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177 pages of results. 151. Checking the Checkered Checker [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 1 No 4 (1993) Home | Issue Contents Checking the Checkered Checker(1 )George R Talbott Given that a body leaves the Moon at a velocity of 1 kilometre per second, or 100, 000 centimetres per second, how far, directly upward, will it have travelled at the end of 1 second? A similar question arises when seeking the distance and time relations for a bullet fired toward zenith with a muzzle velocity, in this case, of \ kilometre per second, while working against gravity. The problem is relatively elementary in physics, but is worth solving. Mistakes are often made, even by professionals, in solving ...
152. An Evaluation of the Practical Operation of the Stonehenge Calendar [Journals] [Kronos]
... his theory of the calendric capability of this ancient stone edifice, he, quite naturally, emphasizes the sophisticated line-ups of the three marker stones at each quarter period of the 19-year cycle, while glossing over the meticulous intercalation of 7 lunations and extra days necessary to keep the Stonehenge calendar chronologically aligned with the orbiting relationships of the Sun and the Moon throughout the entire 19-year cycle. This detailed operation of the calendar attracted my attention, and I offer the following as a workable method of keeping the calendar on track. Let us study first the Aubrey Sun Circle, which, as Wall has shown, tracks the solar year by counting off 28-day solar "months", 13 times ...
153. Fall of Cosmic Material (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 5 Fall of Cosmic Material Leaving the myths of the observation of the disintegration of the Tertiary satellite for a while, we shall now try to discover where the cosmic material which was showered down upon Earth is to be found. Generally speaking, three different kinds of material came down: water from the satellite's ice-coat; the floor deposits of the satellite's shoreless ocean; and the bigger or smaller blocks into which its metallo-mineral core was riven. The water was used to replenish the depleted supplies of the Earth, to swell the terrestrial oceans. We can gather from ...
154. Myths of the Great Fire (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 10 Myths of the Great Fire Less universal than the deluge myths, though not less striking, the reports of a Great Fire which swept over the Earth as it of the great cosmic catastrophe which also caused the eat Flood. Their relative infrequency may be chiefly due to e fact that the bombardment with glowing or heated cosmic material was only observed by the inhabitants of a relatively narrow zone, which was mostly covered by the waters of the girdle-tide. Men living farther to the north and south saw the more or less distant fire-rain without experiencing much of it themselves ...
155. The Cyclic Nature of Ancient Catastrophes [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of an orbital axis: "precession." It may apply to an orbital axis: it may also apply to a spin axis. Our immediate concern is the precession of the Earth's orbital axis, that is, the slow change in the direction to which that axis points. The Earth's orbital axis is under some non-canceling influences of the Moon and Sun and, to a lesser extent, Jupiter and Saturn. As a result of these gravitational influences, the Earth's orbital axis slowly moves, completing a 360-degree circle once every 27,000 years- if they are "uniformitarian years," when only the effect of the current alignment of solar system bodies is involved.1 ...
156. "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Continued) [Journals] [Kronos]
... on a destructive rampage. If Theseus is paired with Romulus, then he too must carry about him the public personna of order and the repressed folkloric personna of elementary planetary destruction.(35) There are other celestial overtones. For example, the whole play occurs during the crucial part of a lunar fertility cycle. It begins when the Moon is on the wane, a period of danger and error in folklore, so every impulse seeking to run its course during this period must be held in check, must be delayed until a time of better beginnings. It then moves through three or four nights of darkness and confusion until it finally reaches the moment of the new moon ...
157. Saturn And Voyager [Journals] [Kronos]
... Voyager I will send another important message telling scientists if the solar wind continues to blow away from the Sun at the system's edge. Voyager 2, following a longer route, has passed Jupiter but is still ten months from its Saturn encounter. The Voyagers have ten instruments and radio transmitters with which to probe these two giant planets, their moons, rings, and the space through which they orbit. The messages from Jupiter and Saturn have surprised NASA scientists, but not me, by finding many phenomena that seemingly can be powered by electricity. The pictures, the most dramatic evidence from the Saturn encounter, take 85 minutes to reach Earth after transmission. By the time we ...
158. The Method of Science [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... his streams of profanity at the shaving mirror every morning. Finally unable to tolerate it any further, she stood next to him and calmly recited back the disgraceful monologue of curses she had just heard him deliver. He turned to her and said, "My dear, you know the words, but not the tune." "The Moon in Upheaval" is a paper that knows the form, but not the content, of genuine scientific argumentation. At every key point requiring justification, it detours into hand waving and fantasy. It utterly fails to persuasively argue a single item of its catalogue of claims for an unconventional lunar geological history. Yet, the amount of work ...
159. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Comets. Ch.9 Axis Shifted (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... outer crust of the earth, "however these may be brought about, a matter as yet by no means settled." The coincidence in time and place of mountain folding and volcano building is regarded as significant for the solution of the problem of the origin of volcanoes. Seas of lava and crater formations cover the entire face of the moon. "No one who has observed the moon, even through a relatively small telescope, can forget this picture of tremendous catastrophe: a flood of molten lava that has engulfed . . . and obliterated craters and mountain ridges in its path."4 Whether the crater formations on the moon, some of which reach 150 miles in ...
160. The Planetary Order Revealed in The Book of the Secrets of Enoch [Journals] [Horus]
... ancient watchers of the sky. In Chapter XXX, verses 4 and 5, the following information is revealed: 4. On the first uppermost circle I [God] placed the stars, Kruno, and on the second Aphrodit, on the third Aris, on the fifth Zeus, on the sixth Ermis, on the seventh lesser the moon, and adorned it with the lesser stars. 5. And on the lower I placed the sun for the illumination of the day, and the moon and stars for the illumination of night. It is generally conceded that the term "stars", as used in the first line of verse 4, refers not to stars but ...
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