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220 pages of results. 291. Exploring The Saturn Myth [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... thesis is that prehistoric man saw a concrete image in the sky to the north and that the key contributors were planets. His claim is that the following images represent aspects of the appearance and transformations of the Polar Configuration. Another important aspect of the ancient imagery, according to Talbott, is the remarkably peculiar behaviour of a celestial crescent of light which circles around the central orb . Talbott claims that this celestial-crescent-of-light has no connection with our Moon - apart from the later acquisition by our Moon of the names and mythical character of the ancient celestial crescent of light. In The Saturn Myth, Talbott concludes his chapter on The Crescent' with the following: Surely the remarkable correspondence of ...
292. Chapter I: The Worship of the Sun and the Dawn [Books]
... There was no knowledge, but we can very well understand that there was much awe, and fear, and wonder. Man then possessed no instruments, and the- eyes and the minds of the early observers were absolutely untrained. Further, night to them seemed almost death- no man could work; for them there was no electric light, to say nothing of candles, so that in the absence of the moon the night reigned like death over every land. There is no necessity for us to go far into this matter by trying to put ourselves into the places oi these early peoples; we have only to look at the records: they speak very clearly for ...
293. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... HêIios, is I venture to suggest a similar myth (see "The Romaunt of the Rose," later on); and so is Corcyra (Corfu) whose name comes from a spindle. A son of Poseidôn, or a Triton, gave a clod of earth to Europos, another son of Poseidôn, and an Argo-sailor, light in the course, skilful in chariot-driving. This clod fell into the Ocean, or was thrown into it by Euphemos on the counsel of Jason (Lêson) and on the instant became the island Kallistê. Here, though we have no spear, we have a trident-god, the Triton. In the Argonautikon (iv, 1552, ...
294. In Defense Of The Saturn Thesis [Journals] [Aeon]
... been flat on its back, with the North Pole permanently pointing at Saturn, which would explain the peculiar polar associations in ancient Saturn astrology." [27] Ares/Mars. Is it reasonable to assume that the warlike characteristics of Mars, plus his ability to destroy worlds, stemmed from the reddish color of the present pin-point of light in the sky we know as the planet Mars? (Ares Ludovisi- ancient marble- Rome.) Mercury. What is there about the present rapid motion of the planet Mercury that could inspire the god's association with phallic erection? (The Flying Mercury of Giovanni di Bologna, now in Florence, Italy.) This needs some ...
295. Poleshift [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the Sahara thus: "The grandiose frescos show in colours which are today still fresh and undisturbed: gods and goddesses, demons and spirits, hunters, dancers, swimming, and running people with their hunting animals, giraffes, ostriches, antelopes, mouflons [a wild sheep now found on Corsica and Sardinia], hippopotamuses and elephants, light reed boats, men swimming and the species of animals bear witness to the fact that the stony wilderness must at one time have been fertile land. The central Sahara was then a well populated and densely settled region with well-watered and fertile valleys and meadows. Even now, the ancient beds of streams, rivers, and brooks can be ...
296. Index of Authors
... Wall, The Calendar of Coligny Alban Wall, The Planetary Order Revealed in The Book of the Secrets of Enoch Alban Wall, The Strange Phenomenon of Solar Prominences Albert V.Carozzi and Murry S.Gerber, Late Paleozoic Tornadoes and Synsedimentary Brecciation of Chert Nodules Albert W. Burgstahler, Euan W. MacKie, Ages in Chaos in the Light of C14 Archaeometry Albert W. Burgstahler, The El-Amarna Letters and the Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Albert W. Burgstahler, The Nature of the Cytherean Atmosphere Alex Marton, Rocks From Where? Alex Marton, What is Uniformitarianism and how did it get here? Alfred de Grazia, Ancient Knowledge of Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings Alfred ...
297. The Critics and Stellar Energy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... nor the periodic and new comets supply enough dust to replenish losses" (5 ). Hemenway et al. studied particles collected from noctilucent clouds and discussed their origin: "If the particles collected come from interstellar space the fluxes should be orders of magnitude less than the fluxes observed in the experiments. Also, the symmetry of the zodiacal light about the ecliptic suggest a solar system origin for most of its constituent particles. Observations of comet tails suggest that small particles have relatively short residence times in the inner portion of the solar system. We conclude that most of these submicron particles have come from the sun, although this hypothesis poses formidable problems." (6 ) Maybe ...
298. The Hermes Connection [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon I:5 (Sep 1988) Home | Issue Contents The Hermes Connection Frederic B. Jueneman The Personification As argued earlier, the Polar Column extended northward beyond the hyperboreal arctic, turbulently spiraling into space and presenting the image of a fluted column, effulgent with it own inner light. (1 ) The Personification of this Polar Column was none other than the demiurge Hermes himself, as The Way, The Path, and The Light. This thesis implies that the present planet closest to the Sun- the one we call "Mercury" today- was not involved in the myths surrounding Hermes, despite the identity with the Roman god who shares the planet's ...
299. Saturn As King (Addenda et Corrigenda) [Journals] [Kronos]
... .. . Saturn As King Dwardu Cardona *The author wishes to thank Malcolm Lowery, editor of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Review, for having so kindly offered the objective criticism upon which the main bulk of this corrigenda is based. It has come to my attention that, insofar as the linguistic evidence contained in "Let there be Light"(1 ) is concerned, I have inadvertently allowed a few minor discrepencies to creep into my work. The following corrigenda are hereby offered for the benefit of those who, perhaps because of their linguistic deficiency, might have been trapped by my words. In a recent letter to the author, Malcolm Lowery stated: "In ...
300. Cosmic Catastrophes and the Ballgame of the Sky Gods in Mesoamerican Mythology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... document the inseparable connection between ballgame ritual and natural catastrophes. What is more, new astronomical evidence and discoveries, in particular in cometary astronomy, indicate that our planet and ancient civilisations were repeatedly punctuated by cosmic debris [28]. These new research findings demand that both sceptical historians and evolutionary anthropologists re-assess the Mesoamerican legends and catastrophe myths in light of the new astronomical evidence. Figure 3. Death Symbols Divided ballcourt with a central skull and a cometary symbol in form of a rubber ball with a tail, next to a decapitated ballplayer. (After codex Borbonicus, Pl. 19.) Figure 4. Great Balls of Fire Two codices Telleriano Remensis and Vaticanus A include clear ...
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