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... 1 which measures 110 by 35 miles, salty Lake Poopo (about 50 by 20 miles), briny Lake Coipasa (about 20 by 10 miles), and extensive saline marshes and salt-deserts, but at certain times in the past sheets of water differing in level and extent must have existed in the Bolivian Tableland. (Cf. the Map facing page 12) From various evidence it appears that the waters in the Altiplano reached three distinct levels. At the earliest, and lowest, stage there seems to have existed a lake which was probably considerably smaller than Lake Titicaca; but when, after an important intermediary stage, the waters reached their highest level, they filled the ...
62. "America B.C." and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... with other examples of known date. What I found interesting here is the change - one might say reversal in the topography of Ebla, which was described in ancient (contemporary) references as "in the mountains"(2 ) and is today in a plain. Of interest also is the fact that Ebla appears on the oldest known map of the world, which is dated ca. 2360-2180 B.C . and was found at Nuzi. In a description of the map, it is stated: "ancient Near Easterners were oriented toward the East." The map shows rivers and mountains where none are now. The geologic change and the seeming inaccuracy of the map ...
63. An Unexplained Arctic Catastrophe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the present North Pole. These include the Sverdrup Islands [2 ], the New Siberian Islands [3 ] and across the Arctic to Spitzbergen [4 ]. Furthermore, research during the latter half of the 20th century established that large areas of the Arctic were never glaciated in so-called Ice Age' times - yet, even today, maps of the Ice Age' Arctic appear in educational publications depicting it as part of an all-embracing (uninterrupted) northern hemispherical icefield. Non-glaciated Arctic areas include: northern Greenland [5 ], east Labrador [6 ], many islands of the Canadian archipelago [7 ], Banks Island [8 ], most of Alaska [9 ] ...
64. Sunk Without Trace? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Plato (see C&C Workshop 1987:2 , pp. 12-15). That has prompted some to look further afield for Atlantis. In When the Sky Fell, sub-titled In Search of Atlantis, Canadian librarians, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath combine Plato's Atlantis story with Charles Hapgood's theories of catastrophic crustal displacement. Hapgood was impressed by ancient maps, said to be copies of even older maps, which appeared to show the Antarctic continent free of ice. This, he argued, revealed that Antarctica had moved into the polar regions as a result of a crustal displacement, within the period of human civilisation. The Flem-Aths' main thesis is that Atlantis was Lesser Antarctica, the ...
65. The Earth Chronicles (Review) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... B.C . It may sound as though The Earth Chronicles is just another historical Deus Ex Machina of speculations on extraterrestrials, but it isn't. Sitchin is a superb scholar and researcher; he avoids needless speculation and he simply examines the Earth records of what has gone on, and when. The Twelfth Planet is a veritable chronological road map going back to 450,000 B.C . Heavily based on Sumerian archaeology, where we have the most comprehensive written sources beginning c. 6000 B.C ., Sitchin noted a great rise in human civilization about every 3600 years since the deluge in 11,000 B.C . and definite "dark ages" between ...
66. Replies to Lasken and Rees [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the Bible as a vicinity that the Pharaoh gave to Joseph and his brethren. To equate Goshen with Avaris is to compare the Hebrews with the Hyksos, which is my hypothesis, but I do not agree that that makes Goshen Avaris. I really do not think that one can change geography, even Ancient Geography. Goshen Ibid II, Map, was in the Northern part of Egypt near the Sinai desert. Nefrusi was always South West of Goshen, and therefore one must be guided by the stele of Kamose's passage, which is brought to the reader's attention in my article, p.77 C.&A .H . January, 1991 issue. His message states ...
67. Book Shelf [Journals] [Aeon]
... progenitive prehistoric civilization, looking minutely for faded fingerprints of the primordial mythic god-kings if no discernible footprints were otherwise visible. Over the years, countless others, well before Hancock, have made similar forays, but few with such persuasive arguments fortified with the latest developments in technological forensic tools. Our first look is at the legacy of archaic sea maps from the 15th and 16th centuries, apparently copied from much earlier charts, that depict land masses unknown to the intrepid voyagers in the days of Columbus, focusing- as did the late science historian Charles Hapgood of Keene College- on the Piri Reis map of 1513, the Oronteus Finaeus map of 1531, and the Mercator (Gerard ...
68. The Oera Linda book [Journals] [SIS Review]
... included as appendices to The Other Atlantis. Where was Atland? According to the 1871 paper From (Oera Linda book) it appears that (Atland) was land stretching out far to the west of Jutland, of which Heligoland and the islands of North Friesland are the last barren remnants. ' The Other Atlantis is prefaced prefaced by a map showing Atland as a huge island off Norway's coast, chiefly within the Arctic Circle, and based apparently on information obtained from paranormal sources. Grant, for some reason, placed it between the north of Britain and Greenland'. Interestingly, the Zeno Map of the North' [4 ] shows the piece of continental shelf around the ...
69. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... no periodical publication devoted to the vital topic of chronology." This is a case of consistency pushed too far! Of the two versions produced, the ISIS one is effectively a reprint of the SAC but in appearance is much superior. The SAC version is in typewriter face, non-proportionally spaced and not right justified, 143 pages with four maps. This version is not an easy read. As a general criticism, there has been too little attention to detail, e.g ., to spelling, punctuation, and to the referencing. The bottom half of p.111 was blank in the copy reviewed! By way of contrast, the ISIS version is much more ...
70. The Battle Of Kadesh-carchemish. Ch. 1. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... to any of his military undertakings, was equally reticent about leaving word of his civil activities- really great enterprises on any scale. How to explain this? Ramses II built large palaces and temples and left to posterity numerous inscriptions on steles, obelisks, and walls. Many of these inscriptions contain accounts of his battles, some are illustrated with maps of the battlefields and with pictures showing his armies and those of his enemies. A peace treaty that put an end to hostilities is preserved in its entirety. In accordance with Egyptian custom, the personal name of the opposing king is not given in the description of the battle, but in the text of the treaty the personal name ...
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