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60 pages of results. 161. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... And with pale lips men say, To-morrow, perchance today, Encelidas may arise! " ' Notes. 1. Mr. Muaurice's Ancient History of Hindustan.vol 1, p304. 2. Faber's, Horae Mosaicae, vol. i, p72. 3. Mythology of the British Druids, p226. 4. Kirkwood, Comets and Meteors, p50. 5. Ibid, p51. 6. The Heavens, p256. 7. Theogony. CHAPTER 4. RAGNAROK There is in the legends of the Scandinavians a marvellous record of the coming of the Comet. It has been repeated generation after generation, translated into languages, commented on, criticised, but never understood. ...
162. Pandemonium [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the roar of ten thousand freight trains; like that of a million cannons; the buzzing of a million bees (when the tornado is high in the air), and, more recently, the roar of jet airplanes - these are some of the phrases used by those who have experienced a tornado [2 ]. And so to meteors: Frank Lane writes of the meteoric shower of February 9, 1913 that was first seen at Saskatchewan, Canada, and last seen off the Brazilian coast, 6000 miles away. "As they passed southeast over Ontario they grew more brilliant and great explosions were heard. Detonations and earth tremors were caused along the path of the procession ...
163. Chiron: Giant Comet, Agent of Catastrophe? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Hahn and Bailey's simulations are even more compatible with the Cosmic Serpent/Winter hypothesis. For: "If Chiron (or some other large comet) has previously circulated in a short-period orbit, however, it may be possible to argue [references here to Clube and Napier's papers] that P/Encke and the associated bodies in the Taurid meteor stream complex were produced by ejection of material from the giant comet's outer layers. Ejection of P/Encke (or its progenitor) from Chiron during an earlier short-period phase of evolution may provide an explanation for the otherwise extreme nature of the forces that have to be invoked to explain P/Encke's present orbit." This is a ...
164. Samples From The Planets, Part 2 Mars Ch.5 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... Mohammed, stones that fell on the sinful tribes were inscribed with the names of those whom they were destined to kill. 4 G. A. Wainwright, "The Coming of Iron," Antiquity, X (1936), 6. 5 Wainwright, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XIX (1933), 49-52. 6 Olivier, Meteors, p. 3. 7 Cf. Bancroft, The Native Races, III, 302. 8 R. Cumberland, Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History (1720), p. 36. Lucian says that Astarte was the fallen star of Sanchoniathon. Ibid., p. 321. See also F. Movers, Die Phönizier, I, ...
... created the air vortex. The further logical assumption is that to create a tidal wave some solid body struck the ocean. What solid body could be hurled through space, capable of causing an earthquake, an air vacuum, a hurricane, and a tidal wave? 11. The explanation I shall propose is that the original movement was a meteor impact. Meteors may be of any size, large or small, and it will probably be discovered in due course that all these strange phenomena, the earthquakes in Chile and Tokio and Turkestan, the volcanic island off Saigon, the landslide of Amalfi, the Glamorgan tornado, and numerous other earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, waterspouts, landslides ...
166. Remarks from the Portland Symposium 3-5 Jan 1997 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... it struck me when looking at a picture of Mars, that even in a small photo the continental-scale chasm on Mars - the Valles Marineris - looks like a giant scar. And I realized that any electrical discharge capable of carving out such a chasm would throw an immense amount of rock into surrounding space, and this could explain the swarming meteoric retinue of the hero (Velikovsky's Maruts), while explaining as well why the ancients declared so consistently that meteorites falling on Earth were hurled by the planet Mars (not what you would call an "obvious" idea under our sky, with Mars appearing as a distant speck). Under the hypothesised close proximity of the two planets ...
167. Conference: Our Violent Solar System [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... added a deeper understanding of fundamental particles, including how to collapse hydrogen atoms into neutrons, and, further, into neutrinos, then uncollapse neutrinos back into ordinary matter. "Matter is neither created nor destroyed," he tells us, "It's only transformed to a different energetic state." Plus, he's found a new book on meteor craters that added much to the "electrical scarring" scenario. A highlight from this book is a photo taken 30 km from Meteor Crater in Arizona. I swear it's like looking at the moon. There is a sinuous rille, complete with a hairpin bend, wrapped around a cluster of small craters. While shopping in Portland Wal ...
168. The Case for Retaining a Dark Age at the end of the Late Bronze Age. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... heat vitrified walls - especially where walls were built of timber and basalt. Great tracts of forest and woodland were set alight across Europe - even at altitudes as high as the Alps. Burnt stumps have been found in bogs all over northern Europe. It may be that the star Anat was a piece of cometary material orbiting in the Taurid meteoric complex. This may have interacted with the atmosphere of the earth and burnt up as it raced across the sky - with devastating consequences for the regions it passed over. The migration of peoples, widespread death and destruction - followed by famine and epidemics which also took a great toll - adequately explains why dark ages exist in the aftermath ...
169. Einstein and Relativity [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . He was able to wade across the sea to Ireland with an army in ships floundering in his wake. His sister had been mistreated by the king of Ireland, it is alleged (in another variation of the Helen of Troy tale). In the original myth it was a celestial sea and Bran was accompanied by an army of meteoric material. In the humanised version of the tale a herdsman on the cliffs of Leinster took fright and hastily reported to the king, a mountain was heading towards them - with a forest of trees behind him' (the lances of the warriors in the army of Bran). The mountain was a large lump in the sky, ...
170. To Begin the World Over Again [Journals] [Aeon]
... the solar system are on Neptune, the planet farthest from the Sun's heat but closest to the double layer of the Sun's plasmasphere. How much of biology is connected with plasma? Already we can recognize that cells have the structure and behavior of double layers [5 ] , and recent reports link mutations to the paths of "electrophonic" meteors. [6 ] How much of atomic physics will survive the conflict between the metaphors of billiard balls and of plasma pinches? Electrons and protons are not so much tiny spheres of matter as tiny electrical sparks. Let's return to our senses again. The empirical grounding of cognitive activity in the structure of our nervous system contradicts the axioms ...
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