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177 pages of results. 241. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... material left in our asteroid belt as it would have been cleaned up early in planetary formation. Peculiar Pluto Scientific American May 2002, pp. 38-43 Pluto was once thought to be an anomaly among the planets but it is less peculiar if viewed as the brightest of the vast numbers of objects in the Kuiper belt out beyond Neptune. Its moon Charon is so large that the two are regarded as a double planet but the discovery of many binary asteroids indicates that such double objects are quite common in the Solar System and probably elsewhere. It has a rapidly escaping atmosphere and complex seasonal patterns. Computer simulations indicate that for Pluto to form, the Kuiper Belt must have been 100 ...
242. Thales: The First Astronomer [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... number of more concrete "firsts. " He was first to define the Little Bear7 a was "first to study astronomy and predict eclipses of the sun and fix the solstices." (1 .23). He was first to declare that souls were immortal; first to make a number of specific observations about the sun and the moon; first to discuss nature (1 .24). After learning geometry from the Egyptians, he was the first to inscribe a right-angled triangle in a circle (1 .25). As noted earlier, he is said to have discovered the seasons, and to have divided the year into 365 days (1 .27) ...
243. In Defence of Higher Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Gardiner, Commanger, Schlessinger and Kitchen are historians, so is Herodotus. He may even be the best of the lot. A number of Sargonid letters refer to planetary positions, as noted by Carl Olof Jonsson, whose work on all such materials I strongly recommend. One of these has been interpreted as putting Mars, Saturn and the Moon near the star Regulus in the constellation of Leo and plausibly assigned to May of -672 [28], in the later years of Esarhaddon. If we try to put it in the 4th century, as Heinsohn must (since he equates Esarhaddon with Artaxerxes II Arsakes), it simply does not fit. There are several dozen documents ...
244. Father Kugler's Falling Star [Journals] [Kronos]
... point; Mesopotamia being known for the antiquity of its mathematical knowledge, this was chosen as its place of origin.(4 ) It is of relevance to Velikovsky's theories that Venus is given a major place in establishing the similarity of these mythologies: she is known as "Queen of Heaven"; she is classified with the Sun and Moon, not with the planets; and she is observed to have phases, like the Moon. Kugler's broadside against the Panbabylonists was published in 1910 under the title Im Bannkreis Babels: Panbabylonistische Konstraktionen und religionsgeschichtliche Tatsachen (Under the Spell of Babel: Panbabylonist Constructions and Facts from the History of Religion). In 1907 Fr Kugler published the ...
245. A Model of the Polar Configuration [Articles]
... , its period and its response to external accelerations- are independent of the gravity field in which it is functioning. It's just a law of physics. And so if the Sun's gravity were constant, that is, if this, for example, were so far away and the things were so close together as you would think of the Moon and the Earth...The Moon and the Earth are very close together. And they're quite far away from the Sun. And so there is not as much difference between the gravity force at a distance away from the Sun as it is towards the Sun. And so this says that that would not have as great an ...
246. Tisserand and a Trojan to the Rescue [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... because Earth's influence dominates Mars far longer than Hatch allows. Hatch improperly criticizes me for deficiencies that originate in Patten's simplistic and inaccurate presentation of the model. The last flyby, which was not compensated by later interactions, would have enlarged Mars' orbit, which is inconsistent with the theory. Hatch's method for circularizing the orbits of Mars' moons cannot work because he ignores crucial out-of-plane effects that would have existed and its rate of action even on a coplanar basis is baldly asserted rather than shown. Patten's chastizing me for one use of "we" is hypocritical, since he used "we" at least 27 times up to that point in his reply. Windsor's erroneous energy ...
247. In the Beginning -- A Review [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... know the beginning; we can only enter the theater at what may have been the third or fourth act. Velikovsky begins with Hebrew cosmology to claim that, prior to Genesis, the Earth underwent earlier catastrophes and that, within human memory, there were seven such creations. These were "sun ages" to be identified with the "Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Mars" in that order, or are more appropriately "planet ages." He discussed these ages in Worlds in Collision as "The World Ages" and "The Sun Ages." Hence, his view is that each of the seven planets affected the Earth at some time in ...
... Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and their satellites, which are all very light for their size, while others, like our Earth and Venus, are very heavy for their size. The specific gravity of the Earth is 5.5 , the heaviest in our solar system. Still others take an intermediate place, like our Moon, and Mercury, whose specific gravity is about 3.3 . The ice bolides which fell into the Sun engendered important phenomena and consequences. Theoretically an ice body of a minimum diameter of about three hundred feet should be able to reach the Sun without altogether wasting away into ice dust or hydrogen and oxygen on the way, but ...
249. Precursors [Journals] [Kronos]
... calm void, moving at equal rate with unequal weights."(3 ) In 1605, Simon Stevin of Bruges published a book in which he described his experiment: he let fall two balls of lead, one ten times the weight of the other, and they landed evenly.(4 ) Isaac Newton explained that gravity attracts the Moon to the Earth and calculated this basic notion of his theory assuming that "the mean distance of the moon is equal to sixty semi-diameters of the earth".(5 ) "The moon gravitates towards the earth, and by the force of gravity is continually drawn off from a rectilinear motion and retained on its orbit."( ...
250. How Stable Is the Solar System? [Journals] [Pensee]
... teaches a course in Velikovsky theory at Texas Christian University, and has lectured on the subject at other universities in Texas, Switzerland, Germany, and England. The scientific literature today abounds with catastrophic hypotheses not unlike the events Velikovsky described in 1950. (Harold Urey has suggested that a collision between Earth and a comet splashed water onto the moon. R.A . Lyttleton believes Jupiter may have split apart in the past.) Many of these hypotheses lend additional support to Velikovsky's views. "In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."- Galileo Galilei "Is it not the case that at first a ...
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