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60 pages of results. 341. The science of meteoritics: Stones of Heaven [Books]
... mass of the striking body must have been completely pulverized and vaporized by the explosion. This conclusion supported Barringer's view on the meteoritic origin of Coon Butte, but it also caused the withdrawal of financial support for further investigation, as there seemed to be no hope of recovering the rich iron-nickel mass. The Coon Butte began to be called the Meteor Crater. In 1931 the Henbury Craters were discovered in Australia, and in 1933 their meteoritic origin was fairly well established. Scientists began to accept the idea that huge meteorites, able to produce large craters, had actually hit our Earth. But the `battle of the Barringer Crater' was not over yet. Scientists argued that if ...
342. Cosmic Catastrophism [Journals] [Aeon]
... the impact of a large meteorite about sixty-five million years ago caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. (14) It has also been suggested that the solar system weaves upward or downward across the galactic plane of the Milky Way about every thirty or thirty-six million years, increasing the likelihood of a collision between the earth and a comet or large meteor. (15) Yet the vast majority of scientists continue to reject Velikovsky's theory. Their objections center on the improbability of a number of such collisions occurring within historical times and around questions about the scientific validity of many elements in the scenario. Carl Sagan, a well-known astronomer, has argued that the odds against a comet grazing the ...
343. As Worlds Collide [Journals] [Kronos]
... The geological record indicates that stones and ashes have fallen from the sky in great amounts. Sea bed surveys have revealed ash layers, believed to be global in extent and of volcanic origin.(13) Clays have been found which are anomalously high in nickel. Certain meteorites contain significant percentages of nickel, ocean sediments do not. If meteoric in origin, these clays seemingly result from showers which were several hundred times greater than meteoric influx at present.(14) Geomagnetic surveys of the sea bed indicate a coincidence between maxima of volcanic ash deposition, geomagnetic field reversals and microfaunal extinctions.(15) Severe tidal distortion of the Earth could precipitate global volcanism which could be ...
344. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... pressures and feelings of suffocation. Mother and child now join in trying to end the painful stress. This stage is often relived as an encounter with death issuing in a rebirth. It is often accompanied by visions of exploding volcanoes , devastating earthquakes , raging hurricanes , violent electric storms , monstrous tidal waves , consuming fires , gigantic comets and meteors , exploding novas , and other cosmic cataclysms . The suffering and tension mount to a degree in excess of what is humanly possible to bear. At this point, the stresses cease to have the quality of agony and change into a wild, ecstatic rapture of cosmic proportions: an aggressive, destructive megalomania with sado masochistic elements. Grof ...
345. The Uranians [Books] [de Grazia books]
... magnetic tube weakened and the secondary orbits of the dense planets were reduced in diameter around the principal axis of the system. The Earth lost charge, and close-in sky vapors began to condense and fall. Also, holes were chopped in the adamantine heaven - by the creator God, Panku, says the Chinese legend. These would be extensive meteor bombardments, many of them of ice. Great lightning discharges struck between canopies, clouds and land surfaces, with sporadic deluges. The sky waters descended, gathered into clouds, and cooled the near-in atmosphere. The land waters overflowed. Heavy winds blew for the first time. THE ICE DUMPS Where were the immense ice caps of the ...
346. Archetypes Showing The Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a shooting star. It looked like a leaping red snake or sparkling flame. Sometimes it was bent like a crooked bow and sometimes it was split like a pair of scissors. It showed immense variety in shape ? it moved from west to east and disappeared shortly after midnight. ' Note that this object lasted too long to be a meteor but its duration was too short for a long-term comet. Moreover, its constant shape-changing is notable and differs from expected meteoric and cometary behaviour. Was this phenomenon plasma? (The words plasma' and plastic' derive from the same word, the Greek plassein, to mould or shape.) In other instances, what appears to ...
347. Quantalism: the Big Picture [Articles]
... least to the time Giordano Bruno, that whatever global disruptions have occurred were due exclusively to forces external to our planet . Of these four types of catastrophism, one at least has subtypes. For, theoretically at any rate, exocatastrophism could itself be any one of the following: 1. planetary 2. asteroidal 3. cometary 4. meteoric In practice, however, subplanetary bodies such as asteroids, comets, and meteors are difficult to distinguish. I will therefore take Victor Clube as representative of all three subtypes of non-planetary catastrophism . In terms of the preceding distinctions, some of which cross-cut one another, Velikovsky may be classified as a planetary caenocatastrophist. Recognizing, then, ...
348. A Time of Pestilence and a Shaking of the Earth [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... reads: "so the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel, and god sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it . . . and David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of the Lord stand between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched over Jerusalem." According to Patten the pestilence was meteoric in origin, although I Chronicles 21:22 mentions a plague that followed it, apparently, and to avert both pestilence and plague David made an altar to Yahweh on the site that was to hold the Temple in the reign of his son. [18] The Lord promised David the reign of Solomon would be a time of ...
... cataclysms involving the respective planets were based upon cataclysmic events. Confronted with Plato's clear statement that Phaethon's fateful ride has reference to a great cataclysm caused by a deviation amongst the heavenly bodies, de Santillana and von Dechend nevertheless object: "The Pythagoreans were neither idle storytellers, nor were they even mildly interested in unusual sensational catastrophes' caused by meteors, and the like." (15) Here the authors of Hamlet's Mill failed to heed their own advice: "The only thing to do is proceed inductively, step by step, avoiding preconceptions and letting the argument lead toward its own conclusions." (16) Upon discovering the intimate association of Saturn with the Pole, ...
350. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Shock" ( New Scientist , 6/3 /80, pp. 750-2) by John Gribbin is a review of the new wave of publications featuring cosmic disasters. It is written in a witty style, exposing the not-so-newness of some of the supposedly "new" theories and taking a gentle poke at some publicity methods. Of the meteor impact theory he writes: - "Clearly, this is an idea whose time has come. But why? The science on which the ideas are based - classic back-of-the-envelope calculations - is hardly new..." He concludes "there in now a craving for stories of catastrophe, old or new..." and traces ...
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