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220 pages of results. 421. The Jewish Science of Immanuel Velikovsky: Part One [Journals] [Aeon]
... , or perhaps a later pseudoepigrapher, who portrayed the events at Mt. Sinai, when Moses received the Torah, in suitably Velikovskian terms: "Thou didst bow down the heavens, didst make the earth quake, and convulsed the world. Thou didst cause the deeps to tremble and didst alarm the spheres." (9 ) In light of this, one could say (if one wished) that Velikovsky seemed to have even a genetic disposition toward catastrophism, particularly given his own rather Lamarckian views on the subject of acquired genetic characteristics within the psyche; or, more plausibly perhaps, one could claim that these apocalyptic words ascribed to his own ancestor, and possibly drummed ...
422. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... subsequently, perfectly running electric watch run extremely slowly while down the canyon? The Hawaiian natives are firm believers in spirits and ghosts, and Wallace's companion had twice experienced his car cut out in a place supposedly good for ghosts. The possible connection between magnetic/electric anomalies, human detection of "spirits" and plant mutations should not be lightly dismissed. source: J. Chaline, "Rodents, evolution and prehistory", Endeavour Vol. 1, No.2 (1977) The rodents apparently provide a good example of continuous change by evolution from one form to another, thus refuting Eldrige and Gould's idea of punctuated equilibrium, or sudden changes. But perhaps the two ...
423. The Thermal Equations Of Venus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... 3 No 4 (Apr 1981) Home | Issue Contents The Thermal Equations Of Venus Eric Crew A useful elementary introduction to the subject of heat balance of planets is included in ATMOSPHERES by R.M . Goody and J.G .C . Walker (Prentice-Hall, 1972). Some of the quoted values have been modified in the light of subsequent observations, which will be noted later. Planets absorb heat from the Sun and lose heat by radiation into space. Some of the solar heat is reflected back to space by an amount depending on the albedo of the planet. Earth's albedo is 0.33, so the solar heat absorbed is 67% of the total ...
424. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents Letters Saturn and the Primordial Light I found C&CR 2000:1 very informative, particularly John Crowe's article, since as a historian it has been chronology which interests me most. With regard to the Saturnian Configuration theory, which is intriguing, I am glad that the question of photosynthesis was raised towards the end, as this had been bothering me from early on in Dwardu Cardona's article. I presume that there must be experimental data as to whether germination is possible in exclusively infrared, ultraviolet or moonlight. Although there was an understandable reluctance to start quantifying, we should ...
425. The M.I.T. Earth Sciences Building [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... four slender pylons. With its missing floors given over to an open archway, the building strides the courtyard like a colossus while we petty mortals peep about its legs and marvel at the power of M.I .T . and American technology in general. In keeping with its celebration of man over nature, the building spurns the natural light, which comes to it unobstructedly on both sides, and protects the heating and air-conditioning systems by shutting out the aaylight with bronzed windows. On the few sunny days of a Cambridge winter, the sun is blurred, and on the brightest noon of summer electric light can be seen burning behind the darkened glass. It is an experience ...
426. On the Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus [Journals] [Pensee]
... : Pensée Vol. 2 No 3: (Fall 1972) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered II" Home | Issue Contents On the Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus The following is reprinted from Science (December 21 , 1962, Vol. 138, pp. 1350-52). Copyright 1962 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In the light of recent discoveries of radio waves from Jupiter and of the high surface temperature of Venus, we think it proper and just to make the following statement. On 14 October 1953, Immanuel Velikovsky, addressing the Forum of the Graduate College of Princeton University in a lecture entitled "Worlds in Collision in the Light of Recent Finds in Archaeology ...
427. The Catastrophic Substructure of the Samson & Delilah Myth [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Philistine crops by catching three hundred foxes and putting a torch between them after pairing the foxes off and tying up their tails (3 ). Next Samson slays one thousand men with the jawbone of an ass (4 ). It might be possible to read some catastrophic implications into these stories. For instance, the foxes' tails with lighted torches between them could remind us of the furies' of the Greek stories, or the tails might recall the fiery stinging serpents that were sent to punish Israel for complaining about their lot in the desert after their escape from Egypt (5 ). Thick bushy foxes' tails alight with flame might not seem so far removed from a ...
428. Thoth Vol VII, No 1: Feb 28, 2003 [Journals] [Thoth]
... through, carried by convection currents which are hindered by the magnetic fields. But exactly what happens and why these kind of structures are formed, we don't know." Sunspots are cooler and darker than the rest of the Sun. They are launch pads for complex expulsions of plasma that race through the solar system, sometimes fueling the colorful lights near Earth1s poles known as aurora.- Thornhill Comments Is it likely that the poor understanding of sunspot phenomena arises from the incorrect assumption that we know most of what goes on inside the Sun? I think so. To have any confidence in our understanding of the Sun, and stars in general, we must first be able to ...
429. Bibliography (Immanuel Velikovsky's Jewish Science) [Books]
... Velikovsky Prefers the Bizarre and Incredible to Tested Science." New York Herald Tribune Book Reviews, (Apr. 20), 6.. (1960). "Velikovsky's Tour de Force of Legend History and Psychoanalysis." New York Herald Tribune Book Review, (May 29), 4.. (1965). "Further Light on the History of Middle-Bronze Byblos." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 179 (Oct.), 38-43. Alexander, John. (1965). "Modern Man Shuns History." Daily Princetonian, (Oct. 28). Algren, Nelson. (1972). "The Way to Medenine. ...
430. The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... as Antony and Cleopatra are close to their destruction. "The time of universal peace" . . .is perhaps the most significant single line in the play. This will be the "universal Peace through Sea and Land" which according to Milton's "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity," prepared the scene for "the Prince of Light" to begin "His reign of peace upon the earth."53 It is at this point that Davidson's analysis of the classical and medieval background to Shakespeare's play merges virtually directly with my Velikovskian interpretation of it. He calls our attention to the apocalyptic nature of the imagery with which this positive result of the Mars-Venus disturbance is dressed ...
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