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1447 results found.
145 pages of results. 151. Stonehenge - A Calendar? (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 1 (Fall 1983) Home | Issue Contents Forum Stonehenge - A Calendar?To the Editor of KRONOS: Alban Wall's "A Calendric View of Stonehenge" (KRONOS VIII:2 , pp. 35-46) promises a major breakthrough in understanding the purpose of Stonehenge. However. since the Sun marker completes a revolution around the Aubrey Circle in 13 x 28 = 364 days, one day a year must be skipped and an additional day must be skipped every four years to keep in step. Only with such an adjustment can one end up with exactly 247 revolutions in 19 years (pp. 37-38). Presumably, this ...
152. Kronos Vol. I, No. 1. Spring 1975: Contents [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I, No. 1. Spring 1975 Texts Home | Kronos Home KRONOS A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Vol. I, No. 1. Spring 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial 3 The New Science of Immanuel Velikovsky Thomas A. Parry 21 Phobia, Amnesia, and the Psyche Lewis M. Greenberg 27 Myth, Mandala, and the Collective Unconscious David Griffard 33 Cosmology and Psychology Lewis M. Greenberg & Warner B. Sizemore 51 The Great Terror Zvi Rix 65 Schizophrenia and the Fear of World Destruction John V. Myers & Warner B. Sizemore 75 Velikovsky, Brasseur, and the Troano Codex John V. Myers & Warner B. Sizemore 80 ...
153. More on Jonathan Swift abd the Moons of Mars (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 3 (Summer 1984) Home | Issue Contents Vox Populi More on Jonathan Swift abd the Moons of Mars To the Editor of KRONOS: Before we lay the matter of "Jonathan Swift and the Moons of Mars" (Ken D. Moss, KRONOS VIII:4 , pp. 17-28) to rest, we have yet to consider the findings of Charles McDowell (" Catastrophism and Puritan Thought", Symposium on Creation VI, ed. Donald W. Patten, pp. 57-90). Dr. John Arbuthnot was appointed by Newton to resolve the claims and counterclaims of Newton and Leibniz on the invention of calculus and the ...
154. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol V No 1 (1980/81) Home | Issue Contents Horizons Kronos, A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, P.O . Box 343, Wynnewood, PA 19096, USA. 1 year (4 issues): $15.00; overseas $22.00 (airmail only). Two further issues of Kronos have been published, containing a number of valuable articles and documents. VI:1 includes William Mullen's "Catastrophism and the Compulsion to Meaning", reprinted from the Saidye Bronfman symposium "From Past to Prophecy" (1975); the conclusion of Jaarsma and Odenwald's paper on the effect of climate on Elizabethan and Jacobean ...
155. Velikovsky's Martian Catastrophes [Journals] [Aeon]
... Talbott or mine since, in this respect, the evidence must be submitted to just as rigorous an evaluation. But if cosmic history is to be reconstructed accurately, neither evidence nor criticism should be overlooked or, worse still, utterly ignored. Appendix A. Isenberg, "Dating the Great Mahabharata War: A Previously Neglected Clue," KRONOS II:3 (Feb. 1977), pp. 56-63; C. Marx, "Letter to the Editor," Catastrophism and Ancient History II:2 (June 1980), pp. 131-132; idem., "Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History?" SIS Workshop 3:2 (October 1980), ...
156. Omnibus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ,000 replies. Normal response to the monthly poll is 1300-1800, according to Industrial Research editor, Al Pant. The preceding article is reprinted, with permission, from Pensee, Fall 1973. A New Journal of Catastrophism Spring 1975 saw the appearance, under the editorship of Warner Sizemore at Glassboro State College, of the first issue of Kronos, "A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis". This first number runs to 82 small-format pages: future issues are expected to be 45 to 65 pages in length. The Journal denies any connection with the dormant Pensée , a statement which appears reasonable in view of the content of the contribution; the subject matter seems to be veering strongly ...
157. The Primordial Light? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of antiquity." (23) It is not our purpose to demonstrate that indeed Saturn was once a senior deity by giving exhaustive proofs. Many learned books have been written on just this topic. We do propose to identify Saturn in the many mythologies, e.g . in the Egyptian as Osiris (24), Greek as Kronos, Babylonian as Ninurta (25), Hittite as Kumarbis (26), Hindu as Brahma (27) . . . etc. Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn (Shabbatai) as their god (28). From the importance of these deities in their respective pantheons we may clearly see that here was a ...
158. Still Facing Many Problems [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. X No. 1 (Fall 1984) Home | Issue Contents Still Facing Many Problems C. Leroy Ellenberger INTRODUCTION: The last chapter of Worlds in Collision is titled "Facing Many Problems". After 34 years many problems still remain. From time to time I have included a short list of problems in contributions to Velikovskian publications in the hope of stimulating discussion. These lists have included such problems as: What third-body trajectories would not set the Moon free during close encounters with Earth? How does Venus possibly being a "child of Saturn" alter the sequence of planetary orbits and the conservation of angular momentum? Exactly how could Earth have executed ...
159. Pompous Asimov [Books]
... Asimov's scientific critique of Velikovsky, contained in the article "Worlds in Confusion," (1969). The attack I will deal with here was published five years later in the science-fiction magazine Analogue: Science Fiction/Science Fact, (October, 1974, pp. 38-50). Lewis M. Greenberg, Editor in-Chief of the journal KRONOS at the time, called it ". . . a rather bizarrely muddled piece . . . in which he vilified Velikovsky in typical ad hominem fashion . . . . No objective criticism was put forth." (1 ) The article was called "CP," (Asimov's polite euphemism for "crackpot"), and in ...
160. The Reconstruction of Cosmic History [Journals] [Aeon]
... lock of their preconceived design."(16) Having stated as much, Jueneman then turns the tables on his readers by immediately ignoring his own dictum. Like Patten and Windsor, he introduces his model by repudiating the same fundamental datum that they did. As he wrote: Those who have dared approach the subject in the pages of KRONOS, and elsewhere, have pointed to Saturn since myth also speaks of a ringed or banded body in the north. I am not prepared to make such a concession at this time because the dynamical problems of a Saturn-Earth coupling present nearly intractable difficulties that are beyond my comprehension.(17) What, then, of his counsel to ...
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