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177 pages of results. 291. The Unworkable Polar Saturn [Journals] [Aeon]
... and the rotational pole of Earth to remain immobile with respect to each other. Instead of dismissing the idea out of hand, it will be in many ways instructive to examine it from the inside. Only in this way can all of the criteria which preclude a polar Saturn be brought into view. 2. The Small Coplanar Orbit The Moon now orbits Earth in virtually the same plane as that in which the Earth orbits the Sun. The lunar orbit can thus be considered coplanar. In a small coplanar orbit, Saturn could be Earth's distance from the Sun, while Earth could be so close to Saturn as to orbit it in a day. Giving Saturn a slightly larger ...
... year into shorter spells, into twelve subdivisions as it appears. This is somewhat surprising-but it is soon realized that these twelve subdivisions have absolutely nothing in common with the twelve months' into which our own year is divided. Our months have, at least historically, some connection with the Moon-but, to say it immediately and bluntly, our Moon was not yet the companion of our Earth at the time when the Calendar of Tiahuanaco was devised. The subdivision into twelve parts must have been due to other considerations. We shall call them Twelfths' in this dissertation. From the peculiar balanced form of the Calendar design it can be deduced that the four natural corner points' of ...
293. Prehistory and Earth Models [Books]
... 109 Lead Isotope Ratios Rb87/Sr87 Ratio Rb Rich -Sr Poor Minerals 108 – 1010 K40/A40 and K40/Ca40 Ratios Igneous, Metamorphic Rock 108 – 1010 Helium Igneous Rock 106- 1010 Ionium Deep Sea Sediments 0-4. 105 C'4 Carbon Bearing 0-45,000 Substances in Biosphere Tritium In water 0-100 B. Miscellaneous Methods Tidal Friction Earth - Moon 2.4 .109 Oxygen- 18 Carbonate sediments * Salt in Ocean Total Sodium > 1.8 . 108 Sedimentation Rates and Total ~ 3.5 .10~ Astronomical Sedimentation Expansion of universe Red Shifts 109-1010 Galactic Clusters Features and structure 109-1010 Relative Abundance of elements Accretion, spectroscopy109-1010 Stellar Energy H/He Ratio 109-1010 Temperature in ...
294. Ancient Astronomical Values Revealed in The Book of the Secrets of Enoch [Journals] [Horus]
... form it was written somewhere about the beginning of the Christian era. Its final editor was a Greek and the place of its composition, Egypt." An introduction at the head of Chapter I supplies a brief description of some of the book's contents: "An account of the mechanism of the world showing the machinery of the Sun and Moon in operation. Astronomy and an interesting ancient calendar." A thoughtful perusal of the entire book leads one to the inescapable conclusion that the author of "Secrets" was not himself an astronomer but merely a religious writer, and that, therefore, the astronomical data presented by him was drawn second-hand from reference sources available in that era ...
295. Transcript of the Morning Session of the A.A.A.S. Symposium [Articles]
... was attacked by the mathematicians. The second rank took him off. STORER: Oh. [laughter] KING: Dr. Mulholland. MULHOLLAND: I would like to reply to the last question. I think, [laughter] I think two examples that can be brought to answer that question are the discovery of mass concentrations on the Moon and the internal heat in the Moon, which have been thrown the discussion of the history, the evolution of the Moon, into a state of extreme excitement, and has totally rejuvenated the entire subject. [applause] KING: I should mention that, with the lights shining in our faces here, it's a little bit hard ...
296. Velikovsky and the Decline of Medieval Cosmology [Articles]
... that these streams arise at particular times in the year due to the fact that as the Earth orbits, it cuts across these meteor streams which almost certainly are the vestiges of past comets. The b-Taurid meteor stream is rather a conspicuous one and has proved extremely conspicuous within the last ten years as a result of the Apollo shots of the Moon. You may or may not know that when the Apollo astronauts went up there, they left some machinery behind on the Moon, seismometers to be particular, and ever since then we've been recording things that happen on the Moon, in fact the main aim was to detect moon-quakes But they have discovered, in addition to moon-quakes, ...
297. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... also produces sulphur which it is now thought lands on its neighbour Europa, turning to sulphuric acid on its icy crust. Europa has presented yet another puzzle in that the night time flow of heat from its polar regions is higher than can be accounted for by the usual tidal heating mechanisms. Should they try electric fields? The tiny inner moon Amalthea has a 50km bright streak across its surface which has not yet been explained. Vapours on Venus Science Frontiers 128, Mar-Apr. 2000, p. 2 Measurements of deuterium on Venus lead to the deduction that it comes from a relatively recent water source. How recent? Mysteries of Mars New Scientist 20.11.99, ...
298. The Ten Points Of Sagan [Journals] [Kronos]
... for the discussion of this and other geophysical problems raised by my work. Omitting purposely any reference to all literary heritage of ancient civilizations, Earth in Upheaval brings geological and paleontological evidence from all parts of the world by culling it from the scientific literature of authoritative field studies. The other question raised in Point IV is the question why the Moon has so many craters due to meteorites, the Earth, however, so few. In the first place, I do not subscribe to the, till recently, largely accepted view that the lunar circular formations are all due to impacts of meteorites. I attribute many of them to interplanetary discharges, especially those of the "rayed" ...
299. Solar System Studies [Journals] [Aeon]
... aroused a heated and negative reaction within several branches of science. In rebuttal he wrote several books on Ages in Chaos, focusing on Middle East chronology and Earth in Upheaval, describing geological evidence of catastrophes he believed to have occurred in recent millennia, adding many short articles in which he offered a number of predictions concerning the planets and our Moon. When a number of these advance claims seemed to be verified by findings of remotely operated space probes, interest in his work increased. Early on Immanuel Velikovsky had planned to write a sequel to Worlds in Collision covering the eras of Saturn and Jupiter, but it never happened. Yet among Velikovsky's followers, there are new efforts to ...
300. Ocean Basins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , but the ocean bottoms are marked by enough signs to revolutionize the earth sciences and natural history. Essentially the ocean basins are three in number, the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic. The Pacific Basin was the recent scene of the most awesome event ever to have befallen the Earth since its early times, the outburst of the Moon. The Indian Ocean appears to have been created at the same time by the migration of continental land driven to the scene of the disaster. The Atlantic Ocean was rather obviously originated from a great wedge that helped propel the continents east and west so as to distribute the mass, heat, and electrical charge rather more evenly in the ...
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