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145 pages of results. 201. Intimations of an Alien Sky [Journals] [Aeon]
... Saturn, (62) even if the reason for the identification has seldom been clarified. When a reason is given, it usually runs something like the following: Nimrod, sometimes called Nebrod, the traditional founder of Babylon, was "the first to become king on earth...and took as title the name of the planet Kronos [which was Saturn]." (63) Nimrod, however, did not have to take the name of the planet Saturn because his name was already that of Saturn. Thus, for instance, Nimrod has also, and often, been claimed to be an alias of Ninurta. (64) The actual truth, however ...
202. It's 1950 Yesterday [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 4 (Summer 1978) Home | Issue Contents Editorial statement . . . It's 1950 Yesterday L.M . Greenberg Early this year, KRONOS Press and LAR Research reserved space for six one inch ads in Science News; the purpose was to advertise Velikovsky and Establishment Science and The Age of Velikovsky. The ads were accepted and the two books were advertised alternately for each week of the month of February. Then, quite abruptly, Science News unilaterally terminated the ads after they had run for only a third of their allotted time. Written notice of the cancellation was sent to the Angelyn Advertising Agency which had placed the ads. ...
203. Notices [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 2 (Winter 1981) Home | Issue Contents Notices The following KRONOS subscription rates and back issue prices are currently in effect until further notice: ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION North America $ 15.00 Overseas Airmail $22.00 Institutional (NA) $20.00 Overseas Institutional $25.00 Overseas Surface (Israel only) - $20.00 BACK ISSUES All back issues are now available. In North America, the price for each back issue is $5 .00 except for Vol. III, No. 2 (V &Es which is $6 .00. Overseas, the price for each back issue is ...
204. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... Liang. In nearer times, Tsong-Kaba, the reformer of the Thibetan Lamas, became Buddha in 1419; and his coffin, in the Lamasery of Khaldan, remains unsupported, save by perennial miracle, a little way above the ground. 64 BETH-ELS. The fragments of Sanchoniathon (as translated by Philo) say that Ouranos the father of Kronos also had a son manufacturing animated stones. The myths of divided-stone will explain Pygmalion making animated statues are a parallel. M. Maspero says of the Egyptian sacred statues that "they were animated and, in addition to their bodies of stone metal or wood, had each a soul magically derived from the soul of the divinity they represented ...
205. Perplexities of Orthodoxy. [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 1 (August 1976) Home | Issue Contents Perplexities of Orthodoxy.The Face of a Camel?Midway through the chapter "Jerusalem the Golden," in his book Great Cities of the Ancient World (1972), L. Sprague de Camp indulged in some witticisms regarding Solomon and Sheba. "It is also written that the queen of Sheba, in southern Arabia, came to visit Solomon to quiz him on his celebrated wisdom and to exchange gifts with him. The Bible does not name the lady [Cp. Ages in Chaos, p. 107 and n. 4 - "However the opinion is expressed in the ...
206. Mammoth Update: A Reply to Ellenberger (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 4 (Summer 1982) "Evolution, Extinction, and Catastrophism" Home | Issue Contents Forum Mammoth Update: A Reply to Ellenberger To the Editor of KRONOS: May one whose name was mentioned several times in a letter to your journal,(1 ) about the Frozen Mammoth Controversy, reply to the points made in that letter? [Leroy] Ellenberger remains unconvinced that mammoths were able to tolerate extreme cold, and his argument rests heavily on Neuville's observation that the skin of these creatures lacked certain "oil-glands" and on John White's sweeping statement that such glands are possessed by every extant arctic animal.(2 ) The ...
207. "Let There be Light" [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 3 (Spring 1978) Home | Issue Contents "Let There be Light"Dwardu Cardona Copyright 1978 by Dwardu Cardona, Lewis M. Greenberg, and Warner B. Sizemore 1. The Founder of the World . In the first two chapters of Genesis there are two distinct stories of Creation which have been welded into one.(1 ) In one of these versions "God" is alluded to as "Elohim." Biblical concordances often note that "the word [Elohim]" is "the plural of a lost singular."(2 ) The singular, or synonym, of "Elohim," however, ...
208. Saturn: In Myth and Religion [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. X No. 1 (Fall 1984) Home | Issue Contents Saturn: In Myth and Religion Dwardu Cardona Copyright (c ) 1983/1984 by Dwardu Cardona This paper is an adaptation of "Trilogies, Trinities, and Triads," which originally appeared in CSISN 2:1 (August 1983). 1. Trinities In their book, The Cosmic Serpent, Victor Clube and Bill Napier alluded to the Sun, the Moon, and Venus as a trilogy'(1 ) when it is obvious they meant "trinity". I'm not certain what this says for their mythological expertise but it is not a reassuring indication. Even had they used ...
209. The River of Ocean [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1989 (Vol XI) Home | Issue Contents The River of Ocean by Dwardu Cardona Dwardu Cardona is Senior Editor of Kronos and Founding Father (in absentia) of the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. His writings have appeared in many publications including Topper, The Ubyssey, Pensee, Kronos, The Sourcebook Project, UFO Report, Frontiers of Science, C&AH, CSIS Newsletter, Workshop and Aeon. 1. The Encircling Ocean Chris Boyles has stated that: "To suggest, for example, that serpents always represent a celestial body such as a comet is demonstrably false. Certainly a serpent may sometimes symbolize a comet; but ...
210. Generalists, Specialists, "Pereset", and Ancient Astronomical Awareness [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 4 (Summer 1978) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Generalists, Specialists, "Pereset", and Ancient Astronomical Awareness To the Editor of KRONOS: Having the onerous honour to be the present Editor of the S.I .S . Review, I have recently undergone a lengthy correspondence with an American researcher (non-Velikovskian and non-catastrophist) who is developing a revision of his own of Egyptian and Israelite history. As well as discussing the relative merits of Velikovsky's revision and his own, he sounded off regarding the dangers of specialisation and the advantages of being a "generalist". Lack of specialisation, he felt, was Man's natural ...
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