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599 results found.
60 pages of results. 351. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , probably a buried salty ocean. Past Strength New Scientist 10.3 .01, p. 27 New methods of measuring the strength of the Earth's past magnetic field reveals that it was three times stronger than it is now when the dinosaurs were around. Sound From Space New Scientist 6.1 .01, pp. 14-19 Noisy meteors are mentioned in the Bible and there are plenty of modern reports of sounds heard from both meteors and auroras. It is suggested that it must be due to electromagnetic radiation in the form of very low frequency radio waves which are turned into sound by a variety of transducers such as wires, pine needles or even the listener's dry hair ...
352. On Morrison: Some Final Remarks (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... a nucleus. When nuclei are apparent, their spectra practically duplicate the spectrum of the Sun's photosphere (including Fraunhofer lines). On this basis, it is generally assumed that the nucleus, when present, is simply a small, solid object that reflects sunlight (Cf., e.g ., G. S. Hawkins, Meteors, Comets, and Meteorites, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, p. 107). Other astronomers, however, noting the erratic changes of light intensity and apparent changes in size of some nuclei, have insisted that these objects must be self-luminous to some degree. To be suggested here, then, is that comet nuclei become ...
353. Jupiter in Collision: In Search of Velikovsky's Comet [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... cast further light on the aurora thesis and bring us closer to understanding the full significance of Velikovsky's catastrophic vision. Comet of Typhon It may have evaded the scrutiny of even the most assiduous Velikovskians that there is very little direct evidence for the appearance of a comet during both the Exodus and the Joshua stories. All the indicators of a great meteoric shower are in place and it can be argued that any well-informed tribal leader or court magician would have little trouble inferring its involvement, yet we have no specific mention of a comet being observed before or during the event. Great signs were in abundance in the heavens - in particular the enigmatic arm of the Lord' mentioned many times ...
354. Catastrophes: the Diluvial Evidence [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a shower of large meteorites, causing catastrophic fires and floods, particularly in Africa [11, 23]. Another catastrophist of the period was the British journalist, Comyns Beaumont, who argued in a 1932 book that comets were planets which had been displaced from their natural orbits. According to Beaumont, cometary heads tended to disintegrate, forming meteors, which usually crashed into the Sun. Some, however, were intercepted by the Earth, with catastrophic consequences. Beaumont saw the widespread loam and gravel deposits of the northern latitudes as being evidence of an impact, associating the event with the Phaeton myth and the floods of both Noah and Deucalion. Since Orosius placed the Deucalion Flood ...
355. Quantalism: The Big Picture [Journals] [Aeon]
... , dating back at least to the time of Giordano Bruno, that whatever global disruptions have occurred were due exclusively to forces external to our planet. [6 ] Of these four types of catastrophism, one at least has subtypes. For, theoretically at any rate, exocatastrophism could itself be any one of the following: planetary asteroidal cometary meteoric In practice, however, subplanetary bodies such as asteroids, comets, and meteors are difficult to distinguish. I will therefore take Victor Clube as representative of all three subtypes of non planetary catastrophism. [7 ] In terms of the preceding distinctions, some of which cross-cut one another, Velikovsky may be classified as a planetary caenocatastrophist. ...
356. Quantavolution and Solaria Binaria [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... remember it. Q = C(SISa)x 3(a .. .n ) where Q=quantavolution X=exponential rising and subsiding. C = change x 3 = multiplied by the sum of S = suddenness a..n = all phenomena affected, I = intensity, Sa = scope. Thus: If a meteor (or comet) strikes at "Chassenon, France" and is 1.5 km in diameter, striking with a speed of 20 k/second, coming from the Northwest, it will burst open, within seconds, a great crater, and shoot up a towering column of fire, gas, and debris, a terrestrial ...
357. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... The first references to it are in Plato and Aristotle, but it is presented in detail by later commentators. It would seem that Kugler refrained from using the term comet because he was puzzled by the role of Venus and because the texts mention a globular body similar in apparent size and brightness to the sun. He used the term sun-like meteor' which sounds strange except to those who are familiar with ancient terminology. Aristotle, in order to defend the immutability of the heavens, distinguishes astronomy from meteorology and defines the latter as the study of the appearance in the sky of burning flames and of shooting stars and of what some call torches and horns' (Meteor. I ...
358. Planets in the Bible: I -- The Cosmology of Job [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the word in Isaiah in the plural (see below), says: "If Kesilim is a generic term, then it follows that Kimah and Ayish are also generic and not proper names. When God is said to bind Kimah, open Kesil and lead Ayish, these proper names may well in reality mean nothing more than planets, meteors, comets. Thus, the word kesil (fool) is not inappropriate for a vagrant comet, roving planet, or headlong meteor... " (24). With this in mind, we question the usual translations of these names as those of constellations, and follow Immanuel Velikovsky's interpretation of them as being names of planets ...
359. Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times -- Part II [Journals] [Kronos]
... all writers on questions of catastrophe. Working independently, he published in 1950 his account of universal destruction of the second half of the second millennium. He asserted that heavy seismic disturbances and devastating flames consumed the same ancient civilizations. But, with the aid of ancient legends and documents, he insisted upon the role of overall volcanism, heavy meteoric falls, and as "first cause," a derangement of the planetary system that brought down upon the earth the proverbial "wrath of the gods," not only Olympian gods, but Hebrew, Egyptian, Babylonian, Olmec and other gods.(34) Unfortunately, for twenty-five years, the assemblages of ideas and facts of ...
360. The Sybil and Dr Stecchini [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 13, translating SSP 47]: "If, then, there really were at one time simultaneous catastrophes of fire and flood, then - if we wish to exclude chance from playing a role - we must look for a common cause for the two phenomena." (Kugler's emphasis) Likewise, Kugler's explanation of the phenomena by a meteor stream is introduced by the words "It is possible..." and ends: "In this way the Deucalian flood and its simultaneity with the fire of Phaethon might be explained." [SSP 48, emphasised in original] 5. I cited [FKFS 24-5] H. Bettenson's introduction to Augustine (Penguin, 1967 ...
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