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220 pages of results. 401. Sagan's first problem: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... Mexicans give the precise number of days in the past when Venus was born. 2 Velikovsky tells us, "Ancient Mexican records give the order of the occurrences. The Sun was attacked by Quetzal-cohuatl; after the disappearance of this serpent shaped heavenly body, the sun refused to shine, and during four days the world was deprived of its light... Thereafter the snakelike body transformed itself into a great star. The star retained the name of Quetzal-cohuatl [Quetzal-coatl] [Brasseur in Histoire des nations civilisees de Mexique 1, p. 181 informs]. This great and brilliant star appeared for the first time in the east. Quetzal-cohuatl is the well-known name of the planet ...
402. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Ancient History A public meeting of the Society was held on 7th September 1980 at the refurbished and comfortable premises of the Library Association in London. Entitled "New Directions in Ancient History and the Theories of Immanuel Velikovsky", the meeting was addressed by three speakers focusing on different ways in which theories of catastrophism and revised chronology might throw light on archaeological problems. The first speaker was a most welcome guest, anthropologist and archaeologist DR ELIZABETH CHESLEY BAITY, who conducts seminars at the Universities of California (La Jolla) and North Carolina (Chapel Hill). She is best known for her synthesising work "Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy so Far" (published in Current Anthropology 14, ...
403. The Scenario of Exodus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Israel's Yahweh, were thunderbolting and cosmic fire gods. The word "pyramid" is Greek and "pyr" means "fire" as in "funeral pyre." Especially later on, the distinction among fires lessened and electrical fire and combustion are given the same word. The Great Pyramid compound at Giza was caled Khuti , "the Lights". Egypt was flat and the best way to observe and utilize electricity was by the pyramidal design; the pyramid was a superior artificial mountain from whose peak (a metallic cap), St. Elmo's fire would frequently be discharged skywards. At times, a whole pyramid would light up, miraculously without signs of burning afterwards. ...
404. Science-Fiction and Collective Amnesia: "Dragon's Egg" [Journals] [Kronos]
... B.C ., with resulting catastrophic effects on the planet Earth. The new star in Earth's skies is so bright that, for a period of about a year, no night falls on the northern hemisphere, explaining - among other phenomena - the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Very quickly, the supernova becomes a neutron star; its light dies as it is trapped by the star's immense gravitational fields, and, at a speed of thirty kilometers per second, the star begins to move toward the solar system. Further catastrophic results for life ensue when the cloud of gas from the original explosion of the star reaches our planet. The ozone layer collapses, and after millennia ...
405. On Dragons and Red Dwarves [Journals] [Aeon]
... emerged from the beast's belly, although the experience had rendered him bald. (21) As bizarre as this myth reads, precise parallels to Heracles' plight can be found throughout the ancient world. (22) Consider the following example offered by Leo Frobenius: A hero is devoured by a water-monster...Meanwhile, the hero lights a fire in the belly of the monster, and feeling hungry, cuts himself a piece of the heart. Soon afterwards, he notices that the fish has glided on to dry land; he immediately begins to cut open the animal from within; then he slips out. It was so hot in the fish's belly that all his ...
406. The Two Sargons and Their Successors (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... between the Akkadian used by the Assyrians and that attributed to the Akkadians themselves. As Bernard Newgrosh recently pointed out to me,(5 ) cuneiformists can easily recognise old Akkadian even before it is translated since the style and beauty of its characters are in striking contrast to all Babylonian and Assyrian scripts. On translation, another difference comes to light- that of grammar, especially syntax. If the Akkadians were really the Assyrians, why would they have used two very different forms of Akkadian besides their own Assyrian? Old Akkadian, with its beautiful script, is the Akkadian of Sargon of Akkad and the dynasty he founded. In none of these old Akkadian texts are the Akkadian ...
407. Catastrophism 2000 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... The article is most readable and contains a short but comprehensive survey of the history of geology. Milton provides compelling evidence that the cyclothem, usually considered to have evolved over count- less aeons of time, is instead nothing more than the annual accumulation of glacial outwash which lays down sediment acquired during Earth's passing through cometary debris. In this light, cyclothems would be little different from the annual layers known as varves. A historical section follows which contains illuminating research from Gunnar Heinsohn and Benny Peiser plus an interesting biographical portrait of Velikovsky by Clark Whelton who shows why it is important that we should not feel as obliged as the former to cling to the Bible as being the last ...
408. When Venus Was A Comet [Journals] [Kronos]
... Venus is well-known, having been attested to as early as the third millennium B.C . It is, nevertheless, clear that many of the traditions surrounding Inanna can only be understood from an astronomical perspective. An ancient text, for example, celebrates Inanna as follows: "The pure torch that flares in the sky, the heavenly light, shining bright like the day, the queen of heaven."(27) As the queen of heaven, there can be little doubt as to Inanna's celestial character. The majority of Sumerian scholars accept this, even if they seek to explain the passage in question on the basis of the present appearance of Venus. But as ...
409. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Noah [Books]
... took a wife for his son Lamech, and she bore him a man child. The body of the babe was white as snow and red as a blooming rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes like the rays of the sun. When he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house, like the sun, and the whole house was very full of light.[1 ] And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth and praised the Lord of righteousness.[2 ] His father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled, and came to his ...
410. Geological Genesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1992 No 2 (Jan 1993) Home | Issue Contents ARTICLES Geological Genesis by Harold Tresman Introduction The article The Primordial Light? ' (SIS Review II:2 ) investigated the mythology surrounding the planet Saturn. It was proposed that such mythology indicates that Earth was once a satellite of what is now known as Saturn. A catastrophic disruption of this Saturnian system led to radical changes in the conditions on Earth. We intend to investigate whether our present knowledge can uphold our support for such a view of Earth History. Part 1 - The Golden Mesozoic Age Thesis: - We propose that Earth was a satellite of Saturn, or more ...
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