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177 pages of results. 371. Child of Saturn (Part IV) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , together with Indra, Varuna, and nine other deities, is spoken of as being a form of the Sun, usually identified as the god Surya.(3 ) At first sight it might seem somewhat incongruous that, as such, Mitra is also stated, in the same source, to reside "in the orb of the moon".(4 ) This belief has been reinforced by the fact that, in Persian reliefs, Mithra was usually represented "by a disc or orb", always without rays,(5 ) but also as a Phrygian capped youth whose head is surrounded with rays.(6 ) It was only from the time of Artaxerxes ...
372. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... close associate Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who is credited with demonstrating the largely-hydrogen nature of stars. Her diatribe, "A Thing Imagination Boggles At," was rather widely distributed at Harvard's expense; Velikovsky's allies John J. 0'Neill, Ted 0. Thackrey, and Vasili I. Komarewsky all received copies. In it she noted ironically that the Great Moon Hoax of 1835- a deliberate fraud purporting to be Sir John Herschel's description of newly-discovered Lunarians- had been exposed by Macmillan's Magazine. She conceded, however, that "The Day the Sun Stood Still" was neither hoax nor science fiction: it was "confused and ponderous balderdash." Amazement, incredulity, derision- these we ...
... close associate Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who is credited with demonstrating the largely-hydrogen nature of stars. Her diatribe, "A Thing Imagination Boggles At," was rather widely distributed at Harvard's expense; Velikovsky's allies John J. 0'Neill, Ted 0. Thackrey, and Vasili I. Komarewsky all received copies. In it she noted ironically that the Great Moon Hoax of 1835- a deliberate fraud purporting to be Sir John Herschel's description of newly-discovered Lunarians- had been exposed by Macmillan's Magazine. She conceded, however, that "The Day the Sun Stood Still" was neither hoax nor science fiction: it was "confused and ponderous balderdash." Amazement, incredulity, derision- these we can experience and ...
374. The Magnetic Field of Jupiter and the Volcanism and Rotation of the Galilean Satellites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... bodies. In the past 50 yr only Vsekhsviatsky has actively considered modern volcanism on planets, in particular on Moon-like bodies(3 ,4 ). He proceeded from the concept of eruptive origin of comets, however, and did not suggest a physical mechanism to explain the volcanic activity he had postulated. The absence of modern volcanism on the Moon and Mars was against Vsekhsviatsky's ideas and few people considered them seriously, especially in connection with the possible volcanic ejection of icy blocks. Progress was made by Peale et al.(5 ) who predicted the existence of the volcanoes just before they were discovered, and suggested a physical mechanism for the volcanism on Io. They suggested that ...
375. Thoth Vol III, No. 7: April 30, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Venus' perihelion as a starting point. I then positioned Earth at several points relative to the intersections including one degree in front of, one degree behind , and even with the Venus in its orbit expecting some substantial alteration of their two orbits. Instead they passed each other near enough for Venus to appear twice the size of a full moon to an observer on Earth, and the aphelion of Venus was shortened only slightly and Earth's orbit was reduced insignificantly. I had hoped that the "close encounter" would cause a substantial reduction of the eccentricity of Venus' orbit so that the near circular condition observed today could be at least partially explained by gravitation. No such luck ...
376. "Just Plainly Wrong": A Critique of Peter Huber (Second Installment) [Journals] [Kronos]
... overlooked by both Velikovsky and Rose.11 In fact, the intercalary months allow quite a stringent test not only of the attribution of the Venus tablets to Ammizaduga, but also of what Rose calls the astronomers' dogma. ' "The Babylonian calendar is based on the true lunar month: the month begins on the evening when the new moon first becomes visible. Thus, the length of the month varies irregularly between 29 and 30 days; twelve lunar months correspond to about 354 days. In roughly every third year, the Babylonians inserted an additional (thirteenth) month in order to keep the month names in step with the seasons. "Before about -500, these intercalations ...
377. Velikovsky: The Score of Success [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have a carbon base, as predicted in Worlds in Collision'. (6 ) Similarly, the planet has indeed been shown to be dead, having gone through enormous cataclysmic events. The 1965 Mariner IV revealed a Martian surface heavily pock-marked by moon-like craters. This was confirmed in greater detail by the 1972 Mariner IX. Like on the Moon, huge craters resulted from bubbling, but some formations, especially craters surrounded by rays' Velikovsky suggests resulted from interplanetary charges. There is now very strong evidence to support this. (7 ) The canals' proved to be the work, not of intelligent life, but of the twisting of strata. What of the Moon. ...
378. Discussion Questions From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... Ginenthal's theory would be more persuasive were these discrepancies in logic not present: a) If planet spin rate and orbit relative to the Sun causes an electromagnetic field around the planet, then the planet's satellites' spin rate and orbit relative to the planet should have a similar effect on each satellite. No such effect has been identified for any moon, to my knowledge. b) If Earth's magnetism depends only on spin rate and orbit, Earth's decaying field must have a correspondence to either a decay in spin rate or to an increasing orbit. Neither is the case, although Earth's magnetic field strength has been in consistent decay at the rate of 4.8 % each century ...
379. Venus In The Folklore Of The Indians, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... content. It was written down(102) from the mouth of an old Indian : "We are told by the old people that the Morning Star ruled over all the minor gods in the heavens. . . . The old people told us that the Morning Star said that when the time came for the world to end, the Moon would turn red . . . that when the Moon should turn red, the people would know that the world was coming to an end. "The Morning Star said further that in the beginning of all things they placed the North Star in the north, so that it should not move. . . . The Morning Star also ...
380. Chapter XXIX: the Mythology of Isis and Osiris [Books]
... to this list. Indeed, it looks as if all the goddesses who are stated to be variants either of Isis or Hathor have this same symbol. This generic symbolism suggests that the names Isis and Hathor are themselves generalisations, meaning an accompaniment of sunrise, whether that light be the dawn, or an heliacally-rising star, or even the moon. The generic symbol is the sun's disk and horns, which, I think, may not impossibly be a poetic development of the sign for sunrise. Isis and Hathor are two different ways of defining or thinking about a rising star- that is, a star heralding the sunrise, for such were the rising stars par excellence. ...
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