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145 pages of results. 281. Ancient Knowledge of Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 3 (Feb 1977) Home | Issue Contents Ancient Knowledge of Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings Alfred de Grazia Copyright © 1975 by Alfred de Grazia. (This article is one of 22 essays contained in an Anthology presented to Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky on December 5, 1975, in honor of Dr. Velikovsky and the 25th anniversary of Worlds in Collision; it is our hope to publish the Anthology in its entirety - The Ed.) With a mind to the present Pioneer explorations of the neighborhoods of planets Jupiter and Saturn, an article by Thomas Taylor (of Walworth)- published in the Classical Journal of 1819- ought ...
282. Cosmic Instability and Modern Man: An Introduction [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 2 (Summer 1975) Home | Issue Contents Cosmic Instability and Modern Man: An Introduction Joseph A. Soldati "The aim of man and matter is to create joy. (Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba, p. 272.) An old woman stumbled along a busy city street. One hand clutched both a large paper bag and a purse to her thin frame. Her other hand was empty, but with it she groped, staggering, for the security of an equally thin tree planted on the downtown street corner. Her eyes were wide and staring; her mouth a dark O of startled awareness. It seemed that in ...
283. Heat Transfer Models, Hothouse Calculations, and the Temperature of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. V No. 1 (Fall 1979) Home | Issue Contents Heat Transfer Models, Hothouse Calculations, and the Temperature of Venus George Robert Talbott It is universally accepted that heat energy in substantial quantity is present at the surface of Venus. Equally acceptable is the thesis that some of the Sun's energy is absorbed by Venus' thick cloud layer, while the majority incident at the cloud surface is reflected away The controversy is concerned with whether or not absorbed sunlight can account for a surface temperature of 750 Kelvin. Thus the following questions may be posed: How much sunlight is reaching the surface through the clouds? What is the load in watts per ...
284. Scarabs and Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 2 (Winter 1984) Home | Issue Contents Scarabs And Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright 1984 by the Estate of Elisheva Velikovsky To realize the state of affairs in Egyptian and Palestinian archaeology, the following observation of C. C. McCown, who dug in Tell en-Nasbeh,(1 ) is worth considering; it is also symptomatic of all other places in Egypt and Palestine, and sounds very familiar to a reader of archaeological reports: "The scarabs and scaraboids [found in the place] are unanimously dated from the 18th Dynasty or later. Since, as all the ceramic evidence clearly indicates, Tell en-Nasbeh was not occupied until after ...
285. Where We Are: A Call to Action [Articles]
... following the publication of PENSEE and the holding of the Lewis & Clark Symposium. This most certainly has not happened. Not only have there been many new conferences, but there has been the founding of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies with the publication of the SIS REVIEW, and there has been in my opinion the most valuable single contribution, KRONOS. Another journal, CATASTROPHISM AND ANCIENT HISTORY, has also made its appearance. Now it is true that PENSEE fell by the wayside, but this was most definitely not due to lack of interest in its subject matter, but to the ordinary vagaries endemic to commercial enterprises. I called for additional research, and think of all that ...
286. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 1 (Fall 1981) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Dwardu Cardona; Mr. Cardona, a Senior Editor of KRONOS, has also published in the journal Pensée, He presently makes his home in Vancouver, B. C. and is preparing a co-authored work on the origin of religion. Additionally, along with Thomas McCreery, Mr. Cardona has published important research in the field of megalithic studies that casts serious doubts on the findings of Euan MacKie and Alexander Thom. Marilyn Ferguson; Ms. Ferguson is editor-publisher of Brain/Mind Bulletin, a newsletter reporting on research in the field of consciousness, and Leading Edge, a ...
287. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 1 (Fall 1983) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Dwardu Cardona; Mr. Cardona, a Senior Editor of KRONOS, has also published in Topper, The Ubyssey, Pensee, The Sourcebook Project, Frontiers of Science, and UFO Report. He presently makes his home in Vancouver and is preparing several long-range major works on cosmic catastrophism and related subjects. Michael M Hobby (B .A ./ B .S ., Tulane University); Mr. Hobby is a geologist currently doing graduate work at Tulane University's Center for Latin American Studies. He holds numerous scholastic awards and received an honorable mention from the National Science Foundation ...
288. Aeon Volume III, Number 1: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... thesis offered in Worlds in Collision. PAGE 111 Towards a Science of Mythology Ev Cochrane discusses the prominent role of planets in ancient mythology. PAGE 114 Advertisement Catastrophism and Ancient History Aeon Volume III, Number 1 CONTRIBUTORS Duane Vorhees, teaches American Culture at Korea University. His numerous articles about the life and times of Immanuel Velikovsky have appeared in KRONOS, Catastrophism and Ancient History, and the SIS Workshop. He received his doctorate at the State University of Bowling Green, where his dissertation was entitled The "Jewish Science" of Immanuel Velikovsky: Culture and Biography as Ideational Determinants. Frederic B. Jueneman is a consulting industrial analytical chemist, who has served as an Associate Editor of ...
289. Notices [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 4 (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents Notices Just as KRONOS was going to press, the latest issue of the S.I .S . Review (Vol. I, No. 4) has appeared. Its contents include: "Schools of Thought: A Reply" by Hugo Meynell which is an effective rebuttal to an earlier article by R. G. A. Dolby in SISR 1: 3; "The Identity of Typhon" by John Bimson- a most interesting essay which should provoke further discussion; "The Cosmology of Job" by Martin Sieff which is an attempt to identify specific planetary bodies hitherto ...
290. Aeon Volume III, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Jueneman speculates on the nature of scientific discourse. PAGE 80 Freud's Moses, by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi Reviewed by Ev Cochrane PAGE 94 Aeon Announcements AEON Publications. The Velikovsky Conference. Aeon Volume III, Number 4 CONTRIBUTORS Lewis M. Greenberg, Professor of Art History at the Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia. Formerly, Editor-in-Chief of KRONOS which he co-founded in 1975. Prof. Greenberg co-authored the book An Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture and was an Associate Editor of the journal Pensée. In addition to KRONOS and Pensée, Greenberg has also published in Chiron, Science, Biblical Archaeology Review, Astronomy, and SIS Review. Jan Sammer formerly served as special secretary to ...
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