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60 pages of results. 61. Recent Finds In Geology. Ch.17 Supplement (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... was] covered only by a thin veneer of sediment." He discovered that the Pacific and Indian ocean beds consist "largely of volcanic ash that had settled on the bottom after great volcanic explosions." He also found a large nickel content in the clay of the ocean bottoms, and decided that this abysmal nickel must have been of meteoric origin. Consequently, he concludes, there were "very heavy showers of meteors." "The principal difficulty of this explanation is that it requires a rate of accretion of meteoric dust several hundred times greater than that which astronomers . . . are presently prepared to admit."6 Professor Ewing of Columbia University carried on his investigation ...
62. 2nd SIS Cambridge Conference Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... :45 Bill Napier, Armagh Observatory Cometary Catastrophes, Cosmic Dust and Ecological Disasters in Historical Times: The Astronomical Framework Available data from fireball and comet observations, meteorite impacts, small lunar craters and the current near-Earth environment are assembled to yield a coherent picture of the interface between the Earth and its current interplanetary environment. The Taurid Complex of meteors, meteoroids, asteroids and Comet Encke has probably been a significant and regularly visible celestial hazard from the last Ice Age through to the present day. These data lead to the expectation that history has been punctuated by: (I ) Tunguska-like impacts, singly or as part of fireball swarms; (ii) freezing events of decadal duration ...
63. Chapter 10 Iron, Diorite, and the Sumerians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia from about 2400 to 2024 B.C .1 They lived there about the time of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. This, of course, is the period when copper was supposed to have been the main metal used for tools. Gold and silver were too precious for such everyday work. The Mesopotamians did have meteoric iron, but as was pointed out earlier, this metal is only slightly harder than bronze and difficult to make into tools. It is far softer than granite and much, much softer than diorite. As we are already aware, soft metals such as copper, bronze, wrought iron or meteoric iron cannot work diorite. So the ...
... Vredefort structure fits naturally into regional geology," led directly to his invented (? ) term "gastrobleme," by which he sought to correct what he perceived as Dietz' and Grieve's misapplication of their own ingenious term, "astrobleme." Cataform circular structures will now be discussed. Vredefort will be further dealt with as well. METEOR CRATER, ARIZONA This was interpreted as meteoritic upon first discovery in 1891. Nickeliferous iron fragments found on the crater floor and in ejecta on the surrounding plain seemed to confirm that an iron meteorite had caused the excavation. Notwithstanding that popular wisdom, G. K. Gilbert for the U.S . Geological Survey pronounced the feature volcanic ...
65. Jupiter in Collision: in Search of Velikovsky's Comet [Articles]
... , according to Biblical sources, 52 years later in the time of Joshua. On that great day, when the sun did not hasten to go down, Velikovsky remembered the shower of hot stones which killed more of Joshua's enemies than did the battling Israelites. Velikovsky realized that these scientifically naive people could not have deliberately coupled a large scale meteoric shower with a disturbance in the Earth's diurnal rotation. Since meteoric showers, great and .small, are understood to be debris entrained by comets, Velikovsky took the next logical step by gleaning the Bible and associated Talmudic sources for evidence of a comet during Exodus and Joshua. It was then that the "mysterious pillar" became the ...
66. The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... around the heavens. (This involves a red and a white (twins) that we may compare with Ephraim and Manessah, the sons of Joseph (= the Bull) and variously Cain and Abel or Romulus and Remus etc.) What really sparked my interest in the book was the way in which they saw an important role for meteors in the past, and it became obvious they played a dramatic role in Egyptian religio-myth. Unfortunately, the authors assumed meteors are simply meteors and they possess known and acceptable origins. I had the impression that if Bauval and Gilbert had taken on board some of the ideas of Clube & Napier, or those of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, ...
67. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... decipherment of the cuneiform used by the Mesopotamians has corroborated this statement to some extent. The ancient Babylonians, who can safely be identified as the first astronomers in world history, designated stars by their specific names prefixed with the Sumerian determinative MUL, star' or planet'. When the word mul was used independently, however, it meant meteor' instead of star, planet'. 3 This suggests that meteors were marked as unspecified stars or planets by the Babylonians, as if meteors are the default mode' of planets. That this interpretation is correct finds dramatical confirmation in the observation that the Babylonians designated both the planet Jupiter and a meteor as kakkabu rabf, great star ...
68. On "the Year -687" [Journals] [Kronos]
... fires that swept across the countryside around Peshtigo, Wisconsin on October 8, 1871 were found in a similar condition.(2 ) Jewish traditions record that coincidently with this event the day was unnaturally lengthened, on the first night of Passover, near the beginning of spring.(3 ) Identifying this account with the Chinese report of a meteor shower, Velikovsky gives us the exact date: March 23rd. A whole chapter is devoted to various ancient traditions in which he finds other descriptions of the same events. On what is this date based and how securely connected are these various other traditions? MARCH 23rd Velikovsky's sources for the meteor shower, the Catalogues of Abel Rémusat and ...
69. The Years 763 and 687 BC [Journals] [SIS Review]
... catastrophe having occurred in the year 687 BC is briefly reviewed and the idea that the 687 date is dependent on Assyrian chronology is shown to be in error. The date actually derives from Chinese evidence. Further, there seems to be no good evidence to postulate a global disaster in that year, the Chinese evidence suggesting no more than a meteor shower. However, Near Eastern evidence does suggest that the years 763 and 701 BC may have seen fairly widespread upheavals. In his letter concerning Velikovskian catastrophism and Assyrian chronology (see "Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History?" on facing page), Marx focuses on the well-known solar eclipse recorded in the Assyrian Eponym List and ...
70. Thoth Vol I, No. 16: June 15, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... L'Aigle in 1803, the Academy dispatched a young astronomer to debunk the story. He returned with bad news: the reports were correct. Everyone now accepts the existence of meteorites but the confirmation came too late to save hundreds of specimens from being unceremoniously thrown out of museums as "superstitious artefacts". The now widely-accepted theory that a hugh meteor struck the Earth 65 million years ago, pushing the dinosaurs into extinction, also came in for a least as much abuse as the idea of micro-comets when it was originally proposed. When the late Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez and his team first published their evidence for the giant impact in 1980, one authority described it as "a ...
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