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62 pages of results. 31. Fingerprints of the Gods: do ancient relicts point to an advanced civilisation 15,000 years ago? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ocean-going design for cutting through very high waves, so the question is where did the people in the high Andes and in the Nile Valley get such a design from? It is significant that both peoples associated it with the coming of their gods - we seem to be dealing with navigating seafaring gods. Ancient Mapmakers Figure 6 The Piri Reis map (1513) On, for example, Russian maps of the Southern hemisphere drawn in the early 19th century, there is something missing - Antarctica - because Antarctica was not discovered by our civilisation until 1818. Curiously, however, on a whole range of much older maps we do find Antarctica quite accurately depicted. I went to the ...
32. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... Month-Table at the Ramesseum 276 in Relation to the Zenith of London at the Northern Winter Solstice and at the Northern Summer Solstice Azimuth Compass 67 Black Granite Statue of Sekhet fron the 288 Temple of Mut at Thebes Theodolite for Determining Azimuth and 68 The Goddess Taurt; the Goddess Serk-t 289 ltitudes or Selk-t (both with Horus and Disk) Magnetic Map of the British Isles, 71 Nit (two forms of); Bast 290 showing the Variation at Different Points file:///C |/ CAT/books/dawn%20of%20astronomy/index.htm (4 of 6) [05/02/2005 13:23:36] The Dawn of Astronomy ...
... even more necessary in geology than in the ordinary studies of the naturalist ; for they who deny that such a thing as a species exists, concede nevertheless that a botanist or zoologist may reason as if the specific character were constant, because they confine their observations to a brief period of time. Just as the geographer, in constructing his maps from century to century, may proceed as if the apparent places of the fixed stars remained absolutely the same, and as if no alteration were brought about by the precession of the equinoxes ; so, it is said, in the organic world, the stability of a species may be taken as absolute, if we do not extend ...
34. Obituary: Derek Scott Allan (1917-2000) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Robin, were all born during these early post-war years. They then moved to Driffield in East Yorkshire and he kept abreast of the latest literature on mammoths and related subjects, including Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision (1950) and Ages in Chaos (1956) and Hapgood's Earth's Shifting Crust (1958). Derek investigated both modern and early maps of Siberian and Alaskan topography. He was struck by the accuracy of some Siberian coastlines and the shapes of certain Canadian Arctic islands on early European maps printed before those features had been officially discovered. Some of these coastlines (now permanently smothered by ice) are still known only from subsurface seismographic profiling. Multidisciplinary evidence indicated that competent mapping ...
... Face Symbols IV. Why the Human Face Symbols are Pendant from the Arms V. The Crested Condors VI. The Distribution of the Symbols between the Left and Right Sides of the Body 27. The Hollowed-Out Elements, Features and Spaces 28. The Epoch of the Calendar 29. Final General Remarks 30. Conclusion Bibliography Appendix I : The Map of Ttahua-Ntin-Suyu Appendix II : The Puma Punku Calendar Appendix III: Indications of certain Ratios in relation to the Circle I. The 22 : 7 Ratio II. The 14:11 Ratio Appendix IV: The Future of the Calendar Gate Index Illustrations 1. The First Twelfth and its Pedestal 2. Front View of the Calendar Gate 3 ...
36. Updating Schaeffer's Destruction Inventory [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER SIX Updating Schaeffer's Destruction Inventory * [* A summary of Professor Shaeffer's findings and notes of a research proposal to extend his work. A memorial to Professor Schaeffer (1898-1982) by Geoffrey Gammon occurs in V The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Review 3 (1980-1), 70. The sites studied by Schaeffer and a map of them is contained in his work of 1948, Stratigraphie Comparée and this author's Chaos and Creation (1981).] In concluding his massive inventory and analysis of strata of destruction in Bronze Age settlements, Professor Claude Schaeffer of the University of Paris wrote as follows: The great perturbations which left their traces in the stratigraphy of the ...
37. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in comprising: - Chairman David Salkeld Vice Chairman Trevor Palmer Treasurer Jeremy Parnell Secretary Jill Abery Ordinary members: John Crowe, John Graham, David Fairbairn, Benny Peiser, David Roth and Ian Tresman. After an adjournment for lunch, the afternoon meeting got off to an exciting start with Alasdair Beal considering the implications of Charles Hapgood's book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. This classic of anomaly literature has been reissued and is available from the Sourcebook Project (see Bookshelf). For older members this was a refreshing new look at material they have probably been meaning to brush up on for years; for those not au fait with the work of Hapgood it was an excellent ...
38. On the Disproportion between Geological Time and Historical Time. Part Two - of Earth, Fire and Water [Journals] [SIS Review]
... would seem to be describing here an event or process distinct from the scattering of mankind at Babel. In the light of modern knowledge the verse could be interpreted as referring literally to the breaking up of the Earth into continents. There is also documentary evidence that this process occurred in historical times. When the Renaissance cartographer Oronteus Finaeus assembled his map of the world, he must have drawn from ancient sources, for although the map was published in 1532, it included a recognisable outline of Antartica, and Antarctica was not discovered by Europeans until the 19th century. The Latin inscription reads, Southern land: recently discovered but not yet fully explored', suggesting that it had been ...
39. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... variation of voltage which can be employed to make a disciple receptive to a higher vibration than that of planetary Karma. This may be a new idea, the polarization of a disciple by a Master's vibration. You will note in the horoscope of a Master and his disciple a decided polarity in the Ascendant and in the synthetic vibration of the map. The usual Zodiacal oppositions are not to be regarded, because they are contradicted through the harmony of the synthesis and the Ascendant, and there is a synthetic polarity and a radio-activity in the Super-solar aspects. Attention should always be called to the importance of harmonizing the charts of Teacher and disciple by the application of the data which a ...
40. Colin Wilson: Earth's Earliest Civilisation and the Giza Meridian [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... stimulating debate for some time to come. Here is a blow by blow account of each one. Colin Wilson: Earth's Earliest Civilisation and the Giza Meridian Last year Colin Wilson asked the question - why did Professor Charles Hapgood come to believe that civilisation was 100,000 years old. Hapgood and his pupils conducted a long-term study into the maps of the ancient sea kings. Among them was the Piri Reis map of 1513, said to have been constructed from 20 or so pre-existing source maps almost certainly of pre-Columbian origin. What made this map so important is that it shows the Patagonian coastline of South America as well as parts of Antarctica before they were even discovered. Moreover ...
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