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145 pages of results. 181. The Trouble With Aztex [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XI No. 2 (Winter 1986) Home | Issue Contents The Trouble With Aztex Dwardu Cardona I Leroy Ellenberger's criticism of my article(1 ) on ejections, resonances, and inversions(2 ) is accepted in good spirit. As a colleague of ours recently put it, people like Ellenberger help to keep us on our toes and honest. Not that Ellenberger has accused me of dishonesty; but he did come close to it in relation to Robert Bass and his use of Hills' and Ovenden's work. Somehow I don't think that Ellenberger quite understood Bass' position nor, for that matter, the point I was attempting to make. ...
182. Contributors [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 4 (Summer 1981) Home | Issue Contents Contributors C. Leroy Ellenberger (B .S ., Washington Univ.; M.B .A ., Univ. of Pennsylvania); Mr. Ellenberger has received degrees in chemical engineering and finance & operations research. His writing has appeared in such diverse periodicals as Science Digest, Penthouse, New Scientist, Frontiers of Science and Fate with Velikovskian topics appearing in Zetetic Scholar, SIS Review, Physics Today, Ind. Res./Dev., Bib. Arch. Rev. and Astronomy. Mr. Ellenberger is a Senior Editor and Executive Secretary of KRONOS Ralph E ...
183. In Memoriam: Dr. Joseph May and Dr. David Griffard [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 3 (Spring 1988) Home | Issue Contents In Memoriam: Dr. Joseph May and Dr. David Griffard It is with deep sadness and regret that we report the untimely deaths of our colleagues Dr. Joseph May and Dr. David Griffard this past year. After a somewhat lengthy illness, Dr. May succumbed in early 1987. To the end, he was an indefatigable worker with various lines of research already planned for the duration of an upcoming sabbatical that had just been awarded him. Only a few weeks prior to his death, Dr. May had just delivered a long-standing project to KRONOS. It was a methodical ...
184. On Comets and Kings [Journals] [Aeon]
... must be said that Mesoamerican culture is not alone in ascribing its cultural achievements to the designs of some early ruler, one virtually indistinguishable from the gods. As the first king and culture hero of Mexican tradition Quetzalcoatl conforms to a universal archetype: that of the primeval king. There are countless examples of this figure, of which the Greek Kronos, Latin Saturn, Iranian Yima, Hebrew El, and Chinese Huang-ti are among the most familiar. As we have documented elsewhere, it is possible to identify a celestial prototype for each of these legendary figures: namely, the planet Saturn. (73) Each of these primeval kings, in fact, was identified with the planet ...
185. The Book Case [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 1 (August 1976) Home | Issue Contents The Book Case KRONOS wishes to draw reader attention to the following books which should prove of special interest: Publication Announcement THE AGE OF VELIKOVSKY By C. J. Ransom Physicist General Dynamics Corp. Fort Worth, Texas An up-to-date, well-documented, and highly readable discussion of the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, as well as their reception by the scientific and academic communities. Containing nine chapters and three appendices, Dr. Ransom's timely book covers a wide range of subjects. From cosmology through ancient history, dating methods, geology, collective amnesia, and "the Velikovsky Affair," the ...
186. The Archangels [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 2 (Winter 1983) Home | Issue Contents The Archangels Dwardu Cardona Copyright (c ) 1982 by Dwardu Cardona Editor's Note: The present article is meant to be read immediately after "Jupiter - God of Abraham", Part III which appeared in KRONOS VIII:1 . It is also somewhat independent of that series. - LMG 1. The Cities of the Plain Immanuel Velikovsky was of the opinion that the thunderbolt which struck the Biblical Cities of the Plain, as described by Josephus,(1 ) resulted from an interplanetary discharge originating from Jupiter that occurred at the time.(2 ) James E. Strickling, while ...
187. Corrigenda et Addenda . . . [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 4 (Summer 1981) Home | Issue Contents Corrigenda et Addenda . . .The figure on page 46 of KRONOS VI:3 was adapted from P. J. Smith, "The Intensity of the Ancient Geomagnetic Field," Geophysical Journal 12 (1967), p. 343. Sources for the names listed in the above figure are: Thellier, E. & Thellier, O.,1959. Sur l'intensite du champ magnetique terrestre dans le passe historique et géologique, Annls Geophys., 15, 285. (This review paper contains full references to the Thelliers' individual papers.) Burlatskaya, S. P ...
188. Ballochroy, Kintraw, and Mackie (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. V No. 3 (Spring 1980) Home | Issue Contents Forum Ballochroy, Kintraw, and Mackie To the Editor of KRONOS: I have read with interest Mr. Cardona's two articles on the standing stone sites at Ballochroy and Kintraw in Scotland [KRONOS IV:3 , pp. 23-55] and am impelled to write to you because of various inaccuracies and misconceptions which they contain. The major misconception of course is that my original article in Pensée was written to prove or disprove any particular hypothesis. The second paragraph stated: "It is important that everyone- catastrophists, uniformitarians and don't knows' alike- understands the purpose of this article ...
189. Aeon Volume III, Number 2: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... Reviews Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings , by Ian C. Johnson. Page 94 Centuries of Darkness , by Herbert Storck. Conversing With the Planets , by Ev Cochrane. Aeon Volume III, Number 2 CONTRIBUTORS Lewis M. Greenberg, Professor of Art History at the Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia. Formerly, Editor-in-Chief of KRONOS which he co-founded in 1975. Duane Vorhees, teaches American Culture at Korea University. His numerous articles about the life and times of Immanuel Velikovsky have appeared in KRONOS, Catastrophism and Ancient History, and the SIS Workshop. He received his doctorate at the State University of Bowling Green, where his dissertation was entitled The "Jewish Science ...
190. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... , the demand we have just seen being met raises another- because, since the record does treat of an era during which time did not exist, it should also treat of a following era during which time was recognized as having begun. Do we find such records among the beliefs of the ancients? 4. THE BEGINNING OF TIME Kronos- the originator of times. Not only do such records exist, but quite a few of them connect the beginning of time directly with Saturn. As Macrobius tells us: ". .. they [i .e . the ancients] conclude that, when there was chaos, no time existed, insofar as time is a ...
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