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62 pages of results. 221. Akhetaten - Horizon of the Aten [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... though profoundly important. During the 19th dynasty the temples built there were demolished again. The first serious exploration was undertaken in the early 19th century, and the first systematic exploration by Petrie in 1891. Since then, many different groups have studied the area. Most current work focuses on the main city. Many different approaches are used - mapping of walls and spaces, excavation, conservation and preservation of items found, study of animal and fish bones, insect, resin and plant remains, and aerial photography. Experimental methods seek to validate current ideas concerning the working of ancient technology by seeking to reproduce a working copy. This has considerably helped with understanding everyday issues such as ...
222. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... motions which leads on to a brief outline of relevant mysteries of the past such as the magnetic field reversals, the concept of ice ages and, of course, the Riddle of the Frozen Mammoths, to which a fact-filled chapter is devoted. White adds a further chapter on the possible existence of lost civilisations, particularly with respect to ancient maps which in some cases seem to show the Antarctic with ice-free coastlines and then moves on to a section headed "Prediction - What modern researchers have to say". The section comprises seven chapters, each summarizing and commenting upon the work of a different author. Readers of SISR will surely be familiar with the names of the first four ...
223. Cleopatra's Palace Found [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:1 (Nov 1997) Home | Issue Contents News Flash Cleopatra's Palace Found Tania ta Maria It required hours of diving in the murky waters of Alexandria's harbor and exhaustive mapping of the sea bottom, but, eventually, toward the end of 1996, pay dirt was hit. What finally came to light beneath some 20 feet of water were the submerged ruins of the 2,000-year-old city in which Cleopatra and Mark Antony spent their last moments together. The French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio believes that part of these ruins, on the eastern side of the old harbor, are the remains of Alexandria's ancient court which contains the tumbled stones of Cleopatra's palace ...
224. Biology of the Cell [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... a citobiologist (cell biologist) whose talk is on the paradigm breaking "biology of the cell". His first question, is where is the cell's "brain". According to Darwin, traits are inherited; Watson and Crick discovered the structure of the "blueprint of life" (DNA). The human genome project aims to map all the genes in human DNA which was estimated at 50-90,000 to account for the complexity in humans. But the project found only 35,000. As David Baltimore said in Nature: "The number of coding genes in the human sequence compares with 6,000 for a yeast cell, 13,000 for a fly ...
225. Mars in Upheaval [Journals] [Aeon]
... well as a series of grooves that run parallel to each other. It is well observed that both Deimos and Phobos are highly cratered bodies for their small size. In Astronomy for 1977 is presented evidence of the grooves: Viking has discovered another mystery in the most unexpected place- on one of the two small Martian moons. Mariner 9's mapping of both Phobos. . .and Deimos. . .showed many craters and left the investigators with the impression that they were merely rocky chunks that bore the scars of meteorite impacts. There was a puzzling feature on Phobos that a few analysts noticed but without better data could say little about. At the limit of resolution were a ...
226. SIS Internet Digest 2002 Number 2 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... such a stretch .. 4 Our Universe: Unlocking its Mysteries .. 5 Egypt - Land of Eternity! .. 6 Genesis Research & Education Foundation .. 6 Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative .. 6 The Amarna Tablets .. 7 Celestial fireworks .. 7 Perilous Planet Earth .. 11 The Celestial Clock .. 11 The Origin Map .. 11 Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality .. 11 Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995) .. 12 Update on Nabta Stone Circle .. 14 The Art of Insight .. 14 Association for Skeptical Investigations .. 14 Science texts not always by the book .. 15 Sun offers Halloween trick or treat' .. 15 ...
... axis is a simplification of the real concept. There is the invisible axis, of course, which is crowned by the North Nail, but this image needs to be enriched by two more dimensions. The term world axis is an abbreviation of language comparable to the visual abbreviation achieved by projecting the reaches of the Sky onto a flat star map. 233 It is best not to think of the axis in straight analytical terms, one line at a time, but to consider it, and the frame to which it is connected, as one whole. This involves the use of multivalent terms and the recognition of a convergent involution of unusual meanings. As radius automatically calls circle ...
228. Those Square Craters on The Moon [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Those Square Craters on The Moon NASA print from Lunar Orbiter data. Designated IV-190H3 In August, 1966, NASA launched the first of five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft. Their mission: Map the Moon photographically, with particular emphasis on the Lunar equatorial belt where the Apollo landings were about to occur. All five spacecraft performed flawlessly, returning data which resulted in over three thousand 20 by 24 inch photos depicting all of the Moon's near side and 99% of the far side. In 1970 a selected compilation of these photographs was published by ...
229. Aeon Volume V, Number 3: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Williams takes both Jueneman and Cardona to task concerning the mechanism that was responsible for the carnage in Earth's Arctic regions. PAGE 21 Charting Imaginary Worlds: Pole Shifts, Ice Sheets, and Ancient Sea Kings- by Sean Mewhinney A critique of Charles Hapgood's theory concerning ancient man's supposed familiarity with an ice-free Antarctica as derived from the evidence of ancient maps. PAGE 25 The Female Star- by Ev Cochrane Why was Venus the only planet visible to the naked eye that was considered female? What lies behind the ancient belief that the planetary goddess of that name was tied in marriage to Mars? In examining these issues, as well as others, Cochrane offers his conclusions on the basis ...
... , which would allow the place of the group of years in the cycle to be exactly defined. But as the cycle swept onward, the date would sweep backward among the months of the great sacred year until its end. To make this clear, it will be well to construct another diagram somewhat like the former one. Let us map out the 1460 years which elapsed between two successive coincidences between the 1st of Thoth in the vague year and the heliacal rising of Sirius at the solstice, so that we can see at a glance the actual number of years from any start- point ( = 0; at which the 1st of Thoth in the vague year occurred successively ...
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