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1767 results found.
177 pages of results. 331. 'No Impact': René Gallant (1906-1985) [Books]
... profound conceptual changes in the geological science of the [previous] two decades". The first was the "decisive swing towards a mobilist plate tectonic earth model" in 1966. The second, which followed soon after, was "the new insights on the origin and evolution of the Solar System brought by the study of meteorites, the Moon and planets" [7 ] . To the historian the most fascinating aspect of the second conceptual change remains the lack, even after 30 years, of a consensus of the effects of meteoritic impact on life on earth. The other extraordinary feature in the rise of such impactological' science, at least as viewed from Europe, is ...
332. The Recent Organization of The Solar System [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... scientists (from Swedenborg, Kant and Laplace to Lyttleton and Alfven), they tend to resort to ridicule as a substitute for proper criticism and there is a distinctly shaky feel about some of the details of their own hypothesis. Thus they compare the speed of the Earth's motion about the Sun (66,600mph) with that of the Moon about the Earth (2 ,288mph) and conclude that if the Moon was travelling at a speed close to our own, capture by the Earth would require it to suddenly lose 96-97% of its speed, which they dismiss as highly improbable. They argue that it would be much easier for the Earth to capture the Moon if ...
333. Thoth Vol canoes" of [Journals] [Thoth]
... CALENDAR NOW FOR MONDAY'S "SIGHTINGS" PROGRAM A reminder: David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill will be guests on the Jeff Rense radio show "Sightings" on Monday, January 10, 7:00- 10:00 p.m . Pacific Time. Discussion will highlight recent discoveries from space, including the supposed "Volcanoes" of Jupiter's moon Io; the mysteries of Mars and its great chasm, the Valles Marineris; new data on the electrical Sun; and the breakdown of modern cosmology (Big Bang and everything that goes with it). Also, you'll gain many unique insights into the ancient world: the origins of Doomsday anxiety and its relation to calendar systems; ...
334. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... New Scientist 28.10.89, p. 71 As we have reported before, scientists have correlated the timing of earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault with the height of the sunspot cycle, the peak of the Moon's 18.6 year cycle, and the maximum tidal shearing effects at dawn or dusk produced by a full or new Moon. It was little surprise, therefore, to find that the major earthquake of October 17th 1989 near San Francisco happened at dusk, near the time of a full Moon and approaching the peak of what is proving to be an extremely active sunspot cycle. John Gribbin daringly sticks his neck out once again to point out these correlations and ...
... as today revolves with great swiftness around the planet Jupiter. To make emphatic the inevitable conclusion set forth in nearly all my publications, such canopies must have fallen very largely in the polar regions, and as a result must have left at times an opening in the polar heavens through which the stars, and the light from the sun and moon peeped in upon the earth, while all the rest of the heavens were hidden from the gaze of inhabitants. Such canopies as we see revolving about other planets today, are certainly the wreck of annular (ring) systems, dust and cloud-like matter falling from the equatorial skies of a planet to its poles. An earth canopy moving ...
336. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... . 12): "Velikovsky claims a world-wide tendency in ancient cultures to believe at various times that the year has 360 days, that the month has 30 days, and that- of course, inconsistent [sic] with the above two beliefs- the year has ten months." Velikovsky: "For a period between two catastrophes, the moon receded to an orbit of thirty-five to thirty-six days' duration. It remained on such an orbit for a few decades until, at the next upheaval, it was carried to an orbit of twenty-nine and a half days' duration, on which it has proceeded since then. "These perturbed months' occurred in the second half of ...
337. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... sometimes termed the primitive world, is that during a time usually remembered as "the beginning," Earth had been engulfed in darkness. Time and again, over and over, in one record after another, from all corners of the world, we are told that, "in the beginning," there was no Sun, no Moon, no stars. The planetary god of beginnings, we are told ad nauseam, ruled alone and in darkness. Whether we turn to the pages of Genesis in the Old Testament or to the ancient Egyptian myths of creation, the message is always the same; whether we seek the first appearance of the Hebrew Elohim or that of ...
338. Velikovsky's 360 days/year calendar [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... true. For instance, at chapter 8, he says most of ancient (< BC.1500) people used calendars which are all counted 360 days a year. Some archaeologist concluded ancient people used the 360 calendar because their astronomical observation is not high precision compare to the modern one. Also some one says the calendar is based on Moon rotation, not Sun. But on the contrary Velikovsky's conclusion is in revolution of Earth itself. He says at that time Earth revolved around Sun 360 days per one revolution. This conclusion is hardly believe for the most of scientists because planets' rotation/revolution is basic of all fundamentals. It cannot be change so easily. Anyway ...
339. Thoth Vol II, No. 9: May 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... of Catastrophics marinated in Philosophy Side order of Personal Anecdotes Dessert: Inspiration a la mode We talked for hours, but I didn't take notes. As a result, you're getting a synthesis of my own warmed-over musings rather than bite-by-bite recitation. So chew on this: The old paradigm has been a useful one. It put men on the moon, telescopes in space, and a radio-controlled car on Mars. What does the new paradigm offer? To begin with, we have the excitement of discovery, the "eureka" when one observation fits another and opens up a whole new way of looking at the universe. This, in itself, is happiness for me and Mel ...
340. Asteroid Researcher Discovers Prehistoric Moon Map [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... electronic archive of the CCNet can be found at http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/cccmenu.html If you are interested in joining the Email Network, send an email request to the moderator, Benny J Peiser at: b.j .peiser@livjm.ac.uk Asteroid Researcher Discovers Prehistoric Moon Map 22 April 1999 A map of the Moon 10 times older than anything known before has been found carved into stone at one of Ireland's most ancient and mysterious Neolithic sites. It has been identified by Dr Philip Stooke of the University of Western Ontario in Canada. It was carved into a rock in one of Ireland's most remarkable prehistoric ...
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