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177 pages of results. 281. Thoth Vol II, No. 17: Oct 31, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... , this race of giants was killed by the Flood. How are we to understand such traditions? In my opinion, the key is provided by the equally widespread tradition that in primeval times the planets used to live on earth. Here's a representative example of this theme from South America: "In days long ago the sun and the moon and all their children lived on earth...In those days the sun and the moon and everyone were human beings and lived on this earth. Sun had a son who had sores all over his body; he was the morning star...He told his uncle to carry him on his shoulders because he could not ...
282. Diluvial and Prelunar Culture (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 29 Diluvial and Prelunar Culture In the foregoing pages we have repeatedly referred to the high standard of civilization of the diluvians. They built ships to escape from the Great Flood, they dwelt in cities, they erected pyramids, they observed the heavens with minute care, and so on. It may be objected that we have deduced this only from those fanciful tales, the myths. But there is other evidence of the achievements of our remote ancestors, and in this chapter we shall consider part of it. We must differentiate between the actual diluvians, the people ...
283. Gravity and Pterodactyls: More Points to Consider [Journals] [Aeon]
... necessary to drain off the electrons and prevent this from happening. A resistor, called a grid leak, was used to solve the problem. In the Solar System, the Sun can be likened to the hot filament, while the planets are much like the wire grids. The Sun has a very high positive charge while the planets and moons have negative charges. To insist otherwise is to claim the electronic vacuum tubes do not work. Since the Solar System is highly charged, electrostatic repulsion and the Biefield Brown effect must be in operation. Electrostatic repulsion is also the only answer to the existence of globular star clusters. If gravitational attraction was the single factor operating in the ...
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 32 Prelunar Geography and Lunar Changes Fourteen thousand years ago, before the planet Luna became our Moon, our Earth looked different in many ways. Let us consider a few of those differences. First of all, the North Pole was not situated where it is now, but very probably near Petermann's Peak, in Greenland. After the capture of Luna the North Pole started slowly migrating, along a wide spiral path, towards its present position. The reason for this is not far to seek. Only the Earth's vast hard core was left unimpaired by the capture ...
285. Victory of The Sun [Books] [de Grazia books]
... feeble grasping to reestablish the great electrical are that once shot out from the Sun to its binary partner [1 ]. It is conceivable and defensible that the suns were two, that Earth and the planets have changed their motions radically, that the atmosphere of Earth is but a ghost of an enormous electromagnetic gas tube, and that the Moon was torn from the crust of the Earth in recent memory. The high energy forces that play upon the world collapse the time-scales of natural history and simultaneously withdraw the intellectual need for long draughts of time to explain the world. High energy forces make out of natural history a set of exponential curves resembling very old human theories that universal ...
286. Comptinology and Tohu-bohu [Books] [de Grazia books]
... World" in Kennedy's Fireside Tales of Ireland. I have jotted down in my journal, on several occasions, reflections of this sort and take leave to transcribe several entries here: Naxos, 10 April 1978 One of my favorite nursery rhymes went: "Hi diddle, diddle, The cat in the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see much a sight, And the dish ran away with the spoon." This pure nonsense probably bears meaning with every line. 1. Hi=High. Or, Hey=Pay attention! Diddle = diddle the unconscious, play with the mind. The line cues into what follows. 2 ...
287. The Moon Maker & The Swastika Online [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1999:2 (Oct 1999) Home | Issue Contents The Moon Maker & The Swastika Online 24 May 1999 The first two parts of The Moon Maker are available at I've also placed the entire 1894 study The Swastika, The Earliest Known Symbol, and its Migration by Thomas Wilson, online here: - Bob Kobres ...
288. The Yuty Crater on Mars [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... relevant age (and the authenticity of these is often in doubt) are a fair example. Yet most crateriforrn features long antedate this period and are supposed to have been formed four or so aeons ago by planetesimal impacts, which have been preserved for the convenience of cosmogonists wholly undisturbed. A body falling from infinity on the surface of the Moon would attain a velocity of impact of 2.38 km/s . Most bodies hitting the Moon would be moving at this or lower velocity, having been slowed down by the combined gravitational fields of the Earth and Moon into a spiralling trajectory. The Moon may have been an independent planet, in which case this consideration will not ...
289. Intimations of an Alien Sky [Journals] [Aeon]
... Nabonassar. It is from about this time, down to the turn of the millennium, that we have in our possession a collection of cuneiform tablets to which A. Sachs has applied the term "astronomical diaries." (18) These diaries record such phenomena as the length of the lunar months, based on the phases of the Moon; lunar and solar eclipses; the dates of first visibility for Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; the first and last visibilities of the inner planets, Venus and Mercury; the dates of the occurrences of the equinoxes and solstices; the dates of the significant appearances of Sirius; and the "conjunction" of the Moon and each ...
290. Velikovsky and the Problem of Planetary Identification [Journals] [Aeon]
... celestial objects seems obvious; what is not obvious, however, is which gods represent which celestial objects. Velikovsky himself relied extensively upon the testimony of ancient Greeks for his planetary identifications. With little exception, Velikovsky took the statements of Greek writers at face value; thus he accepted the identification of Apollo with the sun, Aphrodite with the Moon, Hera with the Earth, Ares with Mars, Hermes with Mercury, Kronos with Saturn, and Zeus with Jupiter. (2 ) The one exception, of course, was Athena, whom Velikovsky identified with the planet Venus, rather than with the Moon as per the majority of classical writers. Here we must concur with Velikovsky's ...
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