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145 pages of results. 71. Indra [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 3 (Spring 1982) Home | Issue Contents Indra Dwardu Cardona Copyright (C ) 1982 by Dwardu Cardona 1. Mars If Shiva was not Jupiter, and Vishnu, Agni, and Surabhi were not Venus, who was it in the Hindu pantheon that personified these two terrible planets of old? The above question was asked at the end of a recent paper in which I argued against the acceptance of Velikovsky's planetary identification of these deities.(1 ) In abrogating these identities, I left Worlds In Collision bereft of any Indic candidates which might have stood for these two planets. The correct identification of Venus among the Hindu deities ...
72. The Core Ejection Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 1 (May 1989) Home | Issue Contents FORUM The Core Ejection Hypothesis C. Leroy Ellenberger criticises: In C & C Review X (1988), as in Kronos X:2 (1985), Eric Crew describes a model for the ejection of solid cores from Jovian planets and the subsequent evolution of the orbits of the ejecta to nearly circular terrestrial ones. This entire process is quite impossible and its initiation is precluded by a very simple fact of Nature that Crew refuses to acknowledge. Crew claims that core ejection is facilitated by pressure ionisation producing a positively charged body inside a gaseous planet. He is quite mistaken ...
73. Kronos Vol. VI, No. 3 Spring 1981: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI, No. 3 Spring 1981 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. VI, No. 3 Spring 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 The Secret of Baalbek (Concluded) Immanuel Velikovsky 18 Velikovsky in Collision David Stove 33 Omega Monograph Series 34 Sagan vs. Sagan Shulamit Zogan 42 Krupp and Velikovsky Thomas McCreery 55 Saturn and Voyager Earl R. Milton 63 Electromagnetic-Gravitational Coupling Phenomena in the Saturn Ring System Michael E. Brandt and Michael Simon Bodner 71 "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Continued) Irving Wolfe 93 A Note On Shakespeare's Cataclysmic Imagery Richard J. Jaarsma 95 In Memoriam: Zvi ...
74. Saturn's Sacred Mountain [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the more generally accepted theory of the Mountain's northern location. Through this union Seitz would have the Moon erupt from Saturn's Sacred Mountain into Earth's boreal sky. Let sources be cited correctly; let credit be given where it's due- and if Seitz' amalgamated theory is ever accepted by anyone, let him be given his reward. Dwardu Cardona Kronos Senior Editor Vancouver 1. C. H. Seitz, "The Sacred Mountain." C&AH, VI: 2 (July 1984), 109. 2. J. Gibson, "Saturn's Age", Research Communications Network, Newsletter, No. 3 (October 15, 1977), 1-7; D. Cardona ...
75. Venus: Volcanism and Hot-Fudge [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 3 (Spring 1982) Home | Issue Contents Venus: Volcanism and Hot-Fudge C. Leroy Ellenberger In three recent issues of KRONOS, the possibility of a thermal imbalance on Venus resulting from a significant internal source was discussed (7 , 8, 9). Because the imbalance was not statistically definite, it was hoped that additional data analysis would ascertain the true state of affairs by the time of the International Conference on the Venus Environment last November. THERMAL IMBALANCE: While the uncertainty over the thermal imbalance has not been resolved, a consensus is emerging that at least three "regions on Venus have been, and perhaps still are ...
76. Child of Saturn (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 1 (Fall 1981) Home | Issue Contents Child of Saturn (Part I)Dwardu Cardona Copyright (C ) 1981 by Dwardu Cardona 1. Introduction At the recent San Jose seminar- "Velikovsky and Secular Catastrophism"- I read a paper(1 ) that, among other matters, treated of various inconsistencies to be found in Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision and questioned his belief that the proto-planet Venus was ejected as a cometary body by the planet Jupiter. Despite the fact that able scholars, among them Eric Crew(2 ) and Peter Warlow,(3 ) have accomplished much toward the acceptance of this theory, what ...
77. Kronos Vol. VIII, No. 2 Winter-1983: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII, No. 2 Winter-1983 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. VIII, No. 2 Winter-1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Troy and the Greek Dark Age Jan N. Sammer 11 Sicily, Carthage, and the Fall of Troy Jan N. Sammer 18 The Libyan Period in Egypt Immanuel Velikovsky 21 The Archangels Dwardu Cardona 35 A Calendric View of Stonehenge Alban Wall 47 Electric Discharge as the Source of Solar Radiant Energy (Concluded) Ralph E. Juergens 63 Forum Parker, Rose, Mage, Isenberg, Cardona, Mongold, Pribram, and Ellenberger 81 Vox Populi Stove, Thompson, Friedrich, Mewhinnev, Dyen, ...
78. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2000:1 "Proceedings of the SIS Silver Jubilee Event" Home | Issue Contents Sunday The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory by Dwardu Cardona Dwardu Cardona has been a freelance writer since 1968. He has, since then, acted as a Contributing Editor for KRONOS and, later, as Senior Editor for the same periodical. He was a Founding Father of the now-defunct Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. He is currently the Editor of AEON as well as the Series Editor for the Osiris Series of books sponsored by Cosmos & Chronos. An enthusiastic researcher and writer, he has now published over 100 articles on various subjects in various periodicals ...
79. L. Sprague de Camp: Anatomy of a Zetetic [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 1 (Fall 1977) Home | Issue Contents DOCUMENTS . . . L. Sprague de Camp: Anatomy of a Zetetic Some of the most vociferous critics of Worlds in Collision during the past twenty-seven years have been science-fiction/science-popularizer writers. They include L. Sprague de Camp, Martin Gardner, Isaac Asimov, Willy Ley, Daniel Cohen, Charles Fair, and - more recently - Carl Sagan. This group of individuals has much in common. Their criticisms of Velikovsky are usually purely subjective, highly ad hominem - replete with irrelevancies and innuendo, error-laden, distinctly unscientific, repetitious, and often borrowed from each other. In ...
80. "America B.C." and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IV No. 3 (Spring 1979) Home | Issue Contents Vox Populi "America B.C ." and the Revised Chronology To the Editor of KRONOS: Barry Fell's America B.C . was reviewed in KRONOS III:I (pp. 86-88), but the reviewer, Roger W. Wescott, failed to point out two pieces of epigraphic evidence in (unwitting) support of Velikovsky's revised chronology. The first is the Pontotoc stele (see p. 159), a bilingual Iberian Punic/Ogam Punic version of the "Hymn to the Aten", which Fell dates to ca. 800 B.C . on the ...
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