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220 pages of results. 341. Velikovsky and the Decline of Medieval Cosmology [Articles]
... from once you know that you've got a comet whistling around like this in an orbit with the Earth going round as well. Because what would happen is that one year, you may be there, when you see the comet, and that's the closest you get, and you recognise by the fact that you see a great big bright light in the sky with a huge tail that goes from horizon to horizon that you've had a rather near miss. Next year you may come along and the comet is there, and it's smaller, and it's not so bright, and you realise that perhaps it's a little further away. The following year it's even further off and the ...
342. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... into missing clues from another. Hence the importance of Interdisciplinary debate. SATURDAY MORNING: MILTON ZYSMAN: The Saturn Myth: A Challenge to the Planetary Hypothesis. I missed this talk, but I gather that Zysman's theory involves some kind of Ice Shield which enveloped the Earth in prehistoric times and that this produced a variety of tricks of the light. These were observed by mankind and gave rise to the myths relating to gods and planets. SATURDAY AFTERNOON: EV COCHRANE: Moses and the Exodus. This talk seemed to be suggesting that the planet involved in Velikovsky's scenario for the Exodus was not Venus but Mars. However it was wide-ranging and included references to the name for the ...
343. The Enigma of Tiahuanaco (Built Before the Flood) [Books]
... improbable that the name Tiahuanaco' is as clear an echo of the forgotten original name of the great prehistoric city as it is possible to sound across a chasm of time which may be hundreds of thousands of years wide.2 There is one other derivation, which is too peculiar not to be mentioned. The Quichua words Tiya-huanuk mean failing light', and are said to refer to the worship of the god Ka-AtaKilla, the Decaying Moon', to whom human sacrifices were offered to save him from death. In the light of our Theory of the disintegration of satellites this explanation of Tiahuanaco as the City of the time of the doomed Satellite' would be very significant. ...
... schemes. In science the speculative ideas will be ignored or rejected unless they connect in some acceptable manner with existing knowledge or produce ideas for new experiments- that is, unless they have some perceived scientific value. What might seem outrageous speculation is countenanced if 262 Beyond Velikovsky there is some scientific value in it. So, at a time when light was "known" to be wavelike, Planck was able to have published a speculative paper showing that the actual known mode of emission of radiation by a hot black body could be derived from equations that treat the radiation as being particulate rather than wavelike. That speculation could be entertained because it fitted with a frequently observed fact that had ...
345. Monitor. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that he decried the whole of Japanese science and that bastion of orthodoxy, the journal Nature, printed his article. Constant Invention New Scientist 18.8 .01, p. 11, 28.7 .01, p. 17 Astrophysicists are in trouble again. A fundamental constant appears to have changed over time and the speed of light may have increased too. They are also still inventing new forms of matter; this time it is invisible mirror matter' which, it is suggested, hit Tunguska and explains why no debris has ever been found. This is described as physically plausible, believe it or not. Biblical Disorder New Scientist 17.11.01, ...
346. Decades Of Darkness And Dendrochronology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 4 No 4 (1999) Home | Issue Contents PART IV Decades Of Darkness And Dendrochronology Charles Ginenthal "And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not" John I:1 In Part 3 of Mewhinney's paper he raises an important issue related to Velikovsky's thesis, namely decades of darkness: `Bristle cone pines are hardy trees but there is not the slightest reason to believe that they could survive such conditions as Velikovsky describes. In any case, it is not just a question of bristle cone pines. `By cross-matching records from nearby sites, dendrochronologists in western Europe have built up a continuous overlapping master chronology of ...
347. Aeon Volume III, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... ) Texts Home | Aeon Home AEON A Journal on Myth and Science Edited by: Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, Jan Sammer Frederic B. Jueneman, Lewis M. Greenberg Volume III, Number 4 ISSN 1066-5145 AEON, 2326 Knapp, Ames, IA 50010, USA Copyright (c ) December 1993 IN THIS ISSUE.The Lord of Light Lewis M. Greenberg explores astral images in early Christian tradition. Page 5. Why Did Jesus Wash His Disciples' Feet? Jan Sammer offers a solution to an age-old question. PAGE 21 Thanatos and Anastasis Lewis M. Greenberg discusses the life and death of Jesus in the light of Egyptian traditions surrounding Osiris. PAGE 24 Velikovsky in ...
348. Venus: A Battle Star? [Journals] [Horus]
... the sixth of Abu, there will be showers of rain given from the sky; there will be destruction. 17. It is in the East until the tenth of Nisan; on the eleventh day of Nisan, it disappears. 18. It remains gone from the sky for three months; on the eleventh of Duzu, Venus again lights up in the West. 19. Then there will be hostilities in the country, [but] the produce of the country's fields will prosper. 20. If Venus is visible in the West on the seventh of Elulu, the produce of the country's fields will prosper, for the heart of the land will be [in] ...
349. Seti's Foreign Connections [Journals] [Kronos]
... in philosophy, mathematics, and applied science. As nearly as we can see, the Egyptian world-view was comprehensive. Its art, religion, and science were one. In my coming article on ancient cosmology in KRONOS XII:3 , I treat of the connection between observable Egyptian accomplishments and the Timaeus of Plato. This will throw some light on the power of ancient thinking; and it is surprising that the Timaeus has not been seen as a key to understanding Egyptian perspectives. A mathematician and philosopher of the justified status of Bertrand Russell regarded the Timaeus as so much nonsense, and thus never accomplished what he could have done with greater respect, namely connect the geometry and ...
... in the torrid glow vermin and reptiles bred and filled air and earth; wild beasts, plagued by sand and ashes, came from the ravines of the wasteland to the abodes of men. A terrible torrent of hailstones fell, and a wild fire ran upon the ground; a gust of wind brought swarms of locusts, which obscured the light; blasts of cinders blew in wave after wave, day and night, night and day, and the gloom grew to a prolonged night and blackness extinguished every ray of light. Then came the tenth and most mysterious plague: the Angel of the Lord "passed over the houses of the children of Israel .. . when he ...
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