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1447 results found.
145 pages of results. 251. Velikovsky And The Cosmic Serpent [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 3 (Summer 1984) Home | Issue Contents Velikovsky And The Cosmic Serpent Velikovsky Becomes Respectable D. C. STOVE (Editor's Note: The material presented here has been reprinted, with the permission of Quadrant magazine, from the October 1983 issue of Quadrant and the Jan. -Feb. 1984 issue of Quadrant. KRONOS readers are referred to KRONOS VIII:4 (Summer 1983), pp. 59-74, for a thorough review of The Cosmic Serpent. - LMG) Who is the most important thinker of the present century? Einstein, many would say. I am too ignorant, unfortunately, to judge whether that is ...
252. Corrigenda et Addenda [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 1 (Fall 1981) Home | Issue Contents Corrigenda et Addenda 8/81 To the Editor of KRONOS: In VI :4 , following Parker, I accepted Dystros 24 Macedonian as the beginning of the regnal year at the time of the Canopus Decree. Both Parker and I had been persuaded by the arguments of Samuel (Ptolemaic Chronology, 1962). Unbeknownst to me, however, and presumably to Parker as well, Samuel has long since withdrawn much of his support for Dystros 24. In his Greek and Roman Chronology (1972), he admits to having misinterpreted one of the relevant documents. That document, PCZ ...
253. The Listing by Months: An Ancient Study of the Disappearances of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 1 (Fall 1982) Home | Issue Contents The Listing by Months: An Ancient Study of the Disappearances of Venus Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Copyright (C ) 1982 by Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Of the many thousands of fragmentary clay tablets excavated at Nineveh, Kish, and other sites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, roughly two dozen have been identified on which a particular type of cuneiform inscription appears, in either Late Assyrian or Neo-Babylonian script. These inscriptions are arranged as a series of entries, each of which reports a set of observations of "Ninsianna" or Venus. ...
254. Jupiter God of Abraham (Part IV) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 1 (Fall 1983) Home | Issue Contents Jupiter God of Abraham (Part IV)Dwardu Cardona Copyright (c ) 1983 by Dwardu Cardona 20. The Thunderbolt In a separate paper(264) I have indicated that there is nothing in ancient records, myths, or legends, that implicates Mars or Venus as the agent of destruction in the Sodomitic catastrophe. Neither is there anything that substantiates Alfred de Grazia's contention that the agent was Mercury.(265) We are therefore left with Immanuel Velikovsky's belief that it was Jupiter.(266) The records, however, are just as silent about Jupiter as they are about ...
255. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... reached the point where we can give our membership drive, and it will be most valuable to know which initiatives are reaching most potential members. Please return your forms to the Secretary. U.S . DOLLAR PURCHASES Please note the following additions to the "shopping list" in SISR I:5 (other items remain unchanged): KRONOS, receipt of 4 issues by surface, price through us: £8 .20; KRONOS, back issues of Vol.I or Vol.II complete, receipt by air mail, price through us: £8 .80. Enquiries to Roy MacKinnon. We hope to extend our Dollar Service to the supplying of books not ...
256. Phobos And Deimos [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 3 No 4 (1997) Home | Issue Contents Phobos And Deimos Lynn E. Rose In KRONOS VII:2 (Winter, 1982), page 62, I wrote as follows: "The Greeks had several words for fear, the sensation of fear. The expression or manifestation of fear was the panic flight from the feared object. This distinction is of at least Homeric vintage. The two basic kinds of fear were early personified as Phobos and Deimos, the monstrous offspring [some would say attendants] of Ares (Mars), and in the nineteenth century these very names were given to the newly discovered (or rediscovered) satellites ...
257. Ninsianna And Ramesside Star Observations [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ) of the vernal equinox, but this figure (575.5 days) can serve as a first approximation for the synodic period of Venus in a 360 day year era. The accompanying table shows the data recorded on the Ninsianna (or Ammizaduga') tablets, as interpreted by Lynn E.Rose and Raymond C.Vaughan in KRONOS (1976-1980) but re-arranged in day number form. These tablets essentially record a count of days, rather than a count of years, though months are also mentioned; the years are clearly only crudely adjusted by means of occasional intercalary months. The original data suggests that all months were precisely 30 days long; had there been occasional ...
258. "Limited Fusion" and "Anode-Stars" [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... discharge, before the Sun stole its fire', attracting Saturn's discharge to it. Saturn finds itself much too highly charged for its altered environment. How otherwise end such embarrassment than by shedding excess charge in a mighty explosion?" (ibid., p. 50). 3 Dwardu Cardona, "Let There Be Light", Kronos 3:3 , pp. 33-8. 4 See Donald W. Patten, The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch (Pacific Meridian, Seattle 1966), pp. 214-21 for a most stimulating and original discussion of the effects on the Earth of what he terms "a Primordial (Hydrocarboniferous) Catastrophe prior to the Flood". ...
259. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. V No. 3 (Spring 1980) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Dominick A. Carlucci, Jr.; Mr. Carlucci has been a long-time student of ancient Egyptian history, most recently having studied with Prof. Gerald E. Kadish of SUNY-Binghamton. He has authored several collegiate papers on Velikovskian subjects, including an analysis of the origin of the Oedipus legend for an English course, and a major paper on the Velikovsky affair for a Judaic Studies course. John Gribbin (Doctorate in Astrophysics, Cambridge Univ.); Authored The Death of the Sun, The Jupiter Effect, Our Changing Universe and Timewarps. He has been a frequent contributor ...
260. Notices [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 3 (Spring 1983) Home | Issue Contents Notices AVAILABLE NOW FROM KRONOS VELIKOVSKY: BONDS OF THE PAST The original color film documentary is now available on video cassette. Running time is 1 hour. The price is $95.00 payable in U. S. funds drawn on an American bank or branch. Overseas add $5 .00 for shipping and handling. Please be sure and specify VHS or Beta. Make check or money order payable to KRONOS and send to P. O. Box 343, Wynnewood, PA 19096. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. ** ** ** ** ...
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