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1767 results found.
177 pages of results. 91. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... in some regions, while still barbarian in others. " Then happens that which will seem a great miracle that the wolf devours the sun, and this will seem a great loss." That is, the Comet strikes the sun, or approaches so close to it that it seems to do so. " The other wolf devours the moon, and this, too, will cause great mischief." We have seen that the comets often come in couples or triplets. " The stars shall be hurled from heaven." This refers to the blazing debris of the Comet falling to the earth. " Then it shall come to pass that the earth will shake so violently ...
92. Index of Titles
... Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision", An Answer to Clapham's Question: Revise!, The Answer to Hickman, An Answer to Jonsson Answer to the Critics of Ramses II and His Time, An Answers To Critics Answers To Further Critics Antigravity Beamship? Antiquated Textbooks: Redesigning the Solar System Antiquity of the Egyptian Decans, The Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus? Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) Aphrodite Urania Apocalyptic Imagery In Modern Political Spectacle Apollo and the Planet Mars Apollo Objects, Atlantis and the Deluge: A Catastrophical Scenario for the End of the Last Glaciation Apollo of the Wolf, the Mouse and the Serpent Apophoreta 2 Apophoreta - 3 Apophoreta - 4 Apophoreta - ...
93. Solar System Studies (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon I:4 (Jul 1988) Home | Issue Contents Solar System Studies (Part 2)Frederick F. Hall introduction In this second installment of Solar System Studies (1 ) we shall take up these issues left unaddressed in our opening presentation: The Earth/Moon subsystem Plate tectonics A tentative catastrophic scenario Questions and implications arising from the model THE EARTH/MOON SUBSYSTEM The orbital plane of the Earth/Moon barycenter is by definition the ecliptic, and this plane is tilted 7.0 from the Solar equatorial plane. The barycenter is about 1,700 km beneath Earth's surface. The Earth/Moon orbit is more elliptical than that of Venus and ...
94. The Calendar of Coligny [Journals] [Horus]
... papers, HORUS Vol. I, No. 2 and HORUS Vol II, No. 3, 1 described in detail the operation of Stonehenge as a luni-solar calendar that employed the 19-year Sun-Moon cycle. Though the actual device itself as it existed at Stonehenge was unique, the calendar format it embodied is not. The 19year cycle wherein specific Moon phases are repeated on the same days of the year every 19 years has, at one time or another, formed the basis of calendar systems for numerous civilizations. The Babylonians, the Hindus, the Jews, the Greeks and the Romans each employed the scheme at some point in their history; in fact, several of these are ...
95. The Breaking Edge [Journals] [Pensee]
... International Astronomical Union), ed. C. Sagan, T.C . Owen, and H.J . Smith (D . Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland, 1971), 91,100. Kuiper's conclusions were challenged by D.P . Cruikshank and A. B. Thomson, Icarus, 15 (1971), 497-503. The Moon Measurements of magnetism at the Apollo 16 site on the moon have produced readings more than six times stronger than the original measurement conducted in 1969 at Apollo 12 site in the Ocean of Storms. The 1969 measurement was so high that its validity was doubted at the time by many scientists. Then, measurements made in the Fra Mauro area ...
... ' Note 2 - Frazer was of opinion that all traditions which preserve reminiscences of floods which really happened . . . are legendary; so far as they describe universal deluges which never happened, they are mythical'. Compare with this opinion what constitutes a myth' my definitions, or re-definitions, in the introductory sections of my books, Moons, Myths, and Man, and The Book of Revelation is History. Note 3 - Compare my tentative remarks about a race or species memory, in Moons, Myths, and Man, p. 55. Note 4 - The cardinal witness for this contention is the Hebrew word for created' bard. Its strict etymological meaning is ...
97. The Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars [Books] [de Grazia books]
... .O . Box 1213, Princeton, N.J . 08542, U.S .A . TO: Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs, IV, 27.17 Celestial Sex, Earthly Destruction, and Dramatic Sublimation in Homer's Odyssey: The Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars By Alfred de Grazia TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction Part One: Sacred Scandal and Disaster An Athena Production The Song of Love The Love Affair as the Mask of Tragedy Catastrophe and Sublimation Holy Dreamtime Part Two: Gods, Planets, Madness The Rape of Helen Crazy Heroes of Dark Times The Two Faces of Love The Ruined Face ...
98. The Third Degree. File II (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... statement, Neugebauer immediately gave an example. He quoted from page 349 of my book and confronted me with my source, Franz Xaver Kugler, a Jesuit priest. Kugler wrote in German a series of books on Babylonian astronomy, from each of which I quote in several places in Worlds in Collision. One of Kugler's books is The Babylonian Moon Computation: Two Chaldean Systems Concerning the Movement of the Moon and the Sun.(1 ) As the title indicates, a certain collection of Babylonian astronomical tablets contains two (and in part even three) systems of planetary motions. Each system is complete in itself; the periods of revolution and the positions of the luminaries- Sun, ...
99. Thomas Gold and dust in craters [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Thomas Gold and dust in craters www.news.cornell.edu/releases/April01/Gold.dust.deb.html Cornell cosmologist Thomas Gold revives old debate about moon to explain movement of dust into craters of asteroid Eros For Release: April 4, 2001. Contact: David Brand. Office: 607-255-3651. Email: deb27@cornell.edu Thomas Gold ITHACA, N.Y .- More than just dust was kicked up when NASA's Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft, NEAR Shoemaker, made a successful landing on asteroid 433 Eros on Feb. 12. Also disturbed were ...
100. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... today. However, Velikovsky presented direct cuneiform citations from the Babylonian Hymn to Inanna used by Huber as a supporting document of his evidence, as did Rose. "Zur Nachtzeit sendet sie Licht aus wie der Mond am Mittag sendet sie Licht aus wie die sonne." "At night time [Venus] sends out its light like the Moon at midday [Venus] sends out its light like the Sun." "Die Herrin des Abends die bis ans Ende des Himmels gross ist." "The Queen star of the evening [Venus] is so large as to reach to the very end of the sky." "Die Herrin des Morgens die bis ans Ende ...
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