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220 pages of results. 331. Leonardo da Vinci: Rocks, Fossils, and Time [Journals] [Kronos]
... nature. He was always an impatient explorer and inventor. Because his multifaceted interests and perfectionism scattered his efforts, Leonardo realised few of his many projects (thus the importance and significance of his own notebooks). As recent as 1965, the rediscovery of two of his original manuscripts- known as the Madrid Codices- continues to shed new light on Leonardo's boundless curiosity and remarkable genius. Leonardo was born in a stone house in the village of Anchiano near the small mountain-town of Vinci, not far from Florence in Tuscany. He was an illegitimate child and scarcely ever mentions his father or his mother in all of his voluminous writings. As a child, he was interested in ...
332. Extra-Solar Planets: An Update [Journals] [Aeon]
... caption referring to it as a "possible" protoplanet "hanging on" to the star. [6 ] And there, for the time being, the matter rests. II In the same article, I also had reason to mention that the first extra-solar planet was discovered in orbit around the star 51 Pegasi at a distance of 50 light years away. [7 ] What I failed to mention there was that the discovery was reported to have been made by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, then from the University of Geneva. Sam Flamsteed even spoke of the surprise this caused when first announced in 1995. [8 ] Imagine, therefore, my own amazement when, ...
333. Part IV: Conclusions [Ragnarok] [Books]
... bold North-men would march across it from Great Britain and Ireland to the Azores, to wit, to Atlantis. Surely all this could not apply to the rainbow. But we read a little further. Har is reciting to Ganlere the wonders of the heavenly land, and is describing its golden palaces, and its mixed population of dark and light coloured races, and he says: "Furthermore, there is a dwelling, by name Himinbjorg, which stands at the end of heaven, where the Bifrost bridge is united with heaven." And then we read of Heimdal, one of the gods who was subsequently killed by the comet : " He dwells in a place called ...
334. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , was last seen during the Bronze Age, around 2000 BC. It has caused a sensation by throwing off huge amounts of dust, which contained molecules such as sulphur oxide and carbon chain molecules never seen on a comet before and the proportion of compounds changed with time, which astronomers found puzzling. Variations in brightness indicated that it had light and dark regions and was rotating. The earlier comet Hyakutaki also produced compounds not seen before, notably ethane, a simple hydrocarbon which is a major component of natural gas on Earth but not anticipated to be a component of comets - except, of course, by Velikovsky 50 years ago! Sounds of the Sun Scientific American March 97 ...
... assumptions, which we have considered established. But you do it with total absence of prejudice and with impartial and complete documentation, all of which is most gratifying. One might dispute point by point your conclusions: whether one admits them or not, they have posed the problems anew and made it necessary to discuss them in depth in the light of your new hypotheses. Your fine book will have been in every way a great use to science. I thank you warmly for having sent it to me and I beg you to accept dear Doctor, the assurance of my sentiments of cordial devotion. Etienne Droiton, General Director Department of Antiquities" Robert H. Pfeiffer, was ...
336. Conclusion (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... were invited by Einstein to visit with him. The story of my relations and debates with Albert Einstein, from his first reading of the manuscript of Worlds in Collision, until his death, is related in a separate book, Before the Day Breaks. On that evening he greeted my wife and me-his long hair well groomed, his face lighted with a friendly smile- and started to move a chair with a very high back, which had already drawn my attention in the modestly furnished living room. As I helped him, he said, This is my Jupiter chair. ' "During our conversation, I took this lead and remarked: if one evening I should stop every ...
337. Before The Chair Of Jupiter. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... Einstein to visit with him. The story of my relations and debates with Albert Einstein, from his first reading of the manuscript of Worlds in Collision until his death, is related in a separate book, Before the Day Breaks.(1 ) On that evening he greeted my wife and me- his long hair well groomed, his face lighted with a friendly smile- and started to move a chair with a very high back, which had already drawn my attention in the modestly furnished living room. As I helped him, he said: "This is my Jupiter chair." During our conversation I took this lead and remarked: "If one evening I should stop every ...
338. The Electrical God [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Moses, learned as he was, had known the syllable "Ya"; he heard it, and also other compound words including it, in Egypt and then in Midian among the Kenites and the nearby tribes. It was a godword, part of various sacred epithets. He heard a sound very much like "Yahweh" streaming with light from the Burning Bush. This is the essence of god, he thought; it is the name of god and is hinted at in all the "ya" syllables that I have heard. Now he asks what it is, and "Yahweh ehweh" is heard. This makes sense. "I am that I am. ...
339. Philologos | The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV [Books]
... hidden under Mount Shechem, the seven golden idols called by the Amorites the holy nymphs the same seven idols which had been made in a miraculous way after the deluge by the seven sinners, Canaan, Put, Shelah, Nimrod, Elath, Diul, and Shuah. (9 ) They were of precious stones from Havilah, which radiated light, making night bright as day. Besides, they possessed a rare virtue: if a blind Amorite kissed one of the idols, and at the same time touched its eyes, his sight was restored. (10) After the sinners of Asher, those of Manasseh made their confession they had desecrated the Sabbath. The Ephraimites owned ...
340. The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers [Journals] [Aeon]
... great flood or a devastating rain of fire and gravel. If we'll look at these collective memories carefully, it will change our understanding of the past. Many of the myths concern planets, but the accounts make no sense to us in terms of the movement of these remote bodies today. Why did the planets, these little pinpricks of light, play such a powerful role in the mythical "age of the gods"? Along with others working in this field, I've come to interpret the myths and drawings and ritual practices from a new vantage point. Here is the conclusion in a nutshell: A few thousand years ago, the sky did not look anything like it ...
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