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2192 results found.
220 pages of results. 41. Mythic Mountains by Isaac Vail [Books]
... Canopy Skies of Ancient Man Celestial Records of the Orient Eden's Flaming Sword A Glance at Compartive Mythology Golden Age Canopy The Heavens and Earth of Prehistoric Man The Misread Record or The Deluge and its Cause Mythic Mountains The Ring of Truth Mythic Mountains Isaac Vail THE WOLF MOUNTAIN, MOUNT LYCAEUS or BRIGHT MOUNTAIN Lyceon was a name in Greek for a light spirit. "Lukae" is light and "Lukos" is wolf, and in this day far removed from the day when these terms began their career, we have to determine according to their manifest relation whether light or wolf is meant. The epithet "wolf-born" is some times used by the Greek poets in connection with the ...
42. Canopy Skies of Ancient Man by Isaac Vail [Books]
... same as every other Sun-born ruler, and it is plain that he was at polar sun-god. It is said that nearly 2000 years before the time of Semiramis he was worshiped with great pomp by the Assyrians and Babylonians. His temple at Babylon was said to have been originally the Tower of Babel, which is all very true in the light of canopy movement. First, then, we have a solar form brought out of Egypt and worshiped as a god; and if so worshiped, that farm was a polar sun phenomenon of the same character as the Greek and Roman Apollo. So that, away back in the ages, we have the grand March of canopy forms ...
43. Chapter X: the Solar Temple of Amen-ra At Karnak [Books]
... by narrow apertures in the various pylons, and many walls with doors crossing the axis. View to the South-West from the Sacred Lake of Amen-Ra Ruins of Door at Entrance of the Sanctuary The Obelisks near the Oldest Part of the Temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak In the temple of Amen-Ra there are 17 or 18 of these apertures, limiting the light which falls into the Holy of Holies or the Sanctuary. This construction gives one a very definite impression that every part of the temple was built to subserve a special object, viz., to limit the light which fell on its front into a narrow beam, and to carry it to the other extremity of the temple- into ...
44. Forum [Journals] [Pensee]
... | Issue Contents Forum SCIENCE BY DEMOCRACY? To The Editor: I was very interested in that the participants and news reporters felt it necessary to mention who won and lost at the AAAS Symposium. I did not know that scientific facts and theories were subject to the democratic process. G. Henry Koether III Denver, Colorado THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN RELATION TO MOVING BODIES To The Editor: My attention has been directed from more than one quarter to the articles in Pensee (1 ) by Immanuel Velikovsky entitled "The Velocity of Light in Relation to Moving Bodies" and "A Missed Opportunity?" --the first written several years ago, proposing an experimental test of the special ...
45. Redshift! [Journals] [Aeon]
... Frederick Jueneman Despite the title this is not a sociopolitical commentary on changes in the Soviet sphere of influence. On the other hand, perhaps in some measure it is, for the hero of this narrative is Halton "Chip" Arp, lately of Caltech and the Palomar Observatory, who is now astronomer-in-exile in West Germany. Once a stellar light in astronomical circles, Arp's career was eclipsed because of his unconventional views that defied Conventional Wisdom- an attitude which was not tolerated until recently in Socialist states but continues to be intolerable in Science. But, as we all know, Science is dominated by a Socialist-minded hierarchy- and if you didn't know, do come down out of ...
... the earth 32 CHAPTER III THE BABYLONIAN UNIVERSE NEWLY INTERPRETED Seven diagrams representing the Babylonian universe 3 No two of the seven alike 33 A new interpretation needed * The twelve conditions to be met a A diagram that satisfies each of the twelve requirements 38 Origin of this remarkable world-concept 40 CHAPTER IV THE BIBLICAL, RABBINICAL, AND KORANIC UNIVERSE IN THE LIGHT OF THE BABYLONIAN Was the Biblical universe essentially Babylonian? 4 An argument against the supposition 4 5 . 6 CONTENTS PAGE Considerations favoring the supposition 45 The Rabbinical world-view 49 The Koranic 52 Mohammed s six ascents into the seventh heaven 53 CHAPTER V THE EGYPTIAN UNIVERSE A pioneer s first representation 58 A contemporary criticism 60 Picture embodying some later modifications ...
47. Velikovsky's Sources Volume One [Books]
... other vermin, but guests from another planet." Plague 3 might have been of similar origin, but if it was, V doesn't specifically say so. Next, as the earth plunged even deeper into the tail of the comet, the earth's rotation was disturbed and great hurricanes whipped up clouds of cometary dust and cinders so that the light of day was blotted out. Hence plague number 9, the plague of darkness. Finally, as the head of the Venus Comet approached the Earth, tidal forces triggered off great earthquakes that smote' the houses of the Egyptians, and killed off the firstborn'. Hence plague number 10. This interpretation of the 10th plague is ...
48. The Cosmic Mountain [Books]
... -- VIII The Cosmic Mountain To the images of the enclosed sun and enclosed sun-cross ancient myths add the cosmic mountain- a column of light rising along the world axis and visually appearing to hold aloft the great god's home. The signs of the Saturnian mountain are and . Throughout the world one encounters the story of a shining peak which once rose to the centre of heaven. Though this cosmic mountain appears under many different names, accounts from every section of the world tell much the same story. The Egyptians knew the great column as the Primeval Hill, the Babylonians as the World Mountain. The mount passed into Hinduism as the cosmic Meru, into Iranian myth as ...
49. The Polar Sun [Books]
... Before the Sun's all-glorious shrine the first men knelt and raised their voices in praise and supplication, fully confirmed in the belief that their prayers were heard and answered." (1 ) Not without reason do scholars identify the Greek Helios, Assyrian Shamash, or Egyptian Re with the solar orb. Can it be doubted that Helios, radiating light from his brow and mounted on a fiery chariot, is our sun? That helios became the Greek word for the solar orb is beyond dispute. In Egypt countless hymns to the god Re extol him as the divine power opening the "day." (2 ) "The lords of all lands .. . praise Re when ...
... " The only letter that had refrained from urging its claims was the modest Alef, and God rewarded it later for its humility by giving it the first place in the Decalogue.[12] THE FIRST DAY On the first day of creation God produced ten things:[13] the heavens and the earth, Tohu and Bohu, light and darkness, wind and water, the duration of the day[14] and the duration of the night.[15] Though the heavens and the earth consist of entirely different elements,[16] they were yet created as a unit, "like the pot and its cover."[17] The heavens were ...
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