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1447 results found.
145 pages of results. 191. Did Saturn Explode Twice? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 4 No 3 (Dec 1981) Home | Issue Contents Did Saturn Explode Twice?Hugh Eggleton In Kronos V:1 and the works of David Talbott, we are presented with overwhelming evidence that prior to Noah's flood, Saturn, which was then a star, became a nova. In Kronos III:3 Dwardu Cardona outlines a similar picture involving Saturn but he places Saturn's "flare-up" at the so called dawn of creation which implies that Talbotts "sun of night" would have been an already-spent star. Since Cardona's theory is also well founded, it is time to ask the question: did Saturn explode twice? According to the Bible ...
192. Extended Special Holiday Sale [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. X No. 2 (Winter 1985) Home | Issue Contents Extended Special Holiday Sale For a limited time, KRONOS is offering a special on all back issues from its first nine volumes (with the exception of Vol. III, No. 4 - issue No. 12 - which is out of print). All back issues, which ordinarily sell for $5 .00 each (issue No. 10 is $6 .00) to residents of North America and $6 .50 each (issue No. 10 is $8 .00) to overseas subscribers, may be obtained for $3 .25 each. A minimum ...
193. Sagan's Appendices: A Quick Appendectomy [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 2 (Winter 1977) "Velikovsky and Establishment Science" Home | Issue Contents Sagan's Appendices: A Quick Appendectomy C. J. Ransom I At the 1974 AAAS meeting, Carl Sagan claimed that the odds against the events occurring in the Solar System, as described by Velikovsky, were 1023 to 1. This figure was widely quoted in the scientific and popular literature as "proof' that the events did not happen; it was also taken on faith since no statistical verification was ever provided. The mathematical support for 1023 to 1 was supposed to be found in an appendix to the text that Sagan gave to the press. ...
194. Senmut's Ceiling and the Earth as Tippe Top (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 2 (Winter 1982) Home | Issue Contents Forum Senmut's Ceiling and the Earth as Tippe Top To the Editor of KRONOS: The Senmut ceiling may be subject to various interpretations, but Velikovsky and others have interpreted it as suggesting that Orion once followed Sirius across the night sky, whereas at the time of Senmut, Sirius followed Orion across the sky, just as it does today. The change from Orion-following-Sirius to Sirius-following-Orion could have been accomplished either (1 ) by a reversal of the direction of Earth's rotation, from left-handed to right-handed, with the pole of rotation continuing to point in approximately the same direction, or (2 ...
195. Discussion Comments From the Floor [Journals] [Aeon]
... the reconstructed temple built at Deir el Bahari by Hatshepsut. They are entirely too similar to be a mere coincidence. Velikovsky completed the revised chronology. Whelton indicates "he was unable to continue in that direction for the required length of time because it would have meant abandoning Biblical chronology." Part of it is published in several issues of KRONOS, the remainder is in Velikovsky's unpublished "New Light on the Dark Ages of Greece"- I have a copy of that manuscript, thanks to the thoughtfulness of Shulamit Kogan. Whelton's account has Velikovsky "Barely in control of his emotions," after, in effect, being called "a liar." As Vine Deloria wrote ...
196. Velikovsky and the El-Amarna period [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 3. Ibid; I. Velikovsky, Ages In Chaos, Doubleday, New York, 1952. (Dutch translation Eeuwen in Chaos,Transl. by M Bakker, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1979) 4. Velikovsky op. cit. [3 ]. 5. L.M . Greenberg, A Note on the Term Hyksos', Kronos, 1 (2 ), 1975, p. 73; R. Juergens & L.M . Greenberg A Note on the Land of Punt', Kronos, 1 (2 ), 1975, p. 89; E, Danelius, The identification of the biblical Queen of Sheba' with Hatshepsut, Queen of Egypt and ...
... .g ., see footnote 35), a balance lacking among the critics. - From their remarks, Morrison and Goldsmith appear not to be aware that May's last footnote discussed their book. Thus, Morrison is wrong when he accused May of "ignoring responsible criticism," (presumably Scientists Confront Velikovsky). May also cited the Kronos book, Velikovsky_and-Establishment Science, which besides being "A detailed analysis of their effort" is no less than a fullscale rejoinder. Since both of them have seen the Kronos book, their not mentioning it raises grave questions about the ethics of their participation. Because Velikovsky never claimed to have all the answers, no meaningful dialogue ...
198. On the Placement of Haremhab: A Critique of Gammon [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. V No. 3 (Spring 1980) Home | Issue Contents On the Placement of Haremhab: A Critique of Gammon Dominick A. Carlucci A recent issue of the SIS Review (III:2 ) contained an article by Geoffrey Gammon entitled "The Place of Horemheb in Egyptian History". In that article, Gammon put forth a case for linking Haremhab to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty, assigning him an absolute date of ca. 822-814 B.C . Velikovsky, on the other hand, has dated Haremhab to the years 702-687 B.C . while conventional dating places Haremhab in the latter part of the fourteenth century B.C ...
199. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 2 (Winter 1982) Home | Issue Contents Contributors Dwardu Cardona; Mr. Cardona, a Senior Editor of KRONOS, has also published in the journal Pensée. He presently makes his home in Vancouver, B. C. and is preparing a co-authored work on the origin of religion. Additionally, along with Thomas McCreery, Mr. Cardona has published important research in the field of megalithic studies that casts serious doubts on the findings of Euan MacKie and Alexander Thom. Ragnar Forshufvud (academic degree, equivalent to M.S ., Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg); Mr. Forshufvud lives in Karlskoga, Sweden, ...
200. The Polar Sun [Books]
... splendours .. ." (3 ) Such imagery would seem to leave no question as to the god's solar character. Yet if the preceding analysis of the great father is correct, Re (or Atum) is not the solar orb but the planet Saturn. The Golden Age of Re was the age of An, Yama, or Kronos. One thus finds of interest an Egyptian ostrakon (first century B.C .) cited by Franz Boll: the ostrakon identifies the planet Saturn as the great god Re. (4 ) Taken alone, this identification could only appear as a very late anomaly divorced from any solid tradition. But many scholars notice that among the ...
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