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220 pages of results. 241. Matters Arising [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... from R. A. Herring on the subject of the identity of the god Apollo in Greek mythology. Mr Herring had visited many of the important Greek sites and had been struck by the fact that most of them owed their prominence to the cults of Athena and Apollo. He wrote: "Athena's role can be readily seen in the light of Velikovsky, but Apollo remains an enigma. Accepting the premise that the major gods have an astronomical origin, Apollo's usual explanation of being a sun god does not readily fit into Velikovskian concepts. Perhaps one of your members has some ideas and can place Apollo in his rightful place?" A number of SIS members have voiced their ...
242. Hoerbiger's Theory [Books]
... last of these has been witnessed by remote ancestors of ours who were mentally sufficiently developed to make, treasure, and transmit reports of the great cataclysm in the form of myths. Also the capture of our present satellite and. the various phenomena which it caused were thus recorded and preserved. This contention puts the cosmogonic myths into a new light. On the subject of the factuality of the myths, I have already, said all that has to be said in my two books; Moons, Myths, and Man; and The Book of Revelation is History. Suffice it here to stress once more that the new interpretation of the cosmogonic myths presents us with a great quantity ...
243. On Binary Star Systems [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . Visual observation of the binary companion depends upon several factors: the proximity of the binary system to the Earth; a sufficient separation of the principals to allow resolution of their images by a telescope; and the occurrence of small differences in the luminosities of the principals, otherwise the view of the => companion will be obscured by the light of the => primary. Tens of thousand of binary systems can be resolved by telescope into two separate stars. In about twelve percent of these visual binaries the orbital motion can be measured, but only a few satisfactory orbital analyses have been completed [126]. Where the orbit of the companion relative to the primary star can ...
244. The Terrible Ones, Part 2 Mars Ch.5 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... And it is said that their "strength is like the vigour of their father." Your march, O Maruts, appears brilliant. . . . We invoke you, the great Maruts, the constant wanderers. . . . Like the dawn, they uncover the dark nights with red rays, the strong ones, with their brilliant light, as with a sea of milk. . . . Streaming down with rushing splendour, they have assumed their bright and brilliant colour.8 Stones were hurled by these comets. You the powerful, who shine with your spears, shaking even what is unshakable by strength . . . Hurling the stone in the flight! . . ...
245. Beneath Bauer [Books]
... this moment are the intellectual and not moral defects of Bauer's reaction. To illustrate how extensive and self-destructive these are, here is the result when we apply Bauer's evaluation model to his own theory about believers (to be compared with the noted quotations on the previous page). Assessing his ideas concerning why people are inclined to believe in the light of how he assessed Velikovsky, we have to say the following: a. He has not shown how he reached his conclusions, and therefore their significance cannot be gauged. b. His statements are useless because they lack detail and precision. c. He failed to describe any parallel phenomena in any related areas of human behavior. ...
246. The Breaking Edge [Journals] [Pensee]
... , in the committee's judgment, have come in a decade to a hew appreciation of gaps in observation and theory: "The explorers of the sky .. . have found not merely interesting new details about individual stars or other objects but entirely new classes of objects undreamed of ten years ago. As each new technology was applied to study light (photons) of different colors or energetic particles of different charge and mass (cosmic rays, neutrinos), new types of worlds were revealed. The previously well-organized universe .. . exploded into a bewildering universe of new types of objects, large and small, with exotic new names and marvelous new natures." Questions once speculative ...
247. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... volontiers se joint," (with which iron readily unites). He describes (for a comparison) how a needle, when touched with the loadstone and fixed in a straw or chip (festu) floating on the water, turns its point right against (toute contre) The Star; that is the polestar. He mentions the lighting up of the ship's needle also (after dark). But this describes no intention, but is a mere ordinary allusion in a poem to a well-known fact. Jacques de Vitry in his Description de la Palestine (1218?) also made a passing reference to the adamas as touching a pointed iron which turned to the north star ...
248. The Creation of the Earth -- General Remarks [Books]
... in Genesis i. 14-16 the creation of Sun, Moon, and Stars is mentioned. The position of this verse has been regarded as incorrect by those scientists who have before this endeavoured to prove the credibility of the creation account of the Book of Genesis. When the Sun was created as late as that, how could there have been light before, as Genesis i. 4-5 insists? Not much consolation was derived from the consideration that this anomaly may have been due to the obviously geocentric outlook of the writer of the account who would naturally mention certain terrestrial aspects first: Besides, this explanation was frowned upon by theologians who regarded God' as a greater authority, as ...
249. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... Their many years of research have led to some commonly accepted ideas about the nature of the world in man's prehistoric past. According to this scenario, man's earliest memories go back to a time of darkness and passive sameness during which the planet Saturn hung immobile in Earth's boreal sky. [2 ] This condition changed dramatically with the shedding of light due to Saturn's primordial flare-up. [3 ] Primitive man had no way of knowing what planets were, only that they were ominous entities- later called gods- bent on performing magical events. These first and foremost gods manifested themselves in the shape of various bizarre and literally wonder-full manifestations spread over an unspecified span of time. At ...
250. Abraham and Phallicism [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . One such proponent is David Talbott. The aspect of his work which relates to my thesis concerns the stories encountered throughout the world of a shining peak or column which once rose from Earth to the centre of heaven [9 ]. Talbott considers that this phenomenon, which occurred during the time Saturn dominated the world, was a visible light stream which somehow appeared to reach between Earth and Saturn. He would have the column at different times as the holy mountain (Zion and Olympus are the most familiar examples), Atlas (supporter of the sky vault), the masculine serpent, the great wind or breath, the cosmic river, the one-legged giant's leg, the ...
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