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220 pages of results. 71. For the Record... [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 1 (August 1976) Home | Issue Contents For the Record...New Light on Venus Soviet scientists recently disclosed new information about Venus, obtained from the Venera 9 and 10 landings of Oct., 1975. The findings were presented at a space research meeting (COSPAR) in Philadelphia. V. S. Avduevsky, deputy director of the Soviet Space Flight Control Center, announced that pictures taken of Venus' surface by Venera 9 revealed a rock-strewn terrain which cast distinctive and unanticipated shadows. As reported in The Philadelphia Inquirer of June 14, 1976, "the atmosphere at the surface [of Venus] was much ...
72. Halton Arp: A Modern-Day Galileo [Journals] [Aeon]
... far away most of them were. The Red Shift = Distance Yardstick One of the tools that had been available to astronomers since the early 1800s was the spectroscope [6 ] . It essentially consists of a prism used for separating starlight into rainbows (called spectra). These spectra exhibit bright lines which identify the hot atoms from which the light is emitted and identically placed dark lines which distinguish the cold atoms that lie in front of a light source and absorb the light. By comparing the bright and dark lines with samples produced in laboratories, not only can stars' constituents be identified, but also the composition of dust clouds that lie in space between us and the stars ...
73. The Creation of the Earth -- the First Account [Books]
... of the deep .. . (6 ) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters [ -above] from the waters [ -below]. (7 ) .. .And it was so. (3 ) And God said, Let there be light: And there was light. (4b) And God divided the light from the darkness' (5a) And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night .. . (9 ) And God said, Let the waters . . . be gathered together . . . and let the dry land appear and ...
... Its gravitational pull, especially in those latter stages of its existence, when it has approached rather close, acts upon the equatorial protuberance of the Earth, once from above' and once from below', and will try to force the equatorial plane to conform as much as possible with the ecliptic. The satellite, being small' and light' compared with the rather ponderous Earth, which, besides, has a great rotatory momentum, will only succeed within limits. Whatever the inclination of the terrestrial axis was before the capture of the predecessor of our present moon', therefore, it must have been smaller in the asatellitic age after the end of the Satellite. Hence ...
75. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... was not on the present precession circle but somewhere in the Great Bear (W . i. C., "Poles Uprooted", p. 301). This would mean a larger obliquity of the ecliptic - thus the difference in altitude may in fact have been smaller than 15.5 . The other possibility is that the zodiacal light was more intense in ancient times than it is now, making the evening sky, and also the morning sky, more bright. This would have been the case if there was more dust in interplanetary space than there is now. I have suggested (Kronos VII:2 , pp. 3-28) that a gas-and-dust cloud was formed ...
76. Myths of the Cataclysm Caused by the Breakdown of a Former Satellite (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... ) perhaps also refers to speculations as to the `fife' of the satellite, which had been regarded as `dead', he. as not capable of causing any harm; while now it was about to' reveal its real, dangerous, `live' nature. The first preliminary examination of the surface features of the brilliantly lighted -cosmic body reveals certain details, some of which are clear-cut and easily named, while others are more indistinct and allow only a general description. The clear-cut features are the ring-pits, or walled plains, or `craters', which covered the surface of the former satellite as they do that of our present moon. They are addressed ...
77. The Weakness of the Venus Greenhouse Theory [Journals] [Kronos]
... high; generally, Venus below the clouds was thought to be of room temperature. It was, however, discovered to be over 400 C (close to 800 F). Several futile attempts were made to explain the phenomenon: aeolian theory of great winds causing sand to rub and create heat; electrical charges of opposite polarity on the light and dark hemispheres of the planet; electrical discharges in the atmosphere; or the greenhouse effect. The last scheme involved more than a few scientists in trying to figure out how it could work. In order for the greenhouse effect to work, solar light needs to go through a transparent atmosphere, hit the ground, change its wavelength ...
78. Commemoration Of The 2300bc Event [Journals] [SIS Review]
... same time as intense flooding which people were helpless to resist. It was commemorated by people all over the Earth for thousands of years and is even commemorated today, though the meaning has dimmed with time. The present paper covers: 1. the likelihood of an intense encounter with the Taurid stream, 2. the likelihood of a frightening light and sound show, 3. the likelihood of death and destruction due to flooding accompanying the meteor fall and 4. the likelihood of the event being remembered. The Likelihood of an Intense Encounter with the Taurid Stream The Taurids are a large meteoroid stream but their current density and arrival rate is low - one-tenth of some other streams. ...
79. Einstein's Biggest Blunder [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Einstein's Biggest Blunder Broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 in the programme Equinox, Mon 23rd October 2000. 9pm The idea that the speed of light is always constant, on which Einstein's Theory of Relativity depends, is the foundation stone of modern cosmology. Yet there were problems with the Theory of Relativity that perplexed Einstein himself. Now a group of scientists is finding solutions to those problems by proposing the heretical idea that the speed of light has changed since the Universe was created. In doing so, they are creating a new revolution ...
80. Thoth Vol IV, No 10: June 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Earth in its present circumstance and usually orbit outside a star. The model I have proposed of life-bearing planets within the more favorable envelope of a red star would render them invisible to any telescope, no matter how large. Article: The so-called Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (Owl) will also see across space to the edge of the universe collecting light emitted 11 billion years ago from the first stars formed. The insights it provides, say astronomers, will be stupendous. Sir Martin Rees, the astronomer royal, said the project was "the next big step" in probing the origins of the universe. "It will be looking at more distant and fainter objects than ever before ...
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