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220 pages of results. 351. Fire From Heaven [Journals] [SIS Review]
... There are many references in myth that might be likened to fire from heaven, but what exactly was meant is difficult to judge. Could it be a description of meterorites, or meteors? Meteorite specialist Alastair McBeath [6 ], writes that meteors are sometimes called fireballs', since they first appear in the sky as a fast-moving bright light, or shooting star. A fireball is defined as an object as bright as Jupiter or brighter. ' A bolide is a very bright fireball. Its name is derived from the Greek word bolis = missile, as in a torch of light thrown across the sky. Basically, meteors burn up in the atmosphere and only meteorites reach ...
352. Sagan's fifth problem: Chemistry & biology of the terrestrial planets (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... screen out most of the ultraviolet rays, life could not exist, even on the most primitive level." 3 Even Sagan is aware of this; in Broca's Brain he states that, "If the thin protective ozone layer in our atmosphere, made by sunlight from oxygen, did not exist, we would rapidly be fried by ultraviolet light from the Sun." 4 Rifkin continues, citing R.L . Wysong who sums up the obvious Catch 22, "If oxygen were in the primitive atmosphere, life could not have risen because the chemical precursors would have been destroyed through oxidation; if oxygen were not in the primitive atmosphere, then neither would have been ozone ...
353. The Newton Affair [Journals] [Kronos]
... argue to the point of mutual slaughter which works are canonical and which are uncanonical. The activity of censorship extends to some passages of the Principia which are glossed over in the presentation of Newton's thought, and which instead would become poignantly significant if related to the contents of the work classified as uncanonical. The few who have tried to throw light on Newton's full scientific personality have been given by the upholders of Newtonianism the kind of welcome that is granted by orthodox Christians to nonsectarian historians of early Christianity. The massive censoring of Newton's writings has been justified in terms of pious respect for a man who was not only a genius but also insane, or at least mentally deranged. ...
354. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... century AD monk, St. Brynach, experienced visions there. He claimed to have spoken with the angels. There is also evidence of very early human activity at Carn Ingli, suggesting that it was venerated for thousands of years. The strange effects are caused by a fossilised geomagnetic field contained in the iron content of the peak. Strange light phenomena, even in the form of rainbows gleaming over the peak at night, have been recorded in fairly recently years. The author claims to have discovered similar magnetic anomalies in America, at holy sites of native Americans. Radioactivity is another feature common to holy places. Uranium deposits have been found at American and Australian Aborigine sites. ...
355. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... , which cascaded down into the valley and caused the aborigines to create the myth of a universal flood. [See Lyell, Principles of Geology, I, p. 89, p. 270] "Not so long ago an explanation of the mystery of Lake Titicaca and of the fortress Tiahuanacu on its shores was put forward in the light of Horbiger's theory: A moon circled very close to the earth, pulling the waters of the oceans toward the equator; by its gravitational pull, the moon held day and night, the water of the ocean at the altitude of Tiahuanacu. [H .S . Bellamy, Built Before the Flood: The Problem of Tiahuanacu Ruins ...
356. The Legends of the Jews: Volume II - Moses in Egypt [Books]
... nation whose sins shall be white." The locusts came upon them, "because," God said, "the locusts, which are My great army, shall take vengeance upon the Egyptians for having desired to destroy the nation that is called My hosts." "Darkness," said God, "which is divided from the light, shall come and take vengeance upon the Egyptians for desiring to destroy the nation upon which shineth the light of the Lord, while gross darkness covers the other peoples." The tenth plague, the slaying of the first-born, God inflicted, saying, "I will take vengeance upon the Egyptians for having desired to destroy the nation ...
357. Chapter V: the Yearly Path of the Sun-god [Books]
... the earth rotates on its axis. We have also a perfect method of demonstrating that the earth not only rotates on its axis once a day, but that it moves round the sun once a year, an idea which was undreamt of by the ancients. As a pendulum shows us the rotation, so the determination of the aberration of light demonstrates for us the revolution of the earth round the sun. We have, then, the earth endowed with these two movements- a rotation on its axis in a day, and a revolution round the sun in a year. To see the fall bearing of this on our present inquiry, we must for a time return to ...
358. Instability of Super Uranus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... The first part of our narrative was given over largely to the origin and progress of Solaria Binaria up to the beginnings of a fatal instability. Almost from the beginning life burgeoned and flourished in the plenum, and subsequently on Earth and other planets. Celestial objects were not then visible from the Earth because the plenum was too dense to let light pass directly from the binary stars to the planets. Hence mankind originated its physical being almost entirely in a world where murky grey skies softened the light through a misty air. His psychic being and intelligence, by contrast, were formed in most important regards during the degeneration of the binary system. As best we can locate this turning-point ...
359. Thoth Vol I, No. 12: April 29, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... god who was Atum became Ra in the course of his own unfolding, as the originally formless god began to acquire certain distinct attributes. Thus Atum's counterpart Ra, according to the sources themselves, "rests on his high place." He does not roam about the sky. Like Atum, Ra is the pivot, with the lesser lights revolving around him. These are, as the texts say, the "stars who surround Ra." "These gods shall revolve round about him." "The satellites of Ra make their round." Again, the picture is of a stationary god serving as the pivot of celestial motions. As I have already noted the ...
360. Forum [Journals] [Aeon]
... have occurred during past catastrophes would not have caused effects that apparently lasted for centuries. Volcanic dust will settle and get washed out of the atmosphere within a decade or two at the most. My guess is that the entire Solar System was travelling through a dark cloud or Bok Globule. The dust and gases would have filtered out the blue light before the illumination from the Sun reached Earth, and this could have ensued for centuries. Tests in greenhouses with pink glass showed that plants grew better in this filtered light. Leaves are green because they absorb the red end of the spectrum, while they reflect the yellow and blue. (Blue+ yellow = green.) This ...
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