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62 pages of results. 151. The Solar Eclipse of Mursilis II [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... four occurring in years when there was no visible eclipse (1344, 1329, 1324, 1319), [17] and the remaining two having occurred in the winter (8 January 1340, 13 March 1335). Looking for alternatives, we find no spring eclipse of a magnitude greater than 0.66 between the years 1375-1284. Map 1. Three solar eclipse zones of centrality for the eleventh century B.C . Table 1 Solar Eclipse Data BC M(H ) B M E 1. 1344 3-22 0.00 9-15 0.00 2. 1340 1-8 TS 1.00 9:46 11:10 12:34 7-4 0.00 3. ...
152. The End of a World (Built Before the Flood) [Books]
... Asylum, and formed a vast Sea-the Inter-Andean Sea of the Highest Level. Not taking narrow fjord-like extensions into account, this sea was about 450 miles long and from about 30 to 130 miles wide. It remained in communication withthe girdle-tide through the La Paz gap, and possibly also through the Ascotan and Uyuni Defiles. (Cf. the Map) The suddenness of this flood catastrophe may be inferred from the fact that no evidence of ancient strandlines is ascertainable between the littoral of the Inter-Andean Sea of the Intermediate Level and the littoral of the new vast Inter-Andean Sea of the Highest Level. Though unlike the conspicuously painted strandline of the Intermediate Level this latter beach is not discernible from ...
153. Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... once a tributary of the Rio Grijalva which, with the Rio Usumacinta, forms the major river network draining the Chiapas highlands and flowing north into the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, in its heyday Comalcalco would have had direct access to the sea. Its abandonment was gradual and probably began around 1350AD. Although preliminary excavations, clearing projects and mapping surveys were made by Desire Charnay (1888), Blom & LaFarge (1925), Ekholm (1956-7) and archaeologists from the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e History de Mexico (INAH) (1960), the first extensive mapping and architectural survey of the site was conducted in 1966 by a team led by Professor George F. ...
154. The Calendar [Journals] [Aeon]
... is stated that: "The first observatories established on the banks of the Nile seem to have belonged to the temples of the sun; the high priests of Ra- who, to judge from their title, were alone worthy to behold the sun face to face- were actively employed from the earliest times in studying the configuration and preparing maps of the heavens." I would therefore propose that if such critically important "religious" observations were deemed necessary in the very early days of Egypt, and a privileged priestly caste established to so "study the configurations of heaven," then the very accurate measurement of the Sun's annual situation for each day and phase of the year ...
155. Index of Titles
... .: The Nature of the Historical Record Gaudry, Elizabeth: Phoebus Apollo - Aspect of Venus George R. Douglas, Jr.: Planetary Motions, Egyptian Unit Fractions and the Fibonacci Series George R. Talbott and Charles Ginenthal: Measurements of the Electromagnetic Properties of "Space" (1 ) Ginenthal, Charles: Analysis Of Old World Maps Ginenthal, Charles: Before the Day Breaks(1 )- A Perspective Ginenthal, Charles: Carl Sagan And Immanuel Velikovsky Ginenthal, Charles: Chz And Solar System Stability Ginenthal, Charles: Common Sense About Ancient Maps Ginenthal, Charles: Comparing Magnetic Fields: Neptune and Uranus Ginenthal, Charles: Dark Matter Ginenthal, Charles: Ice ...
156. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Harmless and amusing as this may be, it does on occasion border on the ridiculous especially as many place names appear to possess perfectly reasonable non-keyword etymologies, especially the Oc/Og names in former Gaelic-speaking areas such as Ireland and western Scotland. I wonder if, instead of worldwide migrations (in spite of C. H. Hapgood's Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings) Cohane has chanced upon a series of common sounds in diverse languages common to human speech in general. In addition, and I think others such as Derek Shelley-Pearce may agree here, Jill has made the valid point that the Abraham story has mythological parallels. It has previously been suggested (in an SIS ...
157. The After-Effects of Newton's Comet of 1680 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a fixed position relative to the stars. The sight of it growing bigger and brighter as it got nearer would have been terrifying. However, if they did have the time to prepare, not everything went according to plan. Boucher was captured by pirates and lost some of his equipment, while Halley returned to London in 1678, having mapped 341 previously unknown starts in southern skies, complaining that the cloud cover frequently made observing impossible [10]. Halley was not to stay in London long; instead, he set out to visit the main astronomers and observatories of Europe: Hevelius at Danzig, Cassini in Paris, Gallet in Avignon and Queen Christina's Observatory in Rome. ...
158. Metallurgy and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the part of archaeologists - for a comprehensive work of reference on a number of important and interrelated topics. Its main themes - the composition of ancient glazes and pigments, techniques of application, the provenance and geology of the metals (excluding iron) used in antiquity, mining, smelting and casting - are lucidly explained and illustrated with numerous maps, charts and tables of chemical analyses. [* London: Harrap, 1978: 496 pp., 32 colour plates, 31 maps, over 400 figs.; £40.00]. Part III, which discusses the archaeological evidence for the trading of minerals and metals and the spread of glazing and metallurgical skills, will ...
159. Medieval Europe: Dating And Recent Developments [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... annotation to a contemporary, or very near contemporary, copy of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People (EHEP). Indeed, the annotation could have been made at Jarrow whilst Bede was still alive [3 ], although it is unlikely that Bede would have seen the eclipse at Jarrow as the Saros passed across southern England – see map below. All in all we have our first useful chronological marker. The solar eclipse of AD 733, 764 and 1140 (after Sheridan Williams). The dotted lines show the path of the annular eclipse of 733. The solid lines show the path of the total eclipse of 1140. Although the eclipse of 733 was not observed ...
... "Without chronology we should obtain no history even from the most varied literature; the Indians especially give us a most striking proof of this. But a chronology which is well arranged and established must always proceed from astronomy." DR. RICHARD LEPSIUS. HERMES was credited with the invention of astronomy, and, it was said, "mapped out the heavens", which really signified that the seers and sages among the Druids discovered the true movements of the earth, devised the Solar Ecliptic, designed the zodiac of the twelve constellations through which the sun passes annually, classified the principal star groups according them specified names, invented also the calendar and studied the movements not of ...
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