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60 pages of results. 281. Thoth Vol III, No. 8: May 31, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... or comet or a low-altitude explosion in the atmosphere. What makes the scarab even more astonishing is that the nearest source of Libyan desert glass is 500 miles west of the Nile, in the Western desert. Half of this distance lies beyond any known oasis. The glass is scattered over an area 15 miles in diameter. However, no meteor crater has been found, and the event responsible for the glass remains mysterious. Best wishes, Walter That is very interesting indeed, Walter. Thanks for passing it on. I don't think the mechanism of formation of the natural glass is likely to be such a mystery. : -) Wal Thornhill- SATURN CONFIGURATION DISCUSSION Wal Thornhill ...
282. Thoth Vol S I-III, INCLUDING 66 ISSUES) [Journals] [Thoth]
... a plasma oven, with smooth and consistently circular pits across the entire surface (possibly including non-random or linear crater chains), and very likely with large portions of the asteroid cut away by secondary discharges, leaving the telltale scalloped patterns of arc machining-and all of this without the splatters, fractures or craggy, broken look one would expect from meteoric bombardment. To fully appreciate the direction of discovery, you do need the CD Rom, "The Electric Universe" (or at least the workshop notebook). You will then see that new findings anticipated by the electrical model are now occurring on a weekly basis, and often more frequently than that. You will also see that ...
283. Exploding Planets and Non-exploding Universesed [Articles]
... are so serious that we have to consider this extreme case in order to have an appreciation for what comes in between with modest-sized impacts. (Sound track from video: "The Death of the Dinosaurs): "Why did the dinosaurs disappear? There are many theories. The most popular one says that in the Cretaceous period a giant meteor struck the Earth."...We lost our soundtrack. You can see the visual effects here, which are the principal thing of interest anyway. The soundtrack is just basically saying that as the effects of the dust rise after the explosion and cover the Earth, vegetation dies out, the species go extinct, and it's ...
... a rock, before this refuse was hurled down on the area. It is uniquely one solid mass of basaltic material and that alone. Nothing in the world can compare with this islet. It is a geological freak. Geologists speak guardedly of a "plutonic event" in these parts, but a meteorologist who has made a study of meteoric phenomena. may grasp the technique which created the islet in the midst of this plutonic event. He is aware that the trap and amorphous basalt fell in liquified form on the pre-existent Old Red Sandstone of these areas, and with it, or preceded and followed by the liquid rock, piles of basaltic rock of columnar formation fell in ...
... insensible degrees. The clays in which these stones are embedded are varied, being blue, purple, brown, or yellow, and are entirely foreign to the surrounding strata where they were deposited. * " Great Ice Age," pp.6 ,7 ,9 , 21. 163. It was previously mentioned, in regard to meteors, that Geikie traced some phenomenal results dating from the Tertiary Age, and there are the strongest reasons for the belief that the basaltic flow which deluged an area of so many thousands of square miles (14) was also simultaneously accompanied by this phenomenon of the till and boulder clay. It is highly probable also that the same period ...
286. Comptinology and Tohu-bohu [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Saturn (Osiris) and Jupiter and possibly Thoth-Christ Scientist) and Venus (see Sizemore and Meyer: J.C ., Morning Star) all accommodated into one character. The celebrations are rationalized and spun out by Christian thought. Never mind the searches for a falling star in the presumed days of Christ's birth: whatever little surprise a meteor might have presented us, the real presence was Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus in their climactic appearances. Journal, Trenton, 15 September 1982 At breakfast Ami reads to me from Le Petit Robert, so big that it shakes the frail table when she opens it. "Tohu-bohu" in French means chaos. It comes from the ...
287. The Genesis of Religion [Books] [de Grazia books]
... in time and space, entranced by the sky as well as the abyss, infiltrating his spirit into this vast world, is both psychologically and materially affected by them. It is practically impossible, for any length of time, to take the apparitions of the world impersonally. There is "every reason" to regard the fall of a meteor as a purposeful intervention in one's life. It moves through the air like a flaming lance, sword, chariot, or torch held high. It is faster than a bird. It screams like a tiger. It strikes with the might of ten thousand men. As scientists say, "Everything must have a cause." Well ...
288. Cuneiform Astronomical Records and Celestial Instability [Books] [de Grazia books]
... The first references to it are in Plato and Aristotle, but it is presented in detail by later commentators. It would seem that Kugler refrained from using the term comet because he was puzzled by the role of Venus and because the texts mention a globular body similar in apparent size and brightness to the sun. He used the term sun-like meteor' which sounds strange except to those who are familiar with ancient terminology. Aristotle, in order to defend the immutability of the heavens, distinguishes astronomy from meteorology and defines the latter as the study of the appearance in the sky of burning flames and of shooting stars and of what some call torches and horns' (Meteor. I ...
289. Discussion Comments From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... In short, I am personally interested in the ice-core data, but find no basis for Ellenberger's delirious confidence: the imagined precision is simply not there. As for the matter of dust from Velikovsky's comet Venus, I am of the opinion that the place to look is in the Antarctic. Dust is deposited high in the atmosphere by disintegrating meteors. Since tenebrosity remains minimal after eons, there must be a dominant mechanism for dust removal. Dust in quantity can reach the atmosphere due to massive volcanic eruptions and could enter the atmosphere from cometary trains. Any dust blown off the surface of the Earth or spouted by lesser volcanoes will be limited to the troposphere and will be removed ...
290. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Aeon]
... "Evidence of the Prophets and Egypt" N. K. OWEN, "A Maya Record of Two Thousand Years?" IX/1 . D. L. VORHEES, "Velikovsky: Beyond Freud." M. S. SANDERS, "Gezer and the Mysterious Gates of Solomon." D; KENNY, "Cuchulain-Comet or Meteor?" T. CHETWYND, "A Seven Year Famine in the Reign of King Djoser with Other Parallels between Imhotep and Joseph." IX/2 . W. SHEA, The Placement of Abraham in Time." M. S. SANDERS, "Jericho." H. A. STORCK, "Exploring Exodus," ...
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