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613 results found.
62 pages of results. 201. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1987 No 1 (Sep 1987) Home | Issue Contents Society News ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 1987 The AGM of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS) will be held on: Sunday 8th November 1987, from 1 pm to 6 pm at The Library Association Building, 7, Ridgmount Street, London W1. [map] Nominations for Officers and Members of Council should be sent to the Secretary, Mrs Jill Abery, to arrive by 3rd October: - Mrs Jill Abery, "Innisfree", Highsted Valley, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0AD Following the business of the AGM, there will be Talks given by: PETER WARLOW on Senmut's Ceiling and the ...
202. On Morrison: Some Preliminary Remarks [Journals] [Kronos]
... history of Mars, that "The 40Ar may be anomalously abundant on Mars." (They find the ratio 36Ar/40Ar on Mars to be less by a factor of 10 than that on the Earth.) Thermal Balance of Mars Morrison (p . 8): "Thermal emission from a large fraction of the surface has been mapped in broad infrared bands near 10 and 20 micrometers from the Mariner 6, 7 and 9 spacecraft and the data carefully analysed in terms of the thermal properties of the surface. As a consequence, the thermal behaviour of this planet is the best understood of any except Earth and Moon. All of the temperatures are consistent with equilibrium conditions ...
203. Reassessing the Date of the Arabah Copper Mines [Articles]
... . It was first identified as a copper mining region as early as 1861, but it was explored properly by biblical archaeologists in the 1930s, by a man called F. Frank and particularly by Nelson Glueck. It was Glueck's interpretation of the finds that persisted until the 1960s when they were challenged by Rothenberg and Aharoni. (points to map) The Arabah is the whole of this valley between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. It's a dry valley because the Jordan flows southwards into the Dead Sea and stops, there is no water in here, but it is part of the same structure. Edomite territory lies east of the Arabah, and east of the ...
204. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... usefully detected. It seems that fossilised zooplankton in marine sediments can be used because layers from 10,000-15,000 years ago synchronise with that other bastion of absolute' age measurement, a Greenland ice core. Vinland Update (Scientific American, March 2004, p. 12) The ongoing controversy about the authenticity of this supposedly 15th century map has recently centred around the chemical composition of its ink, with chemists presenting evidence both for and against the ink being modern. An historian, however, reports historical anachronisms and suggests that a German Jesuit priest, a specialist in 15th century maps, created the map in the 1930's to tease the Nazis. Pharaonic Plagues (New Scientist ...
205. Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests [Journals] [SIS Review]
... pioneering efforts gave much impetus to the recent model of the Arctic as it was 50 MYA - a warm and gloomy lowland swamp. Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands in the Eocene period were dominated by 160-foot dawn redwoods, Metasequoia, a plant that still grows in one isolated valley in China. Work by Jane Francis and James Basinger, including mapping of in situ stumps, has indicated that the ancient forests were dense and tall. The area was generally swampy, with little sunlight reaching the floor of the woods. There were herds of Coryphodons, hippopotamus-like creatures with huge snouts and canine teeth, varanid lizards related to the Komodo dragon, big constrictor snakes, and salamanders up to ...
206. Ocean Basins [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of the ocean bottom, and has a less marked ridge from the slash wound cutting it than the Atlantic basin has from its same slashing. The Earth expanded as well as exploded; whatever can explode can expand: a chapter has been given over to this subject. Although the Pacific Basin is concave, no one can examine a relief map of the Pacific Rise, for example, and say that the volume of the Earth remained unchanged thereby. Since this rise occurred, along with many other bulges, then a considerable expansion might be demonstrated by survey without resorting to theoretical physics. The globe has many slight bulges. Russian geophysicists have recently described its shape as formed by ...
207. Halton Arp: A Modern-Day Galileo [Journals] [Aeon]
... foreground object and its companion an unrelated background object. Testing The Hypothesis In Seeing Red, M106 is described as "just another isolated case." (That's what the editor of an astronomical journal called it in "just another isolated rejection" of a paper, this one written by Margaret Burbidge.) Figure 7 shows a ROSAT X-ray map of M106 flanked by two 20th magnitude quasars neatly lined up across the spin axis. Notice how deftly the Hubble view crops out the paradigm-offending quasars. After Arp pointed out this pair of x-ray hot spots, it took five different astronomers more than 2 years to obtain permission to even point a spectroscope at them to determine whether they actually ...
208. Oberg's Unscientific Method [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Beatty and Andrew Chaiken, but I never cited a single word these individuals wrote. If Oberg had actually looked up my citations, he would have concluded differently. On page 62 of my paper, I cited pages 310 and 311 of their book, The New Solar System, in its third edition.(9 ) These pages contain maps of the two hemispheres of the Moon. These maps were prepared by the Defence Mapping Agency of the United States. This, I assure the reader and Oberg, is a reliable scientific source. I also cited The New Solar System on page 76 of my paper, quoting from Paul D. Spudis, a highly respected geologist of ...
209. Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... burrow entrance [114]. This survival strategy only makes sense because of its diurnal nature, and would have been maladaptive for coping with months of near-freezing winter darkness in the Eocene forests of the Canadian High Arctic. 2.4 . Crocodilian Limits Of Tolerance To Low Temperatures It is in the realm of low temperature tolerance that the ecological map of crocodilians fails to overlap the polar Eocene forests. The fact that fossil crocodilians of Eocene vintage have been uncovered on at least two Canadian arctic islands is conclusive evidence that the paleoenvironment was never in a locale above the Arctic Circle. Thus the implications for conventional earth science are greater than the 1960s revolution of plate tectonics and continental drift ...
210. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... wood-friction. Perhaps the earliest mention of this idea is to be found in the fragments of Sanconiathon preserved for us at second hand by Eusebius-""the trees which grew at Tyre, rubbed together by violent winds, ignited." ' Before quitting the subject of Fire, I should like to put on record the speculation that we map perhaps dimly discern the invention of explosives (which came at a very late period to be used as destructives in human warfare) as being evolved with slowest graduation out of the earliest fireworks used in the archaic, and still in the modern, Chinese rites, especially those of the spring-tide New-year. These barbarous fireworks would have Wheel. ...
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