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220 pages of results. 321. Dark Matter [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... accordance with Newtonian theory. The first glimmer that something was amiss in astronomy's understanding of the universe came in the 1930s. Caltech astronomer, Fritz Zwicky, an electric wizard of his craft, was measuring the velocities of galaxies within the famous Coma cluster and noticed that they were moving at a fairly rapid pace. He added up all the light being emitted by these galaxies and realized that there was not enough visible, or luminous, matter around to gravitationally bind the speeding galaxies to one another. Under the standard laws of celestial mechanics, the Coma cluster should [have been] flying apart, but it [wasn't]. The situation seems paradoxical....Zwicky ...
322. Stars in an Electric Universe [Journals] [Aeon]
... a vacuum. In 1974, space probes found in Birkeland's favour. Birkeland actually demonstrated his theory long before in an experiment conducted in an apparatus called a "terrella" which consisted of an electromagnet contained within a sphere and placed in a large vacuum chamber. By initiating an electric discharge in the chamber, he was able to reproduce a light show resembling auroras. Birkeland believed that similar experiments could be conducted to model other planets, the Sun, and even galaxies. He wrote: "experiments were carried out under these conditions for many years. It was in this way that there gradually appeared experimental analogies to various cosmic phenomena, such as zodiacal light, Saturn's rings, ...
323. Megaliths, Moon Cycles, and Movements of the Earth [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... recumbent stone circles, but their key difference, the recumbent stone itself, is often granitic and brought specially from some distance. The presence of quartz at these sites is particularly intriguing because this mineral is specially implicated in the production of earthlights prior to earthquakes.(11) Various crystalline rocks will produce piezo-electric effects, with the emission of light, when put under pressure. Another theory of light production is the process of triboluminescence whereby cascading electron emission may be produced in rock crystals and granite by very slight pressured.(12) Other effects due to tension in the Earth's crust immediately prior to an earthquake have been described by Tributsch.(13) There is a case ...
324. Plagues and Comets [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Egypt "with his face."[7 ] The comet joined the people when they began their march and provided their posterity with a familiar image: "And the Lord [Yahweh] went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from the people."[8 ] When not Yahweh, the comet was an angel of Yahweh. The comet's head is the Angel of the Lord, its coma the wings, its ...
325. The Sun's Galactic Journey and Absolute Time [Books] [de Grazia books]
... from Earth than 652 => light-years. Such a small distance encompasses only one thousandth of the sphere of stars under close observation by astronomers. Thus the majority of reported star distances and luminosities are derived by theory rather than measurement. Of the twenty first-magnitude stars (the apparently brightest stars in the sky) only five are closer than 26 light years, the next five take us to 84 light-years; the next seven to 217 light years; and the last five to the measurement limit. In this sample are six supergiant stars; the parallax of one of these stars is only an estimate, two of the others are at the extreme limit, the last three are between ...
326. Interviewing Immanuel Velikovsky: An Introduction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the record" interview. I intend to see it finished and to make the production available to the widest public possible. As Velikovsky has indicated, for centuries man has struggled with the truth of his existence, his traumatic past and the viability of his presence on the Earth. It may also be without precedence that much is coming to light about mankind's tenure on this lovely planet and, as more and more is revealed, we shall come to the final realization that we are all children of God-force reality, divine extensions of creative beingness in light. To think that we are less than this simply furthers the denial of our greater selves that has prevailed for so long. ...
327. Forum [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 4 No 1: (Winter 1973-74) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered VI" Home | Issue Contents Forum ON LIGHT AND RELATIVITY To The Editor: Velikovsky's paper, "Velocity of Light in Relation to Moving Bodies" (Pensee, fall, 1973, p. 16), outlines an experimental procedure which requires the very limit in accuracy of our present experimental capabilities. Any slight error of placement or alignment would produce anomalous results, as would the slightest vibration. Grain size and distribution in films would contribute to uncontrolled random effects. Accuracy and stability as for the best holograms would be required. It is doubtful that these necessary conditions can be obtained ...
328. Synodos, Part 2 Mars Ch.4 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... undergo changes. We find in Diodorus of Sicily: "Each of the planets, according to them [the Chaldeans] has its own particular course, and its velocities and periods of time are subject to change and variation."2 They counted the earth among the planets, for Diodorus wrote that the Chaldeans stated "that the moon's light is reflected and her eclipses are due to the shadow of the earth".3 This implies that they knew the earth is a sphere in space, a fact known also to a number of Greek philosophers.4 A few Greek philosophers were aware that planets, on close contact, are greatly disturbed, and that out of their ...
329. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... gravity: they can't measure it accurately or consistently and even think it may be changing over time [NS 17.1 .98, pp. 39-42]. Further, astronomers are now wondering if a constant which determines the strength of the electromagnetic force may have been different earlier in the Universe. In other words has the speed of light changed? If so physicists will have to rethink fundamental ideas [NS 28.3 .98, pp. 3, 12]. Four spacecraft have shown signs of slowing, as though they are under the influence of a force as yet unidentified. Gravity does not appear to be acting as it should, yet the scientists think ...
330. Thorium Enrichment in Crater Rims: Earth and Moon [Journals] [Aeon]
... " [4 ] The first hypothesis astronomers explored to explain the thorium enrichment was based on the prevailing theory concerning the origin of the Moon. "The moon once was hot and molten and as it cooled minerals crystallized and sank to form the core, if they were heavy, or floated upward to form the crust, if they were light. The last material to solidify contained thorium, potassium, gadolinium and samarium, which do not readily incorporate into minerals. These elements are signatures of the moon's subsurface mantle region, and their presence on the surface indicates some process- volcanic events or impacts strong enough to punch through the crust- must have dredged them up from the ...
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