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613 results found.
62 pages of results. 321. Uriel's Machine: The Ancient Origins Of Science, by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... however one views the authors' conclusions. Derel Briarley References 1. Enoch is apocalyptic literature. It is not general practice to interpret it literally but Knight & Lomas have to some extent. 2. B.G . Tilak (1903) proposed an ancient Arctic civilisation based on descriptions of apparently polar days and nights in the Vedas - Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, C.H Hapgood 1979, Turnstone Press, London, p. 229. ...
322. C&C Review 2001:1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Abery 58 Cradle of Saturn, by James P Hogan - reviewed by Bob Johnson 58 Prehistoric Astronomy and Ritual by Aubrey Burl - reviewed by Phillip Clapham 58 The Pyramid Age by Emmet J Sweeney - reviewed by John Crowe 59 King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend, by R. Castleden - reviewed by P. Clapham 61 Hapgood's Ancient Maps - reviewed by Michael G. Reade 62 Uriel's Machine by C. Knight & R. Lomas - reviewed by Derel Briarley 63 Society News 63 Talk by Bob Porter on Middle Assyrian History (Study Group) 64 SIS Study Group 17th June 2000 68 Letters: Paul Standring, David Eccott, Bert Fiddelaers, John Ackerman, Derel Briarley ...
323. The Time Detectives by Brian Fagan (Reviewed) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and geography is discussed. It was clearly once a bountiful land and reed boats were adopted as a general means of transportation. A chequered landscape of hundreds of irrigation canals and green fields has vanished, the soil fertility has disappeared and the coastline of the Gulf itself has changed dramatically. Oil exploration and field research has led to extensive geological mapping of the region. It seems the Gulf is a surprisingly shallow sea. It was not until around 6500BC that the sea actually flooded what had been essentially a fault line, a canyon through which the river ran to the Indian Ocean. This is a now a submerged marine feature but it reminded me of the formation of the North ...
324. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... By Tessa Rajak, Duckworth, 2002, £14 99 A well researched, up to date account of the life and times of this leading figure of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history. The Journey of Man by Spencer Wells, Ancient & Medieval Book Club, 2002, £14 99 An accessible overview of humankind's biological history by a geneticist. Mapping Human History by Steve Olsen, Ancient & Medieval Book Club, 2002, £11 99 This version of early human history traces links between languages, migration patterns and gene distribution to determine our origins. Lost Languages by Andrew Robinson, McGraw-Hill, 2002, £25 99 A detailed study of 8 mysterious scripts which have so far defeated ...
325. Has Science Got it Wrong? – Remarks on the Arctic [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , Boston & London, 1983); A. J. Sutcliffe's On the Track of Ice Age Mammals (Cambridge, Mass. 1985); and P. S. Martin and R.G . Klein (eds.) The Quaternary Extinctions (Tucson, 1989). 5. Over the years, the varying lines drawn on maps to demarcate alleged limits of supposed Pleistocene glacial advances and retreats have varied so greatly that it is patently obvious that they are wholly theoretical, an interpretation fully confirming the conclusions reached in this study. 6. R. F. Flint, 1971. Glacial and Quaternary Geology (New York). 7. H. E. Reineck ...
326. Caananites, Chronologies and Connections, by Susan Cohen [Journals] [SIS Review]
... sites have the subdivisions in succeeding strata, which determines the order. Chapter 5 ( 'Analysis'), shows that of the 133 sites, 34 are burials, 19 are fortified, 49 are possibly fortified and 49 are survey finds. Again, of the sites, 74 can be allocated to one or more phases and Cohen gives maps showing the location of the sites from each phase containing ceramics: Phase 1 - Two sites near the coast Phase 2 - Fourteen sites, twelve along the coast and two on the Jordan. Phase 3 - Still more sites along the coast, with some inland ones also having been founded, such as Shechem, Mirsim and Beth Shan ...
327. Comparing Magnetic Fields: Neptune and Uranus [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... flowing materials in the Earth's liquid core originally formed isolated whirlpools, or areas of turbulence. These turbulent areas created currents which, in turn, created various magnetic fields. There were many of these fields of differing sizes scattered at random throughout the Earth. The unified magnetic cage to catch the solar wind did not exist, instead, the map of our magnetic field resembles a large patchwork quilt. Yet we now perceive the magnetic field as unified and symmetrical in shape. Only the pressure of the solar wind is able to somewhat modify this shape. But what could have created this symmetrical form? The dynamo theory provides a ready solution: [T ]he present unity of ...
328. Arctic Muck [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... our planet .. .. When this frozen soil melts, it results in an appalling and often stinking sort of soup composed of goo with silt, sand, pebbles, and boulders, often with masses of preserved, semi-decayed, or fully decayed vegetable and animal matter. This is what is called `muck. ' "A world map of the distribution of this frozen soil and muck reveals the most outstanding aspect being that it lies on low, level plains or table lands. Unless it was caused by some cosmic forces that we have not yet detected, it would appear to be a subaerial deposit derived from massive erosion of higher grounds and with steeper slopes. However ...
329. News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... equal to that of the earth's surface (but the temperature somewhat above!), and where the clouds are densest, do they resemble cloud structures on Earth; all other Venusian "clouds" are made up of particles so dispersed that they look more like haze or smog. The surface of Venus . Data from the orbiter's first radar map shows that Venus's topography could be similar to Earth's, with high mountain-like features and extensive relatively flat areas. The first preliminary scans showed that in a previously unexplored 1900-km (1200-mi.) strip on Venus's surface much more of the terrain appears relatively flat, similar to Earth's surface and dissimilar to the rough, cratered terrain of Mars and ...
330. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... from stock to overseas members only since it is hard to obtain or is unobtainable overseas. U.K . members are asked to order their copies direct from their local bookshop; the price of £2 .45 given under the U.K . cost column in the Overseas Publication List in WORKSHOP 3:1 no longer applies. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings - mentioned in WORKSHOP 3:1 p.4 . We have now been informed that the book is now also available in the U.S .A . from W. R. Corliss, The Source Book Project, P.O . Box 107, Glen Arm, Maryland 21057. Price $ ...
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