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599 results found.
60 pages of results. 371. On the Nature of Cometary Symbolism [Journals] [Kronos]
... 1974, 1977, and 1978), 3 vols. 10. Coffin Text 252. See also the discussion in Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians (Dover edition, New York, 1969), Vol. 1, p. 455. 11. U. Dall' Olmo, "Latin Terminology Relating to Aurorae, Comets, Meteors and Novae," Journal for the History of Astronomy, XI: 10; Also see J. Sammer, "An Ancient Latin Name for Venus," KRONOS VI:2 (Winter-1981), p. 61. 12. Peter Brown, Comets, Meteorites, and Man (N .Y ., 1969), p ...
... civilisation, including trees, jetties, boats, a forge and iron shoes, tan vats, and leather soles, point to a comparatively recent period. The petrified fish, the changing of the channel in one river and raising of the bed of another by silt, and the deposit of silt over a large area all point to a meteor fall, causing earthquake and a great tidal wave. It seems also that it is reasonable to connect it with the earthquake which so largely destroyed Lincoln in 1185. Dr. E. Mansel Sympson (Lincoln, p. 62) says: "In 1185 a great earthquake is reported to have cleft the cathedral church of Lincoln from ...
373. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... shaky looking foundations? Michael G. Reade, Checkendon, Oxfordshire Gervase's 1178 Lunar Impact' Has Problems Carl Sagan's Cosmos dramatically portrayed the report of Gervase of Canterbury, that on the evening of 18 June 1178 a group of monks near Canterbury saw what J. B. Hartung (1976 Meteoritics, 11, 187) interpreted as a giant meteor hitting the Moon. Gervase says'... five or more men who were sitting there facing the Moon. Now there was a bright new Moon, and as usual in that phase its horns were tilted towards the east; and suddenly the upper horn split in two. From the midpoint of this division a flaming torch sprang ...
374. Plagues and Comets [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Kuzari (ca 1140 A. D. ), intro. by H. Slonimsky, New York: Schocken Books. 18. "Comets," in Lynch, ed., Astrophysics, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951) 19. A.O . Kelly and F. Dachille, Target : Earth, The Role of Large Meteors in Earth Science, Carlsbad, Calif., 1953. 20. "Of Eating of Flesh," in Morals, quoted by Velikovsky in W. in C., p. 12; cf. 85ff: 21. Thoum is a name of the Pharaoh of the Exodus as reconstructed by Velikovsky (see Ages in Chaos, ...
... to Ulster, where no volcanic cones exist, although some volcanoes were created in Skye, Rum, Eigg, Ardnamurchan, St. Kiida, Arran Island in the Firth of Clyde, and in Co. Antrim, the latter a burning sheet of basalt. On the mainland of Scotland simultaneously immense parallel and deep seismic fissures opened up-many now meteoric rocks-glowing with subterranean fires. At the same time the mysterious columnar pillars of basalt were laid down in many of the Hebrides apart from the remarkable island of Staffa, a few miles west of Mull, consisting as it does of one solid lump of columnar basaltic pillars. Skye, Mull, and other of the islands possess the unusual ...
376. Sagan's first problem: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... ), p. 147 made this calculation and states, "In the whole age of the solar system, a comet with an average period of 100,000 years would make 4.5 x 104 returns to the Sun, and if at each of these it lost only 1/1000th of its mass, through tail formation and meteor stream production, the initial mass would have been more than 1019 times as great as the present mass-which at a minimum means several times the mass of the Sun!" Thus, for Jupiter to capture comets and convert them from longperiod to short-period ones, the comets would have to make hundreds of thousands of close passages to the Sun ...
377. Evolution from Space [Articles]
... baffling to me why these have not been observed astronomically. Milton Zysman: I gather from the direction of your arguments- am I correct in assuming that you and your colleague believe more or less that organic life has developed outside the Earth, in space, and has been transferred in some manner to Earth, possibly through the medium of meteors and meteorites and other types of infusion through time, rather than the original assumption that it developed somehow on Earth? Professor Wickramasinghe: The assumption that it happened on the Earth is the usual assumption. If one is forced to say that it had to happen, that the origin of life is confined to the Earth, then what ...
378. Cosmic Instability [Books] [de Grazia books]
... great body were to collide with the Earth, days before the explosive moment the Earth's rotation would have come to a halt, and its surface and atmosphere would be erupting in flames and lightning. Finally, electrical adjustments are a form of energy disposal and can change a hot transaction into a cool one, and vice versa. Many a meteor that would scorch the atmosphere and bum itself up, or perhaps explode in great heat, is repelled by a like charge of the upper atmosphere and skips off into outer space. Vast stretches of astronomical and geological time are not required by the delicacy of organized matter. Only small amounts of time may be needed in which to accumulate ...
379. Apocalyptic Imagery In Modern Political Spectacle [Journals] [SIS Review]
... thousands of feet above them while the rest of the sky is black. The people are like tiny ants underneath. Now let us do with Fig. 3 what we did with Fig. 2. Could we not see it, looking from the bottom up, as a superb diagram of a cometary impact? The comet or fireball or meteor with its fiery tails hits the Earth forcefully at the centre point, sending blasts of energy down into the ground, as in the lower part of the picture. (This would perhaps be clearer if we could draw a horizontal line across the picture, representing the ground, passing through the intersection of the beams.) The brightest ...
380. Catastrophe, Collective Trauma, and the Origin of Civilization [Articles]
... growth that lasted about 15 years. Since Greenland ice cores show no signs of large-scale volcanic activity for that time, the most likely explanations are comet impact or cosmic dust. British astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier have calculated, on the basis of observed cratering rates on the Earth and Moon, that we should expect the collision of a meteor or comet "of several megatons energy to occur somewhere on Earth every 200 years or so." Further, "a few dozen sporadic impacts in the tens of megatons, and a few in 100 to 1000 megaton range, must have occurred within the past 5000 years." Comet collisions don't always leave an obvious crater: the ...
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