars passing 30,000 miles from Earth on the outside, which was destabilizing. The resonant system unraveled. ...
390. Geological Genesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... propose that Earth was a satellite of Saturn, or more correctly a body which the ancients identified as Ouranus and which we shall refer to as proto-Saturn. The present day Saturn is all that remains of the once larger primary which we orbited as the closest and innermost satellite [1 ]. As such, in the same way as our moon is now in a synchronous rotation and always presents the same face to the Earth [2 ], Earth as a satellite of proto-Saturn would also have been in synchronous rotation. Just as measurements have shown that the moon is slightly egg-shaped with the small end towards the Earth [3 ], the Earth in rotation around proto-Saturn would also ...
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