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145 pages of results. 171. The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 2 (Winter 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs Milo Kearney and Karen LeFevre-Uribe Various recent studies have suggested the presence during the millennium before Christ of Old World probes into the Western Hemisphere. Barry Fell, in America B. C., speaks of Iberian, Phoenician, and Carthaginian inscriptions in the Mississippi Valley and its tributaries, as well as in Paraguay.(1 ) One of the inscriptions found in the Oklahoma and Colorado regions purportedly reads "Tanit the Sublime" and contains a portrait of this Carthaginian goddess.(2 ) ...
172. Addenda Et Corrigenda ... [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 2 (Winter 1977) "Velikovsky and Establishment Science" Home | Issue Contents Addenda Et Corrigenda .. .10/77 To the Editor of KRONOS: Since the publication of our paper, "Analysis of the Babylonian Observations of Venus", in KRONOS II:2 , pages 3-26, our continuing work on the subject has brought to light a number of minor changes and clarifications that might be made. We have also found that we made several errors in our Tables I and II, which listed the data recorded on the various tablets. On page 18, at the end of the first paragraph, we would now ...
173. On the Crab Supernova of 1054 [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) "Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky" Home | Issue Contents Vox Populi On the Crab Supernova of 1054 To the Editor of KRONOS: The following remarks concern the sightings of the 1054 A.D . Supernova discussed in Prof. Greenberg's criticism of Carl Sagan's "Analysis of Worlds in Collision" in KRONOS III: 2, p. 65. In reply to the rhetorical question "[ Why is it that Europe and Islam have left no record of the Crab Supernova?] ", the following information is relevant. Since records of Arabic and European sightings of the 1006 A.D . Supernova ...
174. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Perhaps the most significant omission is any specific statement regarding an Assyrian invasion at the end of the 18th Dynasty. Velikovsky refers to the House of Akhnaton being followed by foreign rule: the 18th Dynasty was not followed by the 19th - it was followed by the Libyan Dynasty, which is counted as the 22nd. Also several articles in Kronos make it clear that for Velikovsky the "Assyrian Conquest" was at the time of Sennacherib. I believe that Mr Sweeney has largely failed to acquaint himself with the enormous chronological problems inherent in Velikovsky's proposed reconstruction. Lester J. Mitcham, Auckland, New Zealand Further Response to Sweeney Dear Sir, I offer here a few rebuttals to ...
175. Child of Saturn (Part III) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 3 (Spring 1982) Home | Issue Contents Child of Saturn (Part III)Dwardu Cardona Copyright (C ) 1982 by Dwardu Cardona 12. The Mahadevi It was Artur Isenberg who presented the best case for the identification of a particular Hindu deity as the proto-planet Venus of Worlds in Collision. His choice was the most obvious one - and it is puzzling how Velikovsky, who misidentified so many other Indic deities as Venus,(1 ) missed it. The candidate in question is Devi, the goddess par excellence.(2 ) This is not to say that the identification is not problematical. In fact, the problems ...
176. A Reply to Rose and Vaughan (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 2 (Spring 1987) Home | Issue Contents Forum A Reply to Rose and Vaughan To the Editor of KRONOS: In their article, "An Interim Reply to Weir" (KRONOS XI:3 , pp. 36-41), Rose and Vaughan "categorically deny that Huber has established the date of the Venus observations". That is, of course, correct; but it is not what I wrote in my letter. My statement was that Huber "did establish the astronomical date". By the "astronomical date" I mean a date arrived at by retrocalculation, using astronomical tables. It may also be the true ...
177. Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 2 (Winter 1982) Home | Issue Contents Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Part I)Irving Wolfe Copyright (C ) 1981 by Irving Wolfe * Editor's Note: This paper was first presented at the Princeton Seminar- The Velikovsky Challenge- In Science and History- held on Sept. 6, 1981 and sponsored by KRONOS. Other papers from that seminar will be appearing in the pages of KRONOS as well.- LMG In a recent address,(1 ) the well-known critic Leslie Fiedler dismissed conventional academic literary values as inappropriate standards by which to approach popular or non-elitist narrative, and proposed instead the ...
178. The Ankh [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VII No. 3 (Spring 1982) Home | Issue Contents The Ankh Dwardu Cardona Copyright (C ) 1982 by Dwardu Cardona 1. Saturn I have recently shown why Velikovsky's identification of the Hindu god Shiva as a personification of the planet Jupiter should be abandoned in favor of an identification as Saturn.(1 ) I have also presented evidence which indicates that the original hermaphrodite deity of ancient man was not Venus, as Zvi Rix had earlier argued,(2 ) but, once again, Saturn.(3 ) As I have already pointed out, a good example of the androgynous Saturn can be seen in Indic images which depict Shiva ...
179. The Book Case [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 2 (Nov 1976) Home | Issue Contents The Book Case KRONOS wishes to draw reader attention to the following books which should prove of special interest: Publication Announcement THE AGE OF VELIKOVSKY By C. J. Ransom Physicist General Dynamics Corp. Fort Worth, Texas An up-to-date, well-documented, and highly readable discussion of the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, as well as their reception by the scientific and academic communities. Containing nine chapters and three appendices, Dr. Ransom's timely book covers a wide range of subjects. From cosmology through ancient history, dating methods, geology, collective amnesia, and "the Velikovsky Affair," the ...
180. The Sulfur Connection [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 3 (Spring 1988) Home | Issue Contents The Sulfur Connection Dwardu Cardona In analyzing the possible cause behind the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah some years back, I discussed those ancient sources which persisted in connecting the odor of sulfur with thunderbolts(1 ) Why thunderbolts were at all considered as possible agents of this destruction was made clear even earlier.(2 ) At that time I excluded all observations from modern times that might have been germane to the analysis because, to tell the truth, I was only aware of one that of Benjamin Franklin's 1749 report to the Royal Society in London. In that report, Franklin listed ...
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