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177 pages of results. 101. Chapter 3 Astronomical Sothic Dating [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... conventional Sothic dating turns out to be a chimera, Egyptian chronology will need to be revised and reconstructed upon more secure foundations. And once that is done, the chronologies of all those neighboring peoples will also have to be revised and reconstructed. Move the Egyptians, and you must move their neighbors." Lynn E. Rose Sun, Moon, and Sothis op.cit., p. XXIII Once Manethon's kings' list had been accepted and modified according to the evidence from several areas of historical research, there still remained a basic problem. How could this series of kings be firmly established on scientific grounds so that the dates of the dynasties, pharaohs etc., ...
102. Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt by Lynn E. Rose [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:5 (Jan 2000) Home | Issue Contents Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt by Lynn E. Rose (Kronos Press: Deerfield Beach, Florida 1999) Reviewed by Frederic Jueneman This book isn't for everyone, as it heavily concentrates on the minutiae of calendrical detail that perhaps only a mathematician or historical specialist in such matters could fully appreciate or even conditionally respect. It is, without doubt, a superbly scholarly book. But what a hoot! I don't believe that I've ever read a book quite like this one, only half understanding what the author has to offer, but nevertheless ...
103. The Ching Hsing [Journals] [Horus]
... appeared the Ching Hsing phenomenon. That is a very auspicious omen [reports Yang Yul] .. . I looked up the files .. . of earlier memorials and came to a very different conclusion. I said [to them], although the phenomenon has occurred on the last day of the month [i .e . New Moon], its shape was slightly different from what it ought to be. Besides, if the Ching Hsing appears, there ought to he reports coming in of wine-sweet springs, phoenixes, purple herbs, and felicitous clouds in order to corroborate the celestial omen. But on the contrary there are epidemics and catastrophes in Shensi, brigands and ...
... Surroundings Trevor Palmer The Solar System The Solar System in which we live shows very little evidence of having been at peace with itself since its formation. It is generally believed that its components began to coalesce from a spinning disc of gas and dust some 4,600 Myr (million years) ago [1 ]. Had the planets, moons and other bodies so formed then remained in orbits which did not bring them into conflict with each other, the Solar System today would surely show more consistency of features, with far fewer anomalies, than it actually does. Supercomputers such as the Cray at the University of London, used in Professor Archie Roy's Project LONGSTOP, and the ...
105. Scientifically speaking... [Journals] [Pensee]
... around the Earth, are so constant over such a long period as to permit eight-digit precision to be determined by observation- and eclipse cycle periodicities to be known "from antiquity" --can you blame the astronomers for believing in the order and in the stability of our solar system? Pensée readers are accustomed to situating events in time according to New Moon or other lunar phases. They have also seen suggestions that Earth movements- rotational or orbital, or both- relative to the Sun and the heavens might have been quite different in historical times than they are now, by reason of different year lengths of 354, or 360, or other numbers of days. It is interesting to see how ...
... and Isis is the mother of Horus because Phact== a Columbae, Serk-t, a Centauri, Mut = g Draconis, and other stars (Isis) did precisely the same, while in another connection. Isis is the sister of Osiris, and therefore the mother of Horus. But here the relationship depends upon the association of the moon and warning star in the morning sky. I only offer these as suggestions; similar variations might be multiplied ad nauseam. But while all this proves that genealogies may be manufactured without either end or utility, we gather that the association of mythological personages with definite astronomical bodies may in time be of great help in such inquiries, and ...
107. Notes (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... .V . renders `precept upon precept', would be: `diddle-dee-dum', or , 'Ram-tam-tam'. Note 5. The Greek word rendered look thereon', means literally also to `see through' something, i.e . to grasp it, understand it thoroughly, or gauge its meaning. Note 6. Moons, Myths, and Man. A Re-interpretation, by H. S. Bellamy (Faber & Faber Ltd., London, 1936. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1938). Note 7. The density of ice is 0.9 (water = 1). A calculation on this basis shows that the lunar glaciosphere ...
108. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... similar four-petalled flower-symbol, that we have already identified as a sign for the Saturnian sun. In a perhaps not too fanciful mood, I see in this Olmec "doughboy" a personification of the configuration at the time of its dissolution. The lower head is the planet Mars. It is so close to Earth at this time that its moons, Phobos and Deimos, have been portrayed as earrings. Above Mars is a prominent, maned Venus (in its comet-like phase), fierce and threatening Earth with destruction. Lastly, on top is a very distant, quartered, and vegetal, Saturn, already leaving us far behind. (If Wallace Thornhill is correct, Saturn ...
109. Rocks From Where? [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 1 No. 1 (Winter 1985) Home | Issue Contents Rocks From Where?by Alex Marton You mean we didn't have to go to the Moon? Or to send probes to Mars to get them? An article in the 17 March, 1983 issue of the British magazine New Scientist announces in its title: Extraterrestrials have landed on Antarctica. Before 1969, all the expeditions to Antarctica had together found only four meteorites. Then, in December 1969, Japanese scientists stumbled upon nine black fragments within a short distance from each other. After studies of these finds were reported at a meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Davos, Switzerland, in ...
110. The Sacred Theory of the Earth by Dr. Thomas Burnet [Books]
... this continent, in the Southern Hemisphere. CHAPTER VIII The uses of this theory for the illustration Antiquity, The Chaos of, the Ancients explain'd; The Inhabitability of the Torrid Zone; The change of the Poles of the World; The Doctrine of the Mundane Egg; how America was first peopled; How Paradise within the circle of the Moon CHAPTER IX, A general objection against this theory, viz. .That if there had been such a Primitive Earth, as we pretend, the fame of it would have sounded throughout all Antiquity. The Eastern and Western learning consider'd; the most considerable records of both are lost; what foot steps remain relating to this subject. ...
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