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62 pages of results. 131. The Oera Linda Book Again [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ). Brierley relates that the Oera Linda Book places Atland as stretching out far to the west of Jutland'. Robert Scrutton's The Other Atlantis shows it as a huge island off Norway's coast', and John Grant's A Directory of Discarded Ideas places it, erroneously according to Brierley, between the north of Britain and Greenland'. Zeno's Map of the North', in Hapgood's Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, shows an island, Frisland, in a similar position north west of Scotland. May I bring to the attention of SIS members a little known book, Comyns Beaumont's The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain (published by Rider & Co, 1946)? The thrust of ...
132. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Rocks: a scientist looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations by R.M . Schoch with R.A . McNally 1999, $23 This book covers a wide range of theories which link the fate of civilisations with geological phenomena. It includes a redating of the Sphinx, a supposed sunken city off Japan, Atlantis, the Piri Re'is maps, polar shifts, the biblical Flood and the face on Mars. This is obviously a book to interest interdisciplinarians but be warned - Schoch places Velikovsky in the same camp as von Daniken and Sitchen and dismisses them all. Atlantis of the Sands?The Sunday Times Books section, 14 March 1999, carried a review of The Road ...
133. The Environment And Preservation Of The Mammoth [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , Vaskovskiy further suggests they only "pushed lsorthward from their present limit during one of the moments in postglacial history."64 But this means northern Siberia had for a long enough period of time a temperate climate for these trees to grow, and the permafrost had to melt to allow this. In various books and papers B. Frenzel's maps of the areas of permafrost do appear which demarcate its limits during the various glacials, interglacials and even during the hipsithermal.65 However, Flint earlier admitted "whether during those same [warm-interglacial or the hipsithermal] ages the continuous permafrost disappeared is not known."66 But more importantly, Martin Beniston, writing in Frozen Ground, ...
134. Science-Fiction and Collective Amnesia: "Dragon's Egg" [Journals] [Kronos]
... " and worship it. One of the cheelah, a predictably neurotic runt (for such types seem to be the founders of religions, in Forward's simplistic view), proclaims himself the "son" of Bright's Messenger; and as proof of his divinity recounts and demonstrates ecstatic experiences which occur when radar-laser beams, used by the humans to map the neutron star, touch his body and those of his followers. Since only he can see the beams (he is an albino and has abnormal eyesight), and since they sweep the surface in predictable patterns, the "savior" gains currency among the cheelah by being able to give them transcendental experiences on schedule - until, ...
135. Science Frontiers [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... fortifications, earthworks, the famous Stone Fort, and a wide variety of artifacts. Jones also studied the so-called pigmy graves and tiny stone coffins. Legendary Islands of the Atlantic by W. H. Babcock. 196 pp., 1922, $14.95p. Many other Atlantic islands were once thought to exist, were placed on maps, and then disappeared. The island of Brazil (or Hy Brazil) is one of these phantom islands. Babcock has written an engrossing, scholarly treatise, with many old maps, and hints of pre-Columbian contacts with the New World. Here follow some chapter titles: Atlantis; The Island of the Seven Cities; The Problem of ...
136. Assyrians, Sodom, and Red Herrings [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... found. By contrast, the Early Bronze cities excavated in southwest Jordan by Walter Rast and Thomas Schaub were hill-top communities. Indeed, that is their most striking characteristic. Even their enormous population fits the Midrashic comments, long believed exaggerated, about the great multitudes occupying them. As to what Cardona describes as "the evidence of the Medeba map" (actually a mosaic floor of the second century, Common Era): it belongs 2000 years after the time of Abraham, at least, and at least 1500 years after Moses and the Exodus. All that need be said, therefore, is that the framers of that map made the same mistake that Cardona did. They ...
137. Public History Discussion Group [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... .15 Workshop Three. Conference Waged rate: £25, Unwaged: £10 (includes refreshments). Cheques/postal orders payable to Ruskin College. To: Stephen Hewitt, Ruskin College, Walton Street, Oxford, OX1 2HE by 30 April 2001. Also includes: Jack Adams: Identifying Anomalies of Landscape: An Archaeology of Maps; Marc Meltonville and Richard Fitch: Experimental Archaeology for Research and Display; Gary Peatling: Public History and the Public Library; Ellie Pridgeon: Placing History: Connections Through the Medieval Wall Painting; Alasdair Donaldson: Mapping, Naming, Language and Conflict in Brian Friel's "Translations". ...
138. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the meantime the field is yours. WHITE, PETER: The Past is Human Angus & Robertson, 1974 (reprinted 1976). (RML) The Great Pyramid; the statues of Easter Island; the "Nazea Lines"; the building feats of Tiabuanaco; cave drawings in Africa and elsewhere, the Mayan calendar; the Piri Re'is Map: were these puzzling relics created by visitors from other worlds? Dr White is Senior Lecturer in Prehistory at the University of Sydney, and would be the last to claim that this highly readable book is written from a disinterested viewpoint. Examining these mysteries from the past, he provides answers rooted in archaeological orthodoxy. In each case we ...
139. The Continuing Ica Mystery [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the results from a much larger sample, conducted by Eric Wolf, a geologist employed by the Mauricio Hoshchild Mining Company. Examining 33 stones which Dr Cabrera deemed to be genuine, Wolf reported on a "fine layer of oxidation which also covers the incisions of the engravings, a condition which enables one to deduce their great age". Map showing relative positions of Ica, Nazca, Cuzco and other Peruvian sites. If the stones are genuine antiquities, any description of the scientific importance would be a clear understatement. With regard to their origin, Afford follows Cabrera's surmise that they may be the work of survivors from a surprisingly advanced prehistoric culture, otherwise completely annihilated by a ...
140. Shoshenq's Palestinian Campaign: a reply to Shea [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . ibid. 5. The parallel account in I Kings 20 seems to state in verse 20 that only the tribe of Judah' remained loyal to Rehoboam, but cf. verses 21-23 which only make sense if Benjamin is included in this expression. 6. See, e.g ., J. Monson et al.: Student Map Manual: Historical Geography of the Bible Lands, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979), map 1/13. An alternative reading for Ephrain is Ephron, as in most English translations, but as Ephron lay on Benjamin's southern border (Joshua 15:9 , cf. 18:15) this does not seem likely to ...
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