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62 pages of results. 311. The Rare and Roasted Phoenix: A View of Claude Levi-Strauss [Journals] [Kronos]
... to the back door - of the Velikovskian labyrinth. It is hoped that this brief essay will have served its purpose if it rouses the curiosity of readers of KRONOS about the fascinating perplexities upon which we have only superficially touched. Levi-Strauss's work can be rather formidable, and we suggest here that it is a territory best approached with a good map in hand. Prior to reading Levi-Strauss himself, Octavio Paz's book will serve as perhaps the best introduction, although Edmund Leach's Claude Levi-Strauss (London 1974) provides a good critical overview, but somewhat more narrowly anthropological. Of Levi-Strauss's own works, the nontechnical Triste Tropiques(14) is likely a logical point of departure. But, ...
312. Michelson's Virtual Inversion (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... side by side, one can see a strong general correspondence between the landforms on each planet. The similarity is like the correspondence between the East and West Indies with their respective relationships to the continental masses to the north and south. However, the degree of correspondence between Venus and Earth is visually closer. Based on a large Mercator projection map of Venus I have created a database of the Venus topography in increments of approximately one equatorial degree at the 3750 mile radius, so I am able to use stored images for viewing the correspondence. However, the most effective method of visual comparison is with two globes. If you have access to a Venus globe, the correspondence can ...
313. Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology [Journals] [Kronos]
... be derived as the real positive root of a quadratic equation. Yet PI and PHI do indeed occur together, again for all practical purposes, in Khufu's Pyramid. I will admit that the ancient Egyptians would be anathema to modern purists in number theory, but let me add that they would rule the field of computer science where approximations and mappings form one's daily bread. For my own part, I attach no importance to whether or not Herodotus knew the facts we have given about the Khufu Pyramid. In fact, Herodotus did not say that the vertical height of Khufu's Pyramid is equal to the square root of the area of a triangular side. Gillings(12) claims ...
314. Megalithic Astronomy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... abrupt abandonment, unmatched except at Stonehenge. One can only guess as to what caused the carefully designed site to be abandoned in the middle of its construction after so much mental effort had been expended in planning it and so much physical toil in dragging fourteen massive monoliths to the knoll. Readers will doubtless have their own ideas about this. Maps showing the alignments discussed 1. Declination is best visualised as celestial latitude. If the sky is considered as a hollow spinning sphere seen from the centre, its axis is a projection of the Earth's axis and the terrestrial latitudes are projected out on to it. Just as the terrestrial equator is at lat. 0 , so the celestial ...
315. The Place of Horemheb in Egyptian History [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Das Grab des Haremhab im Tal der Könige (Bern, 1971), pp. 38-39. 13. Bertha Porter and Rosalind Moss: Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, Vol. I, Theban Necropolis, Part II: Royal tombs and smaller cemeteries (2nd ed., Oxford, 1972), Map II. 14. G. Legrain: Statues et statuettes de rois et de particuliers (Cairo General Catalogue, 1906). 15. W. Helsk: Urkunden der 18, Dynastie (Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22) (Berlin, 1961), pp. 399-400: text No. 809. 16. Alan R. Schulman ...
316. Minerals, Metals, Glazing and Man [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Beautifully produced and copiously illustrated, it satisfies an urgent need - mainly on the part of archaeologists - for a comprehensive work of reference on a number of important and interrelated topics. ' - S.I .S . Review. Detailed prospectus available 11 ¼ x 8 ½ inches, 496 pages+ 32 pages of colour plates, 31 maps and 374 black and white photographs and drawings in the text. ISBN 0 245 52807 5 £40.00 (£ 41.80 by post) from HARRAP BOOKS 182 High Holborn, London WCIV 7AX \cdrom\pubs\journals\review\v0401\99man.htm ...
317. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , may the dendrochronologists. Alasdair Beal, Leeds Ramoth in the Habiru revolt movement?Dear Sir, In EA 333 Paapu, an Egyptian functionary, states that the city of Yaramu has rebelled against pharaoh. This Yaramu has been identified with Ramoth in Judah (e .g . by Aharoni in McMillan Bible Atlas, p. 36, map 39 - as Jarmuth'), which in turn is probably the city which switched allegiance to David when he harassed lower Judah and the Negev whilst based at Ziklag (I Samuel 30:27). If it were a more southern Rama(th) it is still possible that the EA from this region refers to this very ...
318. The Genesis of Israel and Egypt [Journals] [SIS Review]
... same as Imhotep, the god-like genius who designed the first pyramid at Saqqara and was worshipped as a god by later generations. Once again, scholars had long been aware of the striking correspondences between the two men but they had been put off making the connection by a chronology which placed Imhotep around 2600 BC and Joseph around 1600 BC. Map. Abraham's Migration to Canaan and Egypt Abraham's tribe migrated to Egypt, according to Josephus, at the very dawn of Egyptian history. This is in striking agreement with the archaeological record, which shows a distinct Mesopotamian influence on 1st Dynasty Egypt. > Route followed Abraham tribe. We could go on right through the history of the ancient ...
319. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... He speculated that the forced dispersal of population may relate to the efflorescence of the chalcolithic Old European culture in south-east Europe. This is the area from which came the earliest known writing system (cf. C&CR 1996:1 p. 20). Perhaps this is further evidence for lost proto-civilisation(s ) to go with Hapgood's Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings and the pluvial weathering of the Sphinx enclosure - or, speculating wildly, another possible origin for the Atlantis legend? Bimson on Iron Age at ISIS John Bimson gave the November ISIS lecture on Iron Age chronology: A Testing Time in the Iron Furnace'. It was a comprehensive summary of the revisionist case ...
320. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... architecture rivalled the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt and lasted for thousands of years. The reasons why these cities have until recently been ignored is also discussed. Explorations in Texas, ancient and otherwise, with thoughts an the nature of evidence. J.L .Davis, 1984, $11.95. A responsible exploration, with abundant maps and illustrations, of the evidence for pre-Columbian contacts with North America. Skywatchers, Shamans and Kings, Astronomy and the archaeology of power. E.C .Krupp, 1996, $27.95 A copiously illustrated tour of the world's shrines, temples and tombs, showing the concern of the builders with the patterns of the sky ...
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